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October 25, 2023



October 25, 2023


  1. Sustainable Energy Research Topics 可持續能源研究主題 • Hydroelectric: Impoundment dams •

    Run of the River turbines “Diversion” • Tidal turbines, OTEC, Wave energy • Wind Turbines • Solar PV for electricity • Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) for electricity • Geothermal for heat/electricity 1
  2. Graphics Bulleted notes. Size 24 font. No paragraphs 2pts Font

    color easy to read against your background 2pts Animations the same throughout. NO SOUNDS! 2pts Slide Transitions are the same throughout 2pts 2
  3. Presentation • Clarity of Content: 2pts – You pronounce words

    correctly and can explain what they mean. • Eye Contact: 2pts – You know your material well enough to look up at your audience while speaking • Volume: 2pts – You are loud enough for your audience to hear you clearly. • Posture: 2pts – You stand up straight and professionally. • Listening Ability: 2pts – You listen quietly and take notes while your classmates present. • Bonus Points: – You impressed me with extra info that I didn’t ask for. Your slides are extra impressive. Your presentation is especially professional. +5pts 3
  4. Works Cited • 1st web source: Author’s last name, first

    name. “Title of the Article.” Title of the Website. Date updated. Web address. 2pts • 2nd web source: Author’s last name, first name. “Title of the Article.” Title of the Website. Date updated. Web address. 2pts • 3rd web source: Author’s last name, first name. “Title of the Article.” Title of the Website. Date updated. Web address. 2pts • 4th web source: Author’s last name, first name. “Title of the Article.” Title of the Website. Date updated. Web address. 2pts • 5th web source: Author’s last name, first name. “Title of the Article.” Title of the Website. Date updated. Web address. 2pts Extra Credit: • 1 book: Author’s last name, first name. Title of the Book. City of publication: Name of publishing company, date published. +2pts • 1 encyclopedia: Author’s last name, first name. “Title of the Article.” Title of the Encyclopedia. Date published. +2pts 4
  5. Deadlines Deadlines Due Date Points earned Slides 7-9 content complete.

    2pts Works cited for slides 7-9 complete. 2pts Slides 10-12 content complete. 2pts Works cited for slides 10-12 complete. 2pts Slides 14-15 content complete. 2pts Works cited for slides 14-15 complete. 2pts Slides 16-18 content complete. 2pts Works cited for slides 16-18 complete. 2pts For this conference, all slides should be completed by 12:00 5
  6. How it works • Describe how it works to generate

    electricity 8pts • Insert a graphic or video 2pts 7
  7. Where it is established right now • Where is it

    found now? • If it is not yet established in Taiwan, find where it is currently established globally and show those locations on a map or multiple maps if needed 8pts • Insert a map of Taiwan or other countries showing locations 2pts 8
  8. Where it is planned to be established soon • Describe

    locations where there are plans to establish your sustainable energy source in Taiwan. • If there are no plans for Taiwan, list other locations in the world where countries plan to establish your sustainable energy source 8pts • Insert a map of Taiwan or multiple maps of locations around the world 2pts 9
  9. How much electricity it generates - now and in the

    future • Describe how much electricity your type of renewable energy currently generates per year 8pts • Describe how much electricity your type of renewable energy is expected to generate in the near future per year 8pts • Compare it to Coal, Oil and Natural Gas 8pts • Insert a graphic 2pts 10
  10. Cost to the customer • Describe how much it costs

    the customer per Kilowatt- Hour 8pts • Compare it to Coal, Oil and Natural Gas 8pts • Insert a graphic 2pts 11
  11. Taiwan Power Company • How much your type of energy

    source is used to produce the electricity in Taiwan 8pts • Insert a graphic 2pts 12
  12. THINK ABOUT IT: There are trade-offs in the life cycle

    of every energy source. Think about the advantages and the disadvantages of yours. 13
  13. Advantages • Describe the advantages of your type of sustainable

    energy throughout its development, from raw materials to finished product, use, and disposal. 8pts • Describe any impacts on Society 8pts • Describe any impacts on Ecosystems 8pts • Describe any impacts on the economy of Taiwan 8pts • Insert a graphic or a video 2pts 14
  14. Disadvantages • Describe the disadvantages of your type of sustainable

    energy throughout its development, from raw materials to finished product, use, and disposal 8pts • Describe any impacts on Society 8pts • Describe any impacts on Ecosystems 8pts • Describe any impacts on the economy of Taiwan 8pts • Insert a graphic 2pts 15
  15. How much CO2 it releases which leads to Global Climate

    Change and Acid Rain • Describe how much CO2 your type of renewable energy releases throughout its development, from raw materials to finished product 8pts • Describe other harmful greenhouse gas emissions from this renewable energy source 8pts • Compare it to Coal, Oil and Natural Gas 8pts • Insert a graphic 2pts 16
  16. How much SO2 /NOx it releases which causes Acid Rain

    • How much SO2 your type of renewable energy releases throughout its development, from raw materials to finished product 8pts • How much NOx your type of renewable energy releases throughout its development, from raw materials to finished product 8pts • Compare it to Coal, Oil and Natural Gas 8pts • Insert a graphic 2 pts 17
  17. Where can people go for training/education for a career in

    your Sustainable Energy Source? • List the locations of training facilities 8pts • Describe any prior education necessary to qualify for entrance into the training program 8pts • List any other specific requirements people must meet to be employed in this field 8pts • Insert a graphic or a map showing their locations 2pts 18
  18. Extra Information • Any interesting info you would like to

    include that wasn’t required • Extra credit points!! • Insert a graphic 19
  19. Conclusion What role does this energy resource have in Taiwan’s

    sustainable energy future? Is it worth it for Taiwan to invest in this type of sustainable resource? Choose a position and use the information you have gathered to defend it. 8pts 20