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Design Thinking: How do you design developer pr...

Elisha Tan
December 08, 2019

Design Thinking: How do you design developer programmes?

Tech talks, hackathons, webinars, workshops... With so many ways to engage with developers, how do you decide on how and what to do in order to achieve specific goals? In this talk, I will share a process to creating developer programs, inspired by the design thinking methodology. Then, I will walk you through this methodology by designing a program aimed at increasing gender diversity in tech.

You will walk away with a framework to start thinking about how you can design developer programs for fun and profit.

I first presented this as a keynote at DevRelCon London 2019: https://london-2019.devrel.net/speaker/elisha-tan/index.html

Elisha Tan

December 08, 2019

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  1. @elishatan • Graduated with a Psychology degree • Learned coding

    from the community • Launched and failed said startup • Where are all the women? • Started TechLadies! • Build dev communities for fun and profit Hi, my name is Elisha Check out my mad tech skills yo
  2. @elishatan TechLadies is a community-led initiative for women to connect,

    learn, and grow in the tech industry. @elishatan
  3. @elishatan ~4000 members in Asia 2 physical chapters >500 ladies

    trained >10 ladies in engineering roles @elishatan
  4. @elishatan Networking events? Hackathons? Mentorship? Workshops? Stuff for girls? tech

    talks? Create products for startups? Agile? PM bootcamp?
  5. @elishatan Vision Why is it important that we do this?

    Understand What problem we are solving? Define Who are we solving the problem for? Ideate How can we solve this problem? Test How well does our idea work? Leverage How can we maximise benefits? Programme Design thinking: 6-Step Process
  6. @elishatan Understand What is the problem we are solving for?

    Define Who are we solving the problem for? Ideate How can we solve this problem? Test How well does our idea work? Leverage How can we maximise benefits? Programme Design thinking step 1: Vision Vision Why is it important that we do this?
  7. @elishatan vision Why are you doing this? What are your

    goals? What are the desired outcomes?
  8. @elishatan Metrics • impressions • signups • downloads • sentiment

    • attendees • mailing list • jobs created • MAU/DAU • ARPU • adoption • commits • PRs • interviews • people trained
  9. @elishatan Understand What is the problem we are solving for?

    Define Who are we solving the problem for? Ideate How can we solve this problem? Test How well does our idea work? Leverage How can we maximise benefits? Vision Why is it important that we do this? Programme Design thinking step 2: understand Understand What problem we are solving?
  10. @elishatan understand What is the problem? How are people solving

    the problem now? Why are the current solutions inadequate?
  11. @elishatan research • Online • Talk to ”competitors” • Participant

    Observation • Surveys • Interviews • Focus Groups • Experiments • Secondary Data Analysis
  12. @elishatan research • Not everyone learns to become software engineers

    • Hard to stay disciplined learning from online sources • Workshops don’t go in-depth • “Free” leads to low completion rates • Programming bootcamp requires people to quit their jobs
  13. @elishatan Let's build a bootcamp! vision: Create opportunities that increase

    women’s participation in tech. understand: Market gap exists for women who want to switch careers.
  14. @elishatan Understand What is the problem we are solving for?

    Define Who are we solving the problem for? Ideate How can we solve this problem? Test How well does our idea work? Leverage How can we maximise benefits? Vision Why is it important that we do this? Understand What is the problem we are solving for? Programme Design thinking step 3: define Define Who are we solving the problem for?
  15. @elishatan define Who is the target audience? What are their

    dreams and challenges? Where can you reach them?
  16. @elishatan • Name • Photo • Bio • Demographics: Age,

    sex, income, location • Personality Traits • Motivations • Goals and frustrations • Preferred social media channels • Tech skill • Myers-Brigg personality types • Hobbies and interests • Education level • Job responsibilities/duties • Shopping and product research habits Credits: xtensio User persona
  17. @elishatan • Clara Cheung • 32 year old • Currently

    works full-time in a non-tech industry • Wants to make a career switch into the tech industry • Not formally trained in CS • Unable to quit her job to join a programming bootcamp • Learning programming online (books, MOOC) and workshops, but need something more intensive • Uses Github, Stack Overflow user persona
  18. @elishatan Let's build a bootcamp! vision: Create opportunities that increase

    women’s participation in tech. understand: Market gap exists for women who want to switch careers. Define: Women, without formal CS education, who are actively trying to switch careers into tech.
  19. @elishatan Understand What is the problem we are solving for?

