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MQTT Introduction:Not just for IoT - Chrinstope...

January 23, 2020

MQTT Introduction:Not just for IoT - Chrinstoper Lozinski - PhytonLinks

This is the basic introductory talk on MQTT. MQTT is a pub/sub protocol for interprocess communication. One process publishes information to a topic, other processes can subscribe to that topic. There is a tree of topics, so it is ideal for managing complexity. It also supports multiple Quality Of Service Levels: fire and forget, at least once, or exactly once. MQTT is an industry standard, which runs on every platform imagine-able.

By the end of this talk you should know enough to decide if MQTT is right for your projects.


January 23, 2020

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  1. 3 Quality of Service Levels • QoS 0: Best Effort

    • QoS 1: At Least Once • QoS 2: Exactly Once
  2. Why Pub/Sub MQTT decouples Publishers and subscribers. • Space: Publishers

    and Subscribers do not need to know each other’s IP address and Port. • Time: Publishers and Subscribers do not have to be online at the same time • Synchronization: Pubishers and Subscribers can operate at their own pace.
  3. Forest Chat Wiki • Slack and Discord are not trees

    nor wikis. • Wikimedia is not a tree and does not do Chat.
  4. Core MQTT Functions • client := mqtt.NewClient(opts) • client.Connect() •

    client.Publish(topic, qos, retain, msg) • client.Subscribe(topic, qos, callback)
  5. When Not to USE MQTT • Reliable Network, and No

    Pub/Sub. • You need a Task Queue: Celery.
  6. MQTT is a Standard • MQTT 3.1 and 5.0 are

    standards of the Oasis Organization and now ISO.
  7. MQTT Brokers By Feature Starter Test.Mosquitto.org OnLine CloudMQTT, Flespi, MyQTTHub,

    Azure, AWS,Google Cloud, IBM Watson, Alibaba, EMQ X Cloud Scalable Emitter.io, EMQX Distributed Scalable Akamai Persistent Various
  8. MQTT Brokers By Language C Mosquitto Erlang EMQTT, VerneMQ GoLang

    Emitter, Hrotti, Mystique, SurgeMQs Python HbMQTT Node.js Mosca, Addes Java HiveMQ,ActiveMQ,Moquette ESP_uMQTT esp_uMQTT_broker
  9. MQTT Client Libraries Python Javascript GoLang Erlang/Erlang C Swift Java

    .Net PHP Clojure Objective-C Lua Dart Rust Tcl Ruby Delphi
  10. MQTT is an effcient, reliable, scalable, industry- standard machine-to-machine Pub/Sub

    messaging protocol with 3 different quality-of-service (QoS) levels , topics, retained messages, and last wills.