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Looker Studio styling to make your reports more...

Looker Studio styling to make your reports more actionable

Kyle will demonstrate simple and effective ways to make your Looker Studio more actionable. He'll provide hints and tips for data and action points when talking to clients, team members and heads of!

Kyle Rushon McGregor

October 04, 2024

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Other Decks in Marketing & SEO


  1. Looker Studio Styling to make your reports more actionable Kyle

    Rushton McGregor KRM Digital Marketing Ltd Speakerdeck.com/username https://www.linkedin.com/in/kylerushtonmcgregor/
  2. Remove vanity metrics (bounce rate am I right?) Talk to

    them about what they want to see Talk in their terminology (Hotels - ADR, LOS etc) Less is more (especially for large Looker Studio reports)
  3. CASE WHEN (Page="/en" OR Page="/de" OR Page="/es") THEN "Home" WHEN

    (REGEXP_MATCH(Page, '^/../shop/.*')) THEN "Webshop" WHEN (REGEXP_MATCH(Page, '^/../blog/.*')) THEN "Blog" WHEN (REGEXP_MATCH(Page, '(^/../company/.*|.*career.*)')) THEN "Company" ELSE "Other" END Source - https://measureschool.com/calculated-fields-data-studio/