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AWS IoT Greengrass V2で始める デバイスアプリケーションの継続的開発

July 19, 2023

AWS IoT Greengrass V2で始める デバイスアプリケーションの継続的開発

DevelopersIO 2023 大阪にて登壇時に使用した資料です。


July 19, 2023

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  1. Buildspec 1 5 phases: install: commands: - curl "https://awscli.amazonaws.com/awscli-exe-linux-$ARCH.zip" -o

    "awscliv2.zip" - ./aws/install -i /usr/local/aws-cli -b /usr/local/bin --update - CURRDIR=$(basename "$PWD") - cd ../ && mv $CURRDIR devio2023App && cd devio2023App - python3 -m venv buildenv - . ./buildenv/bin/activate # Install GDK CLI - python3 -m pip install -U git+https://github.com/aws-greengrass/[email protected] build: commands: - gdk component build - gdk component publish
  2. CodeBuild CodeCommit myrepo GDK S 3 URI Buildspec 1 6

    Ϗϧυ࡞ۀ͢ΔσΟϨΫτϦ໊ΛΞʔςΟϑΝΫτ໊ʹมߋ - CURRDIR=$(basename "$PWD") - cd ../ && mv $CURRDIR devio2023App && cd devio2023App Artifacts: - URI: "s3://BUCKET_NAME/COMPONENT_NAME/COMPONENT_VERSION/devio2023App.zip" Unarchive: ZIP
  3. CodeBuild CodeCommit myrepo GDK S 3 URI Buildspec 1 7

    Ϗϧυ࡞ۀ͢ΔσΟϨΫτϦ໊ΛΞʔςΟϑΝΫτ໊ʹมߋ - CURRDIR=$(basename "$PWD") - cd ../ && mv $CURRDIR devio2023App && cd devio2023App Artifacts: - URI: "s3://BUCKET_NAME/COMPONENT_NAME/COMPONENT_VERSION/devio2023App.zip" Unarchive: ZIP NZSFQP㱠EFWJP"QQ ίϯϙʔωϯτϏϧυ/(
  4. Buildspec 1 9 phases: install: commands: - curl "https://awscli.amazonaws.com/awscli-exe-linux-$ARCH.zip" -o

    "awscliv2.zip" - unzip awscliv2.zip - ./aws/install -i /usr/local/aws-cli -b /usr/local/bin --update build: commands: - AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query 'Account' --output text) 
 - AWS_REGION=ap-northeast-1 - COMPONENT_NAME=$(cat gdk-con fi g.json | jq -r '.component | keys[]’) - chmod +x ./deploy-components.sh - sh -x ./deploy-components.sh ${AWS_ACCOUNT_ID} ɹɹ${AWS_REGION} ${COMPONENT_NAME} ${IOT_THING_GROUP} ${DEPLOYMENT_NAME} #ݟ΍͢͞ͷͨΊվߦ
  5. 2 0 # ର৅ίϯϙʔωϯτͷ࠷৽όʔδϣϯ਺Λऔಘ LATEST_COMP_VERSION=$(aws greengrassv2 list-components | \ jq

    -r '.components[] | select(.componentName == "'"${COMPONENT_NAME}"'").latestVersion' | jq -r '.componentVersion') # ࠷৽ͷσϓϩΠϝϯτIDΛऔಘ DEPLOYMENT_ID=$(aws greengrassv2 list-deployments --target-arn ${THING_GROUP_ARN} | jq -r '.deployments[]' | jq -r .deploymentId) # ର৅σϓϩΠϝϯτIDʹ΋ͱ͍ͮͨσϓϩΠఆٛ৘ใΛऔಘɺ৽نʹσϓϩΠఆٛΛ࡞੒ NEW_CONFIG_JSON=$(aws greengrassv2 get-deployment \ --deployment-id ${DEPLOYMENT_ID} | jq .'components' | jq 'del(."$COMP_NAME")' | \ jq '. += {"'"$COMPONENT_NAME"'": {"componentVersion": "'"$LATEST_COMP_VERSION"'","con fi gurationUpdate":{"reset":[""]}}}') FINAL_CONFIG_JSON='{"components":'$NEW_CONFIG_JSON'}' echo $(echo "$FINAL_CONFIG_JSON" | jq '.') > ${DEPLOYMENT_CONFIG_FILE} # σϓϩΠϝϯτͷ࡞੒ʢσϓϩΠ࣮ࢪʣ ## set con fi g fi le URI CONFIG_URI=“ fi leb://${DEPLOYMENT_CONFIG_FILE}” ## Deploy aws greengrassv2 create-deployment --target-arn ${THING_GROUP_ARN} \ --deployment-name ${DEPLOYMENT_NAME} \ --cli-input-json ${CONFIG_URI}
  6. 2 1 # ࠷৽ͷσϓϩΠϝϯτIDΛऔಘ DEPLOYMENT_ID=$(aws greengrassv2 list-deployments --target-arn ${THING_GROUP_ARN} |

