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Defying the Odds: Building Robust and Safe Work...

Defying the Odds: Building Robust and Safe Workloads

As Kubernetes continues to become the de-facto operating system for modern applications, the two most concerning and imminent barriers to wider adoption in production still remain security and reliability. Funny enough, they are very closely related and often affect each other.

Both require careful planning in advance and a preemptive approach with robust tooling and processes in place. Both are critical to business goals, as well as to end-user happiness. And with both, when things go awry, visibility and change intelligence are essential to solving incidents.

So how can you build reliable and secure K8s apps that could withstand the most brutal incidents?

Watch this live webinar to learn how to:

** Help devs own their code end-to-end by providing them with ‘dev-friendly’ tools, both enterprise and open-source
** Fix security issues such as vulnerabilities and misconfigurations in your cluster as part of your workflow
** Implement K8s best practices to prevent common incidents from occurring and how to quickly troubleshoot the more complicated ones


June 29, 2022

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