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Using the Toyota Improvement Kata to solve hard...

Using the Toyota Improvement Kata to solve hard problems

As a technical leader, working on large strategic problems can be daunting. It’s hard to know where to start or which problem to work on, and even how to approach the Sisyphean task of moving the mountain. Using our war stories, we'll show you how to look at a long term vision, approach problem solving by using scientific thinking and move towards that long term vision instead of solving the known bottlenecks.

Adarsh Shah (@shahadarsh)is a technology leader, coach, hands-on architect and a change agent with over 15 years of industry experience. He is also an organiser for the Devopsdays NYC conference and devopsnyc meetup. Adarsh has a keen interest in building systems that add business value, and is passionate about helping clients with digital transformation by improving both technical as well as non-technical aspects.

These days, Adarsh is excited about working with distributed systems architecture and cloud native technologies.

Hibri Marzook (@hibri) helps teams continuously deliver software with joy and is a technical principal at Contino, a transformational technical consultancy.

Hibri Marzook

October 11, 2019

More Decks by Hibri Marzook

Other Decks in Technology


  1. Using the Toyota Improvement Kata to solve hard problems Hibri

    Marzook Principal Consultant All things Agile, TDD and Continuous Delivery Contino @hibri Adarsh Shah Technology Leader, Coach, Hands-on Architect Independent Consultant @shahadarsh 
  2. @shahadarsh @hibri The Improvement Kata Routine for moving from the

    current situation to a new situation in a creative, directed, meaningful way.
  3. @shahadarsh @hibri Solution 
 options Current Condition Usual way of

    problem solving Find current issues Find options available to resolve Solution Apply 1 or more solution 1 2 3
  4. @shahadarsh @hibri Long-term Vision 1 Target Condition 3 Current Condition

    2 Experiments 4 X X X Zone of Uncertainty The Improvement Kata
  5. @shahadarsh @hibri VSM & Toyota Kata Long-term Vision Target Condition

    Target Condition Target Condition Next Target Condition Next Target Condition Next Target Condition Challenge Practicing the Improvement Kata and Coaching Kata involves everyone X X X X X X X X X Setting direction with VSM is responsibility of a few people
  6. @shahadarsh @hibri Target condition - is not about • Not

    about avoiding negative outcomes • Not an either/or choice between existing options • Does not mean setting a stretch goal
  7. @shahadarsh @hibri Target condition - is about • Achieving new

    outcomes • Aiming for all attributes. “and” not “or” • Giving people challenges and teaching them an effective way of meeting them
  8. @shahadarsh @hibri Metacognition Combining a simple scientific striving pattern with

    practice routines called Kata helps you teach meta- cognitive strategies Metacognition = "cognition about cognition”
  9. @shahadarsh @hibri Scientific Thinking A continuous process of applying rigorous

    skepticism to learn from the difference between our predictions and reality
  10. @shahadarsh @hibri Scientific Thinking Learning What actually happens What we

    expect to happen Learning What actually happens What we expect to happen Learning What actually happens What we expect to happen Next target condition Current condition
  11. @shahadarsh @hibri Initial plan Semi-automated
 process 1 Multiple manual

    ——————— No connectivity 
 to on-prem ——————— 4-6 weeks ——————— Security challenges Current State Combine 
 approval meetings Schedule weekly approval meeting Introduce SLA for approval
  12. @shahadarsh @hibri Kata in action IPAM Account provisioning Self service

 provisioning Challenge Automated Sandbox 
 ———————————- AWS US Region only ——————————— Connectivity back to on-prem network ——————————- Under 30 mins Automated 
 provisioning 3 1st Target condition Semi-automated
 process 2 Multiple manual
 approvals ——————— No connectivity 
 to on-prem ——————— 4-6 weeks ——————— Security challenges Current State Platform as a Product 1 Vision Leadership ————— Visibility —————- Messaging 4 Experiments X X X
  13. @shahadarsh @hibri Kata in action Experiments X X X IPAM

    Account provisioning Self service 
 provisioning Challenge Automated Sandbox 
 ———————————- AWS US Region only ——————————— Connectivity back to on-prem network ——————————- Under 30 mins Automated 
 provisioning 3 1st Target condition Semi-automated
 process 2 Multiple manual
 approvals ——————— No connectivity 
 to on-prem ——————— 4-6 weeks ——————— Security challenges Current State Platform as a Product 1 Vision Leadership ————— Visibility —————- Messaging Automated QA 
 ———————————- AWS US Region only ——————————— Connectivity back to on-prem network ——————————- Under 30 mins Automated 
 provisioning 5 2nd Target condition Experiments X X X 4
  14. @shahadarsh @hibri Scientific thinking & Deliberate practice • Infrastructure as

    Code • Test automation • Pair programming • Driver-navigator model (Coaching Kata)
  15. @shahadarsh @hibri Kata in action Experiments X X X Pair

    programming Try TDD Stable product Challenge Unstable Product 2 No CI ——————— Manual tests ——————— No collaboration ——————— Prod outages Current State A reliable and performant platform 1 Vision Leadership ————— Visibility —————- Messaging Automated tests for key journeys
 ———————————- Tests run as part of CI ——————————— Start doing TDD ——————————- Collaborative ways of working 3 1st Target condition 10 or more stable Releases Experiments X X X Mock dependencies Deal with outside interruptions
  16. @shahadarsh @hibri Scientific thinking & Deliberate practice • Standups •

    Test Driven Development • Pair programming • 3 Amigos • IaC to for test environments
  17. @shahadarsh @hibri Kata in action Experiments X X X Stable

    product Challenge Automated tests for key journeys
 ———————————- Tests run as part of CI ——————————— Start doing TDD ——————————- Collaborative ways of working 3 1st Target condition Unstable Product 2 No CI ——————— Manual tests ——————— No collaboration ——————— Prod outages Current State A reliable and performant platform 1 Vision Leadership ————— Visibility —————- Messaging 10 or more stable Releases STOP
  18. @shahadarsh @hibri What can you start doing next week? If

    you are a leader • Vision • Deliberate Practice • Scientific Thinking If you are a doer • Vision • Deliberate Practice • Scientific Thinking
  19. Questions Hibri Marzook Principal Consultant Contino @hibri Adarsh Shah Technology

    Leader, Coach, Hands-on Architect Independent Consultant @shahadarsh 