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Why You Shall Not Quit Your Day Job To Make A G...

Jheng Wei Ciao
October 12, 2011

Why You Shall Not Quit Your Day Job To Make A Game App

Because you...

1. Got Nobody To Pay You Wage
2. Own A Million Dollar Baby
3. Want To Do It All By Yourself
4. Not A ‘Mad Hatter’
5. Wanna Make A Fortune At Your 1st Game
6. Need Alarm Clocks To Wake You Up
7. Hate Getting Along With Yourself
8. Have No Family Support
9. Follow What They Said
10. Born To Be A Shy Guy

Think before you leap!

Jheng Wei Ciao

October 12, 2011


  1. Why You Shall Not Quit Your Day Job To Make

    A Game App Lucifer Jheng for a! aspiring indie game developers
  2. Income != Expense Time to live off the past savings

    Say goodbye to luxury habits Live a frugal life
  3. Hey Dude! “I have an idea, maybe we could partner?”

    Translation: “You do all the work and give me half the money” @graiz
  4. Value = Idea * Execution Don’t ask people to sign

    an NDA first A great idea is worth a million dollars ...Only if it can be well executed @sivers
  5. Band Of Brothers (Sisters) Great partners do what you can’t

    Spend extra time with them Know their itches & quirks Friends != Partners
  6. Multidisciplinary “Small games need generalists” -- Adam Saltsman Not just

    making a good game and then profit Get your noble hands dirty Know your audience: you won’t be able to please everyone
  7. Lessons To Learn You won’t hit the nail on the

    head in your 1st, 2nd & 3rd game Don’t make your dream game yet Budget for at least 3 games Don’t forget to count in the living costs
  8. Self-Discipline No reveille to wake you up every morning You

    are your own boss! ...And that’s the real problem Enjoy your free time but not too much
  9. You Are Alone No peers to talk to, gossip &

    flirt with You’ll have many toys causing distraction & procrastination Motivation: easy to lose, hard to recover
  10. Relationship Matters Try to convince your beloved ones Unconditional love

    will get you through the hard time Put out the fire before it burns you down Career can be rebooted, life can’t
  11. A Hundred Shining Faces A million sad songs underneath Stories

    they won’t tell & you won’t hear Go nowhere by just reading & listening stuff Don’t chase the fad
  12. Outside The Box Speak up your mind Join and/or build

    a community Don’t be afraid to flop -- It won’t be the first & the last No Secret Era: Honesty goes a long way
  13. Final Notes Make at least one game app when you

    have a day job If you can’t make it now, you won’t make it tomorrow If everything needs to be 100% ready before taking action You can do nothing at all
  14. My Q & Your A How long can you live

    without income? When the going gets tough, will you give up? If you were going to fail, would you still go for it?