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Tactical Design & Clean Architecture

Tactical Design & Clean Architecture

Ivan Paulovich

January 30, 2020

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  1. Tactical Design and Clean Architecture Ivan Paulovich
 Stockholm Domain-Driven Design

 January 30, 2020 https://paulovich.net @ivanpaulovich
  2. Ivan Paulovich Agile Software Developer, Tech Lead, 20+ GitHub projects

 Clean Architecture, SOLID, 
 DDD and TDD. 
 Speaker/Streamer. @ivanpaulovich
  3. Tactical Design • Design Patterns and Building Blocks applied within

    a Bounded Context. • Used to enrich the Domain Model. • It is hands-on (Classes, Modules)!
 • It is the opposite of Anaemic Model! @ivanpaulovich
  4. Clean Architecture • Patterns (not too many). • Principles (lots

    of them). • Practices (TDD?). • Hands-on (Classes, Modules) Entities Entities Entities Use Cases Controllers Gatew ays Presenters D evices W eb UI DB External Interfaces @ivanpaulovich
  5. • Building Blocks • Aggregate • Entity • Value Object

    • Domain Service • Ports and Adapters • Dependency Inversion Principle • Stable Abstractions Principle. • Stable Dependencies Principle. • SOLID • TDD • Use Cases Tactical Design Clean Architecture @ivanpaulovich
  6. Domain-Driven Design Patterns • Bounded Context • Value Object •

    Entity • Aggregate Root • Repository
 • Use Case • Entity Factory • Domain Service • Application Service @ivanpaulovich
  7. Virtual Wallet Customer Checking Account Credit Debit Openning Date Amount

    Transaction Date Description Amount Transaction Date Description Name Personnummer Mobile Phone Number Aggregate Root Entity Value Object @ivanpaulovich
  8. Entity 1. Highly abstract. 2. Mutable object. 3. Unique identified

    by an ID
 (inside the aggregate). @ivanpaulovich
  9. Value Object 1. Encapsulate tiny business rules. 2. Immutable object.

    3. Unique identified by comparison
 of the properties. @ivanpaulovich
  10. Aggregate Root 1. Owns entities object graph. 2. Ensures the

    children entities state 
 are always consistent. 3. Defines the consistency boundary. 4. Highly Abstract. 5. Highly Stable. @ivanpaulovich
  11. Aggregate Root 1. Owns entities object graph. 2. Ensures the

    children entities state 
 are always consistent. 3. Defines the consistency boundary. 4. Highly Abstract. 5. Highly Stable. @ivanpaulovich
  12. Aggregates Together Aggregate Entity Value Object Value Object Entity Value

    Object Aggregate • Aggregates know each other only by ID. • Keep a low coupling between them. @ivanpaulovich
  13. Repository 1. Provides persistence capabilities to
 Aggregate Roots. 2. A

    Repository for every Entity
 is a code smell. @ivanpaulovich
  14. The “Software Architecture” Presentation Layer ASP.NET MVC and Autofac Business

    Layer MediatR and AutoMapper Data Layer Entity Framework and Dapper Database and Messaging SQL Server and RabbitMQ IDE and Tools Visual Studio, Resharper and .NET Framework 17 @ivanpaulovich
  15. The “Software Architecture” Presentation Layer ASP.NET MVC and Autofac Business

    Layer MediatR and AutoMapper Data Layer Entity Framework and Dapper Database and Messaging SQL Server and RabbitMQ IDE and Tools Visual Studio, Resharper and .NET Framework 18 @ivanpaulovich Not a Software Architecture!
  16. Clean Architecture • Use Cases as central organising structure. •

    Follows the Ports and Adapters pattern (Hexagonal Architecture). • The implementation is guided by tests. • It is decoupled from technology details. • Follows lots of Principles (Stability, Abstractness, Dependencies, SOLID). • Pluggable User Interface. @ivanpaulovich
  17. Ticket Terminal Ticket Terminal Display movies Request movie details Print

    pre-ordered tickets Order tickets Customer Movie Catalog Order System Credit Processing Use Cases • Use Cases are delivery independent. • Show the intent of a system. • Use Cases are algorithms that interpret the input to generate the output data. • Primary and secondary actors. 21 @ivanpaulovich
  18. Business v Primary Actors @ivanpaulovich 22 Ports and Adapters Cloud

    Messaging UI In Memory Persistence Tests In Memory Messaging SQL Secondary Actors
  19. Entities Entities Clean Architecture Entities Use Cases Controllers Gatew ays

    Presenters D evices W eb UI DB External Interfaces @ivanpaulovich •Abstractness increases with stability. •Modules depend in the direction of stability. •Classes that change together are packaged together.
  20. Entities Use Cases Controllers Presenters Gateways Devices UI DB Web

    External Interfaces Abstract,
 Consistent Concrete,
 Unstable, Inconsistent Level Clean Architecture @ivanpaulovich
  21. Microservices? Are you moving 
 from Monolith into Microservices? 

    Try moving 
 from Monolith into Modular-Monolith instead. @ivanpaulovich
  22. Bounded Context • Another way of saying a Module, Logical

    Organisation or Component. • Developed and tested independently. • Deployment separately is an option/decision. @ivanpaulovich
  23. • Context Map sets the relationship between contexts. • Conformist.

    • Shared Kernel. • Customer / Supplier. • Anti-Corruption Layer. Bounded Context Customers Accounts Security Exchange @ivanpaulovich
  24. Application Unit Test Web Database Domain Primary Actors Secondary Actors

    @ivanpaulovich 32 Infrastructure Ports and Adapters
  25. Infra Services Controller Use Case Domain Service Domain Service Unit

    of Work Repository Repository Core Infrastructure GUI @ivanpaulovich
  26. @ivanpaulovich Splitting packages on the software lifetime Domain Application Infrastructure

    User Interface Tests Tests Core Tests Core Infrastructure 2nd 1st 3rd 4th
  27. Wrapping up Tactical Design • It enriches the Domain Model.

    • It applies Encapsulation, hides details. • Focus on usage. • Unambiguity. • High consistency inside the domain. 45 @ivanpaulovich
  28. Wrapping up Clean Architecture • Clean Architecture is about usage

    and the use cases are the central organizing principle. • Use cases implementation are guided by tests. • The User Interface and Persistence are designed to fulfil the core needs (not the opposite!). • Defer decisions by implementing the simplest component first. 46 @ivanpaulovich
  29. References https://cleancoders.com Clean Code: Component Design Clean Code: SOLID Principles

    Clean Code: Fundamentals https://github.com/ivanpaulovich/clean-architecture-manga Robert C Martin - Clean Architecture and Design @ivanpaulovich