    Define Who are we solving the problem for? Ideate How can we solve this problem? Test How well does our idea work? Leverage How can we maximise benefits? Vision Why is it important that we do this? Understand What is the problem we are solving for? Define Who are we solving the problem for? Programme Design thinking step 4: ideate Ideate How can we solve this problem?
  20. @elishatan Ideate What are all the possible ideas? Which is

    the “best" idea? What idea gives you the shortest feedback loop?
  21. @elishatan ideation methods • Encourage a brain dump of ideas

    then vote • Everyone writes an idea down and have the team evaluate/add onto an idea • Each participant brainstorms individually and merge all the ideas into one large idea map.
  22. @elishatan deriving the best idea • Help women become software

    engineers • Learn by doing • Create a real product, not small prototypes • Something more intensive than workshops
  23. @elishatan TechLadies Bootcamp is a 12-week part-time accelerated learning programme

    designed to help women with some basic programming background become professional programmers. Ladies are guided by industry experts to create products for non-profit organizations.
  24. @elishatan Let's build a bootcamp! vision: Create opportunities that increase

    women’s participation in tech. understand: Market gap exists for women who want to switch careers. Define: Women, without formal CS education, who are actively trying to switch careers into tech. Ideate: Paid part-time programming bootcamp building products for NGOs.
  25. @elishatan Understand What is the problem we are solving for?

    Define Who are we solving the problem for? Ideate How can we solve this problem? Test How well does our idea work? Leverage How can we maximise benefits? Vision Why is it important that we do this? Understand What is the problem we are solving for? Define Who are we solving the problem for? Ideate How can we solve this problem? Programme Design thinking step 5: test Test How well does our idea work?
  26. @elishatan test What is the best way to test this?

    What are the risks involved? What did you learn?
  27. @elishatan testing methods • Solicit feedback from users • Run

    a small event • Create a prototype • Call it a pilot
  28. @elishatan • It works! 30% of graduates found software eng

    jobs and internships • Secret sauce? Objective + Structure + Community • People want to help but need direction Lessons learned
  29. @elishatan Let's build a bootcamp! vision: Create opportunities that increase

    women’s participation in tech. understand: Market gap exists for women who want to switch careers. Define: Women, without formal CS education, who are actively trying to switch careers into tech. Ideate: Paid part-time programming bootcamp building products for NGOs. Test: Yay it worked!
  30. @elishatan Understand What is the problem we are solving for?

    Define Who are we solving the problem for? Ideate How can we solve this problem? Test How well does our idea work? Leverage How can we maximise benefits? Vision Why is it important that we do this? Understand What is the problem we are solving for? Define Who are we solving the problem for? Ideate How can we solve this problem? Test How well does our idea work? Programme Design thinking step 6: leverage Leverage How can we maximise benefits?
  31. @elishatan leverage What other value can you extract? What other

    goals can you achieve? What momentum can you continue?
  32. @elishatan • Marketing: Create content • Comms: Supplement narrative •

    Product: Drive adoption and feedback • Social good: Contribute back to society • Continuity: Plan for succession, fund other activities • Innovation: Source for new ideas What to leverage for?
  33. @elishatan supporting growth • Surface new ideas to grow TechLadies

    • Contribute as mentors, coaches, and speakers • Inspire fellow community members
  34. @elishatan Let's build a bootcamp! vision: Create opportunities that increase

    women’s participation in tech. understand: Market gap exists for women who want to switch careers. Define: Women, without formal CS education, who are actively trying to switch careers into tech. Ideate: Paid part-time programming bootcamp building products for NGOs. Test: Yay it worked! leverage: Invite grads as speakers, mentors, and organisers.
  35. @elishatan Vision Why is it important that we do this?

    Understand What problem we are solving? Define Who are we solving the problem for? Ideate How can we solve this problem? Test How well does our idea work? Leverage How can we maximise benefits? Programme Design thinking: 6-Step Process
  36. @elishatan “I felt extremely lost after being expelled from a

    Masters programme two years ago. My self-confidence was at an all-time low. Today, I am here standing up again to pursue my new-found dream.” Oon Xin Tian Software Engineer, Airhost @elishatan