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6 lessons learned scaling mobile

6 lessons learned scaling mobile

Mobile @ Scale London, March 2016

Jamie McDonald

March 17, 2016

More Decks by Jamie McDonald

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Successive, well intentioned, changes to architecture throughout the lifetime of

    a project can lead to a fragmented and hard-to-maintain code base Lava layers
  2. • Legacy project by an external agency • Decision to

    start from scratch • Big bang release* * except iPad which got delayed iOS
  3. • Fresh start with code architecture • Away with legacy

    code once and for all • Innovation on hold for a while • Might need to sacrifice existing features → angry users Rewrite aftermath
  4. Empower teams • Everyone can ship to master* • Put

    the code behind a feature flag • Enable the feature once ready to ship * Pairing required. When working alone you need 2x on your pull request.
  5. Release train Feature development & QA Review / Public Beta

    Feature freeze Feature freeze Feature freeze
  6. Build time configuration "release": { "inherits_from": "adhoc", "dev_always_skippy": { "enabled":

    false } } "release": { "inherits_from": "adhoc", "dev_always_skippy": { "enabled": true } }
  7. “You break it, you buy fix it” • Continuous integration

    allows us to trust that we’re not breaking features • Good unit and acceptance tests as an insurance policy
  8. Mobile BFF: https://www.thoughtworks.com/insights/blog/bff-soundcloud Lava layer anti-pattern: http://mikehadlow.blogspot.de/2014/12/the-lava-layer-anti-pattern.html Branch by abstraction:

    http://martinfowler.com/bliki/BranchByAbstraction.html Android architecture: https://realm.io/news/gotocph-mattias-kappler-reactive-architecture-android Mobile CI @ SoundCloud: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rq721qtKKNk Dependency Inversion principle: http://martinfowler.com/articles/dipInTheWild.html References