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Row-oriented workflows in R with the tidyverse

Row-oriented workflows in R with the tidyverse

Slides for RStudio webinar
Jenny Bryan
Code and more resources at:

Jennifer (Jenny) Bryan

April 11, 2018

More Decks by Jennifer (Jenny) Bryan

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  1. rstd.io/row-work GitHub repo has all code. Link to slides on

    SpeakerDeck. Get the .R files to play along. Or follow via rendered .md.
  2. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0

    International License. To view a copy of this license, visit 
  3. download materials: rstd.io/row-work I assume you know or want to

    know: the tidyverse packages the pipe operator, %>% list = core data structure "apply" or "map" functions, e.g. base::lapply() and purrr::map()
  4. download materials: rstd.io/row-work > str(i_want) List of 2 $ :List

    of 2 ..$ x: num 1 ..$ y: chr "one" $ :List of 2 ..$ x: num 2 ..$ y: chr "two" > i_have # A tibble: 2 x 2 x y <dbl> <chr> 1 1. one 2 2. two How to do this?
  5. download materials: rstd.io/row-work df <- SOME DATA FRAME out <-

    vector(mode = "list", length = nrow(df)) for (i in seq_along(out)) { out[[i]] <- as.list(df[i, , drop = FALSE]) } out for loop
  6. download materials: rstd.io/row-work df <- SOME DATA FRAME df <-

    split(df, seq_len(nrow(df))) lapply(df, function(row) as.list(row)) split by row then lapply df <- SOME DATA FRAME lapply( seq_len(nrow(df)), function(i) as.list(df[i, , drop = FALSE]) ) lapply over row numbers
  7. download materials: rstd.io/row-work df <- SOME DATA FRAME transpose(df) df

    <- SOME DATA FRAME pmap(df, list) purrr::pmap() purrr::transpose()* * Happens to be exactly what's needed in this specific example.
  8. download materials: rstd.io/row-work Why so many ways to do THING

    for each row? Columns are very special in R. This is fantastic for data analysis. Tradeoff: row-oriented work is harder.
  9. download materials: rstd.io/row-work How to choose? Speed and ease of:

    • Writing the code • Reading the code • Executing the code
  10. download materials: rstd.io/row-work Pro tip #2 Use purrr::map()* and friends.

    Let other people write loop-y code for you. * Like base::lapply(), but anchors a large, coherent family of map functions.
  11. download materials: rstd.io/row-work map(.x, .f, ...) .x <- SOME VECTOR

    OR LIST out <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(.x)) for (i in seq_along(out)) { out[[i]] <- .f(.x[[i]]) } out
  12. download materials: rstd.io/row-work > str(i_want) List of 2 $ :List

    of 2 ..$ x: num 1 ..$ y: chr "one" $ :List of 2 ..$ x: num 2 ..$ y: chr "two" > i_have # A tibble: 2 x 2 x y <dbl> <chr> 1 1. one 2 2. two How to do this?
  13. download materials: rstd.io/row-work pmap(.l, .f, ...) .l <- LIST OF

    LENGTH-N VECTORS out <- vector(mode = "list", length = N) for (i in seq_along(out)) { out[[i]] <- .f(.l[[1]][[i]], .l[[2]][[i]], ...) } out
  14. download materials: rstd.io/row-work pmap(.l, .f, ...) .l <- LIST OF

    LENGTH-N VECTORS out <- vector(mode = "list", length = N) for (i in seq_along(out)) { out[[i]] <- .f(.l[[1]][[i]], .l[[2]][[i]], ...) } out A data frame works! row i
  15. download materials: rstd.io/row-work pmap(.l, .f, ...) .l <- LIST OF

    LENGTH-N VECTORS out <- vector(mode = "list", length = N) for (i in seq_along(out)) { out[[i]] <- .f(.l[[1]][[i]], .l[[2]][[i]], ...) } out pmap() is a for loop! it applies .f to each row
  16. download materials: rstd.io/row-work How to choose? Speed and ease of:

    • Writing the code • Reading the code • Executing the code
  17. download materials: rstd.io/row-work map() map_lgl(), map_int(), map_dbl(), map_chr() map_if(), map_at()

    map_dfr(), map_dfc() map2() map2_lgl(), map2_int(), map2_dbl(), map2_chr() map2_dfr(), map2_dfc() pmap() pmap_lgl(), pmap_int(), pmap_dbl(), pmap_chr() pmap_dfr(), pmap_dfc() imap() imap_lgl(), imap_chr(), imap_int(), imap_dbl() imap_dfr(), imap_dfc()
  18. download materials: rstd.io/row-work map() map_lgl(), map_int(), map_dbl(), map_chr() map_if(), map_at()

    map_dfr(), map_dfc() map2() map2_lgl(), map2_int(), map2_dbl(), map2_chr() map2_dfr(), map2_dfc() pmap() pmap_lgl(), pmap_int(), pmap_dbl(), pmap_chr() pmap_dfr(), pmap_dfc() imap() imap_lgl(), imap_chr(), imap_int(), imap_dbl() imap_dfr(), imap_dfc() purrr's map functions have a common interface ❄ ✗ learn it once, use it everywhere
  19. download materials: rstd.io/row-work df <- SOME DATA FRAME out <-

    vector(mode = "list", length = nrow(df)) for (i in seq_along(out)) { out[[i]] <- as.list(df[i, , drop = FALSE]) } out for loop df <- SOME DATA FRAME df <- split(df, seq_len(nrow(df))) lapply(df, function(row) as.list(row)) split by row then lapply df <- SOME DATA FRAME lapply( seq_len(nrow(df)), function(i) as.list(df[i, , drop = FALSE]) ) lapply over row numbers df <- SOME DATA FRAME pmap(df, list) purrr::pmap() df <- SOME DATA FRAME transpose(df) purrr::transpose()
  20. download materials: rstd.io/row-work Use nesting to restate as "do THING

    for each row" DONE * See everything up 'til now in this talk. *
  21. download materials: rstd.io/row-work embrace the data frame esp. the tibble

    = tidyverse data frame embrace lists embrace lists as variables in a tibble "list-columns", may come from nesting embrace purrr::map() & friends Tips for row-oriented workflows