your Source Code - submit your J a v a f iles b) Softw a re Design - your UML cl a ss di a gr a m c) Metrics (Code a nd Structure) d) Links to your GitHub repository e) Link to your video of the Fin a l Present a tion 4
your project. Show your project running. :: notes :: you c a n, a ddition a lly, t a lk (brie f ly) a bout your propos a l, i.e., the next fe a tures to be a dded 6
nd cl a ss di a gr a m. (Show wh a t is import a nt a nd m a ke it e a sy to re a d for the a udience) :: notes :: (you c a n use colors for the newly a dded cl a sses) • Wh a t did you do th a t m a ke this design “good”. • Do you a chieve SOLID? • Do you improve A, I, or D? (show the 2D plot reg a rding where your cl a sses a re in terms of the p a in zone) 8
a di a gr a m with boxes is f ine) • Describe your design. Could it be e a sy for a new developer to reuse, modify or extend wh a t you h a ve cre a ted? • Show a cl a ss di a gr a m (Expl a in it a nd describe the det a ils) • Be sure the di a gr a m a nd code m a tch. • Wh a t components were developed by e a ch te a m member? Wh a t were the criteri a for splitting the work (components, cl a sses, methods)? 9
DRY, a nd KIS • Code Metrics: LOC, eLOC, lLOC, CC • Structure Metrics: Abstr a ctness, Inst a bility, Dist a nce • Does the product h a ve a “good” qu a lity? • Wh a t fe a tures were Unit Tested? • Services? 12
the latest version from the GitHub release and know how to run it? •Consider using a JMenuBar, JPopupMenu •Consider making your JAR fi le executable (see next) 14
[email protected] Summer 2024 Copyright. These slides can only be used as study material for the class CSC305 at Cal Poly. They cannot be distributed or used for another purpose.