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スマートコントラクトプログラミング / Smart Contract Programming

スマートコントラクトプログラミング / Smart Contract Programming

慶應義塾大学大学院メディアデザイン研究科「サービスデザインプロジェクトB」2024秋 第3回にて使用したスライドです。

Kenji Saito

October 20, 2024

More Decks by Kenji Saito

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  2. ( ) 1 10 7 • 2 10 14 •

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  3. 1. Ethereum 2. ( ) 3. Ethereum (1) : ERC20

    (2) : (3) : B 2024 — 3 — 2024-10-21 – p.4/67
  4. 1. Ethereum macOS (Sonoma 14.7) + Homebrew Linux (Ubuntu 24.04)

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  5. macOS : Homebrew (Apple macOS ) UNIX macOS Lima Homebrew

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  7. macOS : Lima macOS Linux ( ) https://github.com/lima-vm/lima QEMU (

    ) Rosetta 2 Apple x86/AMD64 brew $ brew install lima Ubuntu 24.04 (x86/AMD64) “kmd.yaml” ( “kmd.yaml” ) $ limactl start kmd.yaml B 2024 — 3 — 2024-10-21 – p.8/67
  8. macOS : Lima Linux (Ubuntu) x86_64 $ limactl list Linux

    (exit ) $ limactl shell kmd Linux limactl list STATUS Stopped limactl start kmd “.lima” diffdisk 100GB B 2024 — 3 — 2024-10-21 – p.9/67
  9. Solidity Ethereum ( ) http://solidity.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installing-solidity.html Linux (on Windows) “sudo apt”,

    macOS “brew” Linux ARM git clone dependencies solc 0.8.27 (10/5 ) $ solc --version brownie py-solc-x solc (dependencies) ( solc py-solc-x ) B 2024 — 3 — 2024-10-21 – p.10/67
  10. Python3 macOS $ brew install python3 Python 3.8 Homebrew $

    brew uninstall --ignore-dependencies [email protected] $ brew install [email protected] /usr/local/opt/[email protected]/bin/python3 Linux ( python3.12.3 OK) $ sudo apt update $ sudo apt install python3-dev python3-venv python3-tk 16.10 python3(.8) apt (PPA ) python3 python3-dev python3-venv python3-tk B 2024 — 3 — 2024-10-21 – p.12/67
  11. macOS : . . . macOS wget brew dyld: Library

    not loaded: /usr/local/opt/gettext/lib/libintl.8.dylib $ brew uninstall --force gettext $ brew install gettext B 2024 — 3 — 2024-10-21 – p.13/67
  12. Python (venv) macOS (Linux python3 ) OK Python $ python3

    -m venv bbc2env $ source bbc2env/bin/activate (bbc2env) $ pip install -U pip bbc2env ( BBc-2 ) ( ) (bbc2env) $ deactivate B 2024 — 3 — 2024-10-21 – p.14/67
  13. $ brownie init ( ERC-20 ) $ brownie bake token

    $ cd token B 2024 — 3 — 2024-10-21 – p.16/67
  14. contracts (macOS Linux (x86/AMD64) ) $ brownie compile Linux (ARM)

    (AMD64 ) $ python # >>> import solcx >>> solcx.compile_solc(’0.6.12’) # >>> quit() /tmp ∼/.solcx/solc-v0.6.12 ( ) $ pytest tests B 2024 — 3 — 2024-10-21 – p.17/67
  15. Brownie $ brownie console Python >>> len(accounts) 10 >>> accounts[0].balance()

    100000000000000000000 >>> quit() B 2024 — 3 — 2024-10-21 – p.18/67
  16. infura.io Brownie https://infura.io SIGN UP PROJECT ID infura Ethereum API

    infura . . . infura.io PROJECT ID WEB3_INFURA_PROJECT_ID PROJECT ID (∼/.bash_profile ) $ export WEB3_INFURA_PROJECT_ID= PROJECT ID B 2024 — 3 — 2024-10-21 – p.20/67
  17. Sepolia ETH brownie console Sepolia >>> network.disconnect() >>> network.connect(’sepolia’) >>>

    len(accounts) 0 >>> accounts.add() <LocalAccount object ’ 16 ’> >>> accounts[0].private_key 16 >>> quit() Sepolia Testnet ETH Faucet ETH https://sepoliafaucet.com ( ) ( ) Sepolia ETH 0.001 ETH 0.05 Sepolia ETH B 2024 — 3 — 2024-10-21 – p.21/67
  18. Sepolia ETH brownie console Sepolia ETH >>> network.disconnect() >>> network.connect(’sepolia’)

