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How to combine JavaScript & Django in a smart w...

How to combine JavaScript & Django in a smart way - DjangoCon Europe 2013

Have you been using JavaScript more and more when building your web applications? Are you implementing REST API frequently? If so, you have probably realised that server-side generated content is no longer enough to provide cutting edge user experience.

I would like to show you how to avoid jQuery callback hell and how to gain more flexibility using MVC on the client side. I will introduce tools for managing modules in JavaScript and will teach you how to become more productive with CoffeeScript. I will share my experience of integrating Django and sophisticated JavaScript stack from two points of view: RESTful API and static files management. Let the trip begin!

Przemek Lewandowski

May 15, 2013

More Decks by Przemek Lewandowski

Other Decks in Programming


  1. About me • PyWaw co-organiser • co-founder at SUNSCRAPERS, software

    house based in Warsaw • technology enthusiast • sports lover
  2. • illegible code • distributed logic • callback hell Possible

    problems • decreasing productivity • code is not testable
  3. Advanced approach • communication with server ◦ REST API, Websockets

    • application building ◦ combining and minimizing files • static files management ◦ handling static files servers and caches • JavaScript improvements ◦ frameworks, AMD, CoffeeScript
  4. Let's get a tour in the Django World! How do

    we roll things at SUNSCRAPERS?
  5. Define requirements • powerful JS framework • CoffeeScript • testable

    code • JS code minimization • avoiding caches by fingerprints • rapid REST API development
  6. Why CoffeeScript? • adds "syntactic sugar" • helps to write

    less code faster • performs as well as JavaScript • avoids some JavaScript traps like "=="
  7. Why not Backbone? • lack of bindings mechanism • there

    are no reusable views • models are poor
  8. Stack summary • Angular or Ember • RequireJS • django-require

    • django-rest-framework • django-storages