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Stripe x ReactNative でフリマアプリを作った話 - React Nativ...

October 08, 2022

Stripe x ReactNative でフリマアプリを作った話 - React Native Matsuri 2022


October 08, 2022

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    ɾTwitter: @fxwx23 ɾࣗࣾϓϩμΫτͷ։ൃશൠΛ୲౰ (Go, TypeScript)
  2. େ෯ͳUIͷมߋ͕ൃੜ ɾUIKit + Interface Builder ർΕͨ😂 ɾ΄΅৽نViewͰɺ࣮࣭ϑϧϦϓϨΠε ▪ Hot reload

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  7. React Native Ͱͷߏ੒ ɾExpo Modules ɾExpo Bare Work fl ow

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  9. ࣗݾ঺հ ɾ౉ᬒ ࢙و (Fumitaka Watanabe) ɾגࣜձࣾNewelse ڞಉ૑ۀऀ݉SWE (2014೥~) ɾGitHub: @fxwx23

    ɾTwitter: @fxwx23 ɾࣗࣾϓϩμΫτͷ։ൃશൠΛ୲౰ (Go, TypeScript)