    >>> len(accounts) 0 >>> accounts.add( 16 ) <LocalAccount object ’ 16 ’> >>> accounts[0].balace() ETH >>> quit() ETH >>> accounts[0].transfer(accounts[1], "0.01 ether") B 2024 — 3 — 2024-10-21 – p.22/67
  19. Ethereum Vitalik Buterin, “Ethereum White Paper: A NEXT GENERATION SMART

    CONTRACT & DECENTRALIZED APPLICATION PLATFORM” 12 (= ) = ⇒ → Dapps ( / / ) B 2024 — 3 — 2024-10-21 – p.24/67
  20. Ether Ethereum EOA : Externally-Owned Account ( ) Ether EVM

    EVM B 2024 — 3 — 2024-10-21 – p.29/67
  21. EVM : Ethereum Virtual Machine ঢ়ଶ ֎෦ΞΫλʔ ΞΧ΢ϯτ &7. ίʔυ

    &UIFSˠ(BT ىಈ ίϯτϥΫτ ϝοηʔδ͔ɺ৽͍ࣗ͠ಈΦϒδΣΫτ ΞΧ΢ϯτؒͰ΍ΓऔΓ͞ΕΔσʔλ΍&UIFS ετϨʔδ ঢ়ଶ` τϥϯβΫγϣϯ ηοτ σδλϧॺ໊ &7. ਓؒͱ͔ ࣗಈ ΦϒδΣΫτ Gas ( EVM = ( burn)) . . . B 2024 — 3 — 2024-10-21 – p.30/67
  22. EVM : : ← : Solidity — JavaScript LLL —

    Lisp Vyper — Python Fe — Vyper Rust ← NEW! Solidity Vyper Python B 2024 — 3 — 2024-10-21 – p.31/67
  23. Solidity ( ) pragma solidityˆ0.7.0; contract IndivisibleAsset { /* */

    string public _name; string public _symbol; uint256 public _quantity; address public _owner; constructor(string memory name, string memory symbol, uint256 quantity) public { _name = name; _symbol = symbol; _quantity = quantity; _owner = msg.sender; } function transfer(address to) public returns (bool) { require (_owner == msg.sender); _owner = to; return true; } } B 2024 — 3 — 2024-10-21 – p.32/67
  24. ( , ) (constructor) (deploy) = ( ) ( )

    ETH Trusted Actor Model B 2024 — 3 — 2024-10-21 – p.33/67
  25. (1) : ERC20 $ brownie bake token B 2024 —

    3 — 2024-10-21 – p.35/67
  26. pragma solidity ˆ0.6.0; /* 0.8.x */ contract Token { (

    ) : (EVM ) : constructor (...) public { /* */ : } function balanceOf(...) { /* ( ) */ : } : } constructor C (/* */ // ) B 2024 — 3 — 2024-10-21 – p.36/67
  27. ERC-20 ERC (Ethereum Request for Comments) 20 https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/blob/master/EIPS/eip-20.md (EIP: Ethereum

    Improvement Proposal) ← EIP ( ) contract ERC20 { function totalSupply() constant returns (uint totalSupply); function balanceOf(address _owner) constant returns (uint balance); function transfer(address _to, uint _value) returns (bool success); function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint _value) returns (bool success); function approve(address _spender, uint _value) returns (bool success); function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) constant returns (uint remaining); event Transfer(address indexed _from, address indexed _to, uint _value); event Approval(address indexed _owner, address indexed _spender, uint _value); } name/ , symbol/ , decimals/ approve allowance ERC-777 ( ) B 2024 — 3 — 2024-10-21 – p.37/67
  28. ERC20 ERC20 ( ) ⇒ ERC20 ( ERC20 ) ERC20

    ⇒ B 2024 — 3 — 2024-10-21 – p.38/67
  29. (fungible) ERC-20 → ERC-223 (draft) or ERC-777 ( )( )

    (non-fungible) ERC-721 ( ) ERC-1155 ( ) ERC-3525 (SLOT ) B 2024 — 3 — 2024-10-21 – p.39/67
  30. Token ( ) string public symbol; string public name; uint256

    public decimals; uint256 public totalSupply; mapping(address => uint256) balances; . . . name, symbol decimals : 2 100 1.00 mapping balances B 2024 — 3 — 2024-10-21 – p.40/67
  31. Token ( ) event Transfer(address from, address to, uint256 value);

    Token function emit Transfer() ( ) B 2024 — 3 — 2024-10-21 – p.41/67
  32. Token ( ) constructor( string memory _symbol, string memory _name,

    uint256 _decimals, uint256 _totalSupply ) public { symbol = _symbol; name = _name; decimals = _decimals; totalSupply = _totalSupply; balances[msg.sender] = _totalSupply; } msg.sender _totalSupply B 2024 — 3 — 2024-10-21 – p.42/67
  33. Token balanceOf() function balanceOf(address _owner) public view returns (uint256) {

    return balances[_owner]; } B 2024 — 3 — 2024-10-21 – p.43/67
  34. Token transfer() function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool)

