sprawling, sloppy, duct-tape-and-baling- wire, spaghetti-code jungle. These systems show unmistakable signs of unregulated growth, and repeated, expedient repair. —Brian Foote and Joseph Yoder
One-way information flow. 單向資訊流 3. Different triggers. 不同的觸發點 4. Activities supporting something that is not in the picture. 不屬於這個領域故事的活動行為 5. Differences in language. 同樣的事物有不同的名稱 6. Different use of the same thing. 同樣的事物有不同用途 這些指標,僅供參考。
/ Emerging Bounded Contexts)。 • 探討細部流程(Processes)。 • 從細部流程中識別價值流程(Value Stream)。 • 基於以上基礎下,歸納統整出限界上下文(Bounded Contexts)。 A bounded context is the boundary of a model that represents those concepts, their relationships, and their rules. The same subdomain could be represented by an infinite number of modelling choices. Source: Domain, Subdomain, Bounded Context, Problem/Solution Space in DDD: Clearly Defined | by Nick Tune
and teams with a collection of patterns. 理想中,我們希望每個 Bounded Context 獨立自主提供業務服 務(無耦合)。 現實中,多個 Bounded Contexts 互相協作提供業務服務(低 耦合)。 所以接下來我們要識別出 Bounded Contexts 間的關連以及如 何溝通。
its history of stability and small surface area. - Jeffrey Palermo 洋蔥架構提出者 Q:意思是最高層一定沒有相依任何第三方套件嗎? I have accepted Log4Net into the core because of its history of stability and small surface area. - Jeffrey Palermo 洋蔥架構提出者 Q:意思是最高層一定沒有相依任何第三方套件嗎?