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CMIP6 data in the cloud: Creative, fast, and fu...

Julius Busecke
October 20, 2023

CMIP6 data in the cloud: Creative, fast, and fun climate science for everyone

Julius Busecke

October 20, 2023

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  1. Who am I? Physical Oceanographer Senior Sta ff Associate -

    Columbia University Manager of Data and Computing - LEAP NSF-STC Lead of Open Science - M2LInES Core Developer of xGCM, xMIP Pangeo Fan, User, and Member Open Source/Open Science Advocate Maintainer of the Pangeo CMIP6 zarr stores
  2. The Traditional Approach Bring the data to the compute Raw

    Data 💽 🧑💻👩💻🧑💻 🖥 🚀 💽 💽 💽 Large Raw Data 🐌 Cloud O ff ice / Home / Wherever you work! Server/Laptop
  3. Our Approach Bring the compute to the data Raw Data

    💽 🧑💻👩💻🧑💻 🖥 💽 💽 💽 Small Data (Figures, Commands) 🐌 Cloud O ff ice / Home / Wherever you work! 🖥 🖥 🖥 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀
  4. Our Approach Bring the compute to the data Raw Data

    💽 🧑💻👩💻🧑💻 🖥 💽 💽 💽 Cloud O ff ice / Home / Wherever you work! 🖥 🖥 🖥 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🧑💻👩💻🧑💻 💬💡🥼🤗 Another Lab across the globe
  5. Nobody likes cleaning! Di ff erent dimension names in the

    CMIP data. 
 Not quite analysis -ready But easy and fast to f ix!!!
  6. Nobody likes cleaning! But its always faster if you split

    the work! https://github.com/jbusecke/xMIP Check it out and report any new issues with the data!
  7. Reproducible IPCC Science in Minutes IPCC Chapter 9 2-10 minutes

    on LEAP-Pangeo JupyterHub Code Repository https://github.com/jbusecke/presentation_wcrp_open_science_conference Scipy Talk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7niNfs3ZpfQ
  8. Its not just me! Lower barrier of entry + Quick

    exploration of ideas = New CMIPers! Teaching with the real data Student ➡ Scientist 🚀 Not just for academics. Public/private sector uses the cloud data!