    \ jq -r '.deployments[]' | jq -r .deploymentId) ɾෳ਺ίϯϙʔωϯτ͕σϓϩΠࡁΈͷ৔߹ɺͦΕΒͷσϓϩΠ৘ใ΋ؚΊͯ 
 ɹσϓϩΠ͢Δඞཁ͕͋ΔͨΊɺ௚લͷσϓϩΠϝϯτ*%Λऔಘ ɾσϓϩΠ৘ใͷͳ͍ίϯϙʔωϯτ͸ʮ࡟আʯ͞ΕΔ
  7. 2 2 # ର৅σϓϩΠϝϯτIDʹ΋ͱ͍ͮͨσϓϩΠఆٛ৘ใΛऔಘɺ৽نʹσϓϩΠఆٛΛ࡞੒ NEW_CONFIG_JSON=$(aws greengrassv2 get-deployment \ --deployment-id ${DEPLOYMENT_ID}

    | jq .'components' | jq 'del(."$COMP_NAME")' | \ jq '. += {"'"$COMPONENT_NAME"'": {"componentVersion": "'"$LATEST_COMP_VERSION"'","con fi gurationUpdate":{"reset":[""]}}}') FINAL_CONFIG_JSON='{"components":'$NEW_CONFIG_JSON'}' echo $(echo "$FINAL_CONFIG_JSON" | jq '.') > ${DEPLOYMENT_CONFIG_FILE} ɾଞͷσϓϩΠࡁΈίϯϙʔωϯτͷσϓϩΠ৘ใΛऔಘ ɾ͜ͷεςʔδͰσϓϩΠ͢Δίϯϙʔωϯτͷ࠷৽όʔδϣϯΛؚΊͨσϓϩΠ 
  8. 2 3 # σϓϩΠϝϯτͷ࡞੒ʢσϓϩΠ࣮ࢪʣ ## set con fi g fi

    le URI CONFIG_URI=“ fi leb://${DEPLOYMENT_CONFIG_FILE}” ## Deploy aws greengrassv2 create-deployment --target-arn ${THING_GROUP_ARN} \ --deployment-name ${DEPLOYMENT_NAME} \ --cli-input-json ${CONFIG_URI} ɾ࡞੒ͨ͠σϓϩΠఆٛΛݩʹɺσόΠε΁ͷσϓϩΠʢδϣϒʣΛ࣮ߦ ɹɾσϓϩΠఆٛϑΝΠϧΛΦϓγϣϯͰ౉͢
  9. ARM, AMD, RISC-V … 3 2 bit, 6 4 bit

    CodeBuild x 86 _ 6 4 , aarch 6 4 x 8 6 32 bit Greengrass Docker 2 7
  10. Greengrass Docker Greengrass Greengrass 3 2 ComponentCon fi guration: DefaultCon

    fi guration: MY_TAG: latest ʙதུʙ Manifests: - Lifecycle: Run: "docker container run … xxx.dkr.ecr.xxx.amazonaws.com/myrepo:{con fi guration:/MY_TAG}" Artifacts: - Uri: “docker:xxx.dkr.ecr.xxx.amazonaws.com/myrepo:{con fi guration:/MY_TAG}” Ϩγϐม਺͸ -JGFDZDMF಺ͷΈ
  11. docker pull, docker run Greengrass 3 3 ComponentCon fi guration:

    DefaultCon fi guration: MY_TAG: latest ʙதུʙ Manifests: - Lifecycle: Run: sh -x {artifacts:path}/docker-component-run.sh ‘{con fi guration:/MY_TAG}’ Artifacts: - Uri: s3://όέοτ໊/.../artifacts/ίϯϙʔωϯτ໊/x.x.x/docker-component-run.sh
  12. 3 4