GaronBNikole (@garonbnikole)

15 Follows

Get Android Stuff


Getandroidstuff produces reviews for android apps, games, accessories along with android how-to guides. We also publi...

1 follower 1 deck

Matleena Laakso


Olen digipedagoginen asiantuntija ja kouluttaja. Olen pitkään jakanut avoimella CC-lisenssillä jaettuja ohjeita ja es...

44 followers 34 decks

Dominique Feyer


Father of two unschoolers, passionate by commons, opensource coder & speaker, love crossing boundaries, building brid...

2 followers 7 decks

Kenneth Love


Dad, husband, skeptic.

Developer, designer, podcaster, teacher.

1 follower 5 decks