    { balances[msg.sender] = balances[msg.sender].sub(_value); balances[_to] = balances[_to].add(_value); emit Transfer(msg.sender, _to, _value); return true; } ( ↑ ) OpenZeppelin https://openzeppelin.org B 2024 — 3 — 2024-10-21 – p.44/67
  35. GitHub git clone $ git clone https://github.com/ks91/sample-smart-contracts.git sample-smart-contracts contracts, scripts

    tests token Token Solidity 0.5 0.6/0.7 (Token ) Solidity B 2024 — 3 — 2024-10-21 – p.46/67
  36. IndivisibleAsset string public _name_; string public _symbol_; uint256 public _quantity_;

    address public _owner_; _name_ ( ) _symbol_ _quantity_ (m2 ) _owner_ ‘_’ Solidity . . . B 2024 — 3 — 2024-10-21 – p.48/67
  37. IndivisibleAsset constructor (string name, string symbol, uint256 quantity) public {

    _name_ = name; _symbol_ = symbol; _quantity_ = quantity; _owner_ = msg.sender; } B 2024 — 3 — 2024-10-21 – p.50/67
  38. IndivisibleAsset transfer() function transfer(address to) public returns (bool) { require(_owner_

    == msg.sender); _owner_ = to; emit Transfer(msg.sender, to); return true; } require (function ) ( ) $ brownie compile B 2024 — 3 — 2024-10-21 – p.52/67
  39. scripts/indivisible asset.py from brownie import * def main(): accounts[0].deploy(IndivisibleAsset, "5322

    Endo, Fujisawa", "mˆ2", 300) SFC (300m2 ) ( ) B 2024 — 3 — 2024-10-21 – p.53/67
  40. from brownie import * import pytest def test_owner_and_transfer(IndivisibleAsset): asset =

    accounts[0].deploy(IndivisibleAsset, "5322 Endo", "mˆ2", 300) assert asset.getOwner() == accounts[0] asset.transfer(accounts[1], {’from’: accounts[0]}) assert asset.getOwner() == accounts[1] try: asset.transfer(accounts[0], {’from’: accounts[0]}) done = 1 except: done = 0 assert done == 0 accounts[0] accounts[1] B 2024 — 3 — 2024-10-21 – p.54/67
  41. 1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) B

    2024 — 3 — 2024-10-21 – p.58/67
  42. OneTimeEscrow settle() function settle() public returns (bool) { require(_token_.balanceOf(address(this)) >=

    _price_); /* this */ require(_asset_.getOwner() == address(this)); _token_.transfer(_seller_ , _price_); _asset_.transfer(_buyer_); emit Settled(); /* */ return true; } settle() transfer ( / ) $ brownie compile B 2024 — 3 — 2024-10-21 – p.59/67
  43. (1) from brownie import * import pytest def test_deploy_and_settle(Token, IndivisibleAsset,

    OneTimeEscrow): asset = accounts[0].deploy(IndivisibleAsset, "5322 Endo", "mˆ2", 300) token = accounts[0].deploy(Token, "Test Token", "TEST", 18, "1000 ether") B 2024 — 3 — 2024-10-21 – p.60/67
  44. (2) token.transfer(accounts[1], 300, {’from’: accounts[0]}) escrow = accounts[0].deploy(OneTimeEscrow, token, accounts[1],

    asset, accounts[0], 300) accounts[0] accounts[1] 300 300 TX accounts[1] accounts[0] 300 bake Token 300 ETH wei B 2024 — 3 — 2024-10-21 – p.61/67
  45. (3) token.transfer(escrow, 300, {’from’: accounts[1]}) asset.transfer(escrow, {’from’: accounts[0]}) assert token.balanceOf(accounts[0])

    == 999999999999999999700 assert token.balanceOf(accounts[1]) == 0 assert token.balanceOf(escrow) == 300 assert asset.getOwner() == escrow accounts[1] ( ) 300 accounts[0] ( ) B 2024 — 3 — 2024-10-21 – p.62/67
  46. (4) escrow.settle({’from’: accounts[0]}) assert token.balanceOf(accounts[0]) == 1000000000000000000000 assert token.balanceOf(accounts[1]) ==

    0 assert token.balanceOf(escrow) == 0 assert asset.getOwner() == accounts[1] settle() accounts[0] OK B 2024 — 3 — 2024-10-21 – p.63/67
  47. 1. (1) (2) Ethereum 2024 10 26 ( ) 23:59

    JST B 2024 — 3 — 2024-10-21 – p.66/67