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Apoiando pessoas programadoras com deficiência:...

Gustavo Pinto
September 20, 2023

Apoiando pessoas programadoras com deficiência: Lições aprendidas na Zup Innovation

Gustavo Pinto

September 20, 2023

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  1. In the 2022 StackOver fl ow survey (N=70,000), only 3.6%

    identi fi ed themselves as people with disabilities
  2. We need innovative teaching methods Visually impaired devs may not

    find the visual cues in IDEs and docs Neurodivergent devs may struggle with communication and teamwork skills
  3. 8-month training camp Tech skills Soft skills Hired from day

    1 https://www.zup.com.br/zup-academy/catalisa 100% online
  4. Launched in 2021 55 devs completed 85% are still at

    Zup 5 camps done https://www.zup.com.br/zup-academy/catalisa Zup increases devs with disabilities by 45%
  5. 12 interviewees 3 did not mention their disability ~33 min

    interview How did you like catalisa?
  6. we didn’t need to open the camera, we didn’t necessarily

    need to talk, we could send questions through the chat, so it was very welcoming “ ” participating in classes and projects daily was quite natural “ ” accommodating their unique learning needs
  7. We recommended more detailed descriptions of the images in the

    presentations, slower explanations, and avoiding phrases like 'on the screen, I’m doing this' “ ” We observed a continuous improvement in the training, including more standardized presentations “ continuously improving the training program’s accessibility
  8. Being able to work in a group with other people

    with disabilities was transformative. Our activities taught us to deal with di ff erences in thinking, behavior, knowledge, always trying to understand each other’s needs “ ” Now I always think: is this accessible to everyone? The contact with di ff erent disabilities completely changed my behavioral view at work “ collaborating with other devs with disabilities
  9. usable but not accessible “ ” This is the life

    of a blind person; we need to use ten tools to make something “ ” lack of accessibility in the programming tools
  10. As a visually impaired person, I cannot see where to

    click. I only use the keyboard and shortcuts, and the instructor was not used to this methodology “ ” How could they say this for developers with disabilities? (...) Also, more complicated issues can be addressed through pair programming. Blind people can code just like everyone else “ accessibility oversights
  11. 1. Help instructors to master accessibility teaching practices 2. Make

    the materials available and organized in advance 3. Curate accessible programming tools 4. Make birds of a feather fl ock together
  12. 1. Help instructors to master accessibility teaching practices 2. Make

    the materials available and organized in advance 3. Curate accessible programming tools 4. Make birds of a feather fl ock together https://arxiv.org/pdf/2303.05429.pdf