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Caminhos e desafios para a pesquisa em Computa...

Gustavo Pinto
December 04, 2019

Caminhos e desafios para a pesquisa em Computação (ou como se manter produtivo) na Região Norte

Gustavo Pinto

December 04, 2019

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  1. a culpa é da mentalidade criada sobre a região por

    que é que tanta gente teme? Norte não é com M @gustavopinto Belém - Pará - Brasil, Mosaico de Ravena
  2. @gustavopinto Mestrado em Computação Aplicada Mestrado/Doutorado em Ciência da Computação

    Mestrado/Doutorado em Informática Mestrado em Ciência da Computação Apenas 4 cursos de mestrado e dois de doutorado em Computação na região Norte
  3. @gustavopinto Apenas dois bolsistas de produtividade do CNPq em Engenharia

    de Software na região Norte Cleidson de Souza (UFPA) Tayana Conte (UFAM)
  4. @gustavopinto Nenhum pesquisador do Norte homenageado pela CEES (em 17

    edições) comissoes.sbc.org.br/ce-es/homenageados.php
  5. @gustavopinto “ei paraíba” “Belém, onde Jesus Nasceu?” “lá só se

    vende açaí” “O Pará fica no Nordeste?” “Você mora na floresta?” Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha!
  6. Disclaimer! Based on my own experience Too focused on Software

    Engineering May not generalize to other areas
  7. 0. Do your homework • Learn English • Learn research

    methods • Learn the start of the art @gustavopinto
  8. 0. Do your homework Learn the state of the art

    (3/3) @gustavopinto • A comprehensive revision • Recently published • In a top journal
  9. 0. Do your homework Learn the state of the art

    (3/3) @gustavopinto • A comprehensive revision • Recently published • In a top journal How could you find the state of the art?
  10. 0. Do your homework Learn the state of the art

    (3/3) @gustavopinto CSIndexBR CSRankings CSMetrics
  11. 1. Know your institution • What is the funding situation?

    • Who else could help you/your work? • Do something other than research @gustavopinto
  12. 1. Know your institution @gustavopinto What is the funding situation?

    (1/3) • Are there scholarships? How many? • I got a paper accepted; how could I go? • What kind of support do they provide? • What is the funding timeline?
  13. 1. Know your institution @gustavopinto What is the funding situation?

    (1/3) • Are there scholarships? How many? • I got a paper accepted; how could I go? • What kind of support do they provide? • What is the funding timeline?
  14. 1. Know your institution @gustavopinto Who else could help you/your

    work? (2/3) • First: figure out what do you need • It doesn’t need to be a professor • Do you need professional help? (more on this soon)
  15. 1. Know your institution @gustavopinto Do something other than research

    (3/3) • Sports? (more on this soon) • Other courses? • Politics?
  16. 2. Collaborate • Create a trustable network • Proactively look

    for new collaborations • Indirectly look for new collaborations • Be Googlable @gustavopinto
  17. 2. Collaborate Create a trustable network (1/4) @gustavopinto • To

    work hard • To share a good time • To help each other
  18. 2. Collaborate @gustavopinto Proactively look for new collaborators (2/4) •

    Ask for help • Offer help • Go to conferences
  19. 2. Collaborate @gustavopinto Proactively look for new collaborators (2/4) •

    Ask for help • Offer help • Go to conferences
  20. 2. Collaborate @gustavopinto Indirectly look for new collaborators (3/4) •

    Did you like a paper? Congratulate the authors • Are you going to travel? Visit an university • Have questions? Ask on Twitter (more on this soon) • Go to meetings, ask questions, give talks
  21. 2. Collaborate • If Google doesn’t find you, you doesn’t

    exist • Other researchers are also looking for collaborations • Professors are always looking for good students @gustavopinto Be Googable (4/4)
  22. 3. Procrastinate on Twitter @gustavopinto • Many SE researchers are

    active online • Know their latest work & interact with them • Opportunities for you & your work
  23. 3. Procrastinate on Twitter Know their latest work @gustavopinto FSE

    2014 Rebuttal to TOPLAS 2019 TOPLAS 2019 Rebuttal rebuttal
  24. 3. Procrastinate on Twitter Know their latest work @gustavopinto FSE

    2014 Rebuttal to TOPLAS 2019 TOPLAS 2019 Rebuttal rebuttal
  25. 3. Procrastinate on Twitter Know their latest work @gustavopinto FSE

    2014 Rebuttal to TOPLAS 2019 TOPLAS 2019 Rebuttal rebuttal TOPLAS 2019 @ Youtube
  26. 4. Stay Healthy • Practice sports regularly • Eat well

    • Sleep well @gustavopinto Physically
  27. 4. Stay Healthy • Avoid toxic people/environments • Learn to

    deal with rejections • If you need, find professional help @gustavopinto Mentally
  28. 5. Have fun! • Make friends • If you are

    not enjoying, change • You are not your CV
  29. 2. Collaborate 1. Know your institution 3. Procrastinate on Twitter

    4. Stay healthy 0. Do your homework 5. Have fun! [email protected] Twitter Web site Email