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P8105: Writing with data

Jeff Goldsmith
June 15, 2018

P8105: Writing with data

Jeff Goldsmith

June 15, 2018


  1. !2 • You’re going to spend a lot of your

    time communicating in writing – With collaborators, a general public, future you – About data cleaning, analyses, results – In formal reports, brief summaries, replies to questions • Time to get good Writing is important
  2. !3 • Code is necessary but not sufficient • Use

    tools that combine your code and text • Greatly facilitates reproducibility, which is a big concept – In short, someone you don’t know or work with should be able to reproduce each step of your analysis – As a part of this, they should understand why you did what you did – (Again, this someone is often future you) • We’ll use R Markdown to write reproducible reports Tools
  3. !4 • Know your audience – Are they statistically knowledgeable?

    – How many details do they want / need? • Say exactly what you did – Don't leave any thing important out – Not the same as a step-by-step list of what you typed into R General tips
  4. !5 • Introduction / overview • Data and methods –

    File names – Summary statistics – Exploratory analysis – Formal analysis • Results • Discussion • Some version of these exist in almost everything I write • Sometimes these are long, sometimes they’re a sentence General structure
  5. !6 • What is the context for this problem? •

    What kind of data were gathered? • What do you hope to learn? Introduction
  6. !7 • Importing, tidying, and editing – Loading data –

    Reorganizing into usable form – Identifying missing values – Recoding and creating variables • Summary statistics – Sample size – Means or proportions of major variables Data
  7. !8 • Exploratory analyses – Visualizations – Numerical summaries •

    Formal analyses – Model components – Model strategy – Formal comparisons of interest, tests, significance levels Methods / “models”
  8. !9 • What did you find in exploratory analyses (any

    missing values? data distributions? notable features?) • What happened in your modeling? • What is your final model, and what are the important quantities? Results
  9. !10 • What do your results say about the question

    you hoped to answer? • What were the limitations of your data or your analysis? • What open questions remain? Are any of these solvable with the current data? • What are your next steps? Discussion
  10. !11 • It is not easy • It takes practice

    • It is critical to do well Some true stuff about writing
  11. !17 • A “Markdown” language is a lightweight syntax that

    can be easily converted to HTML or another format (PDF, Word) • R Markdown lets you combine formatted text with code chunks and the results of those chunks • Having text and code in the same place, and having the combined output be user-friendly, is huge for your workflow R Markdown? R for Data Science
  12. !17 • A “Markdown” language is a lightweight syntax that

    can be easily converted to HTML or another format (PDF, Word) • R Markdown lets you combine formatted text with code chunks and the results of those chunks • Having text and code in the same place, and having the combined output be user-friendly, is huge for your workflow R Markdown? R for Data Science