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LIFF v2, the latest Webview SDK lets you levera...

LIFF v2, the latest Webview SDK lets you leverage LINE

Takuya Okamoto
LINE Kyoto Developer Division, UIT Team Frontend Engineer

LINE DevDay 2019

November 21, 2019

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  1. 2019 DevDay LIFF V2, the Latest Webview SDK Lets You

    Leverage LINE > Takuya Okamoto > LINE Kyoto Developer Division, UIT Team Frontend Engineer
  2. > UIT Team1, Kyoto Developer Division > LIFF SDK /

    LINE Login
 Front-End Engineer Okamoto Takuya
  3. Advantages of LIFF v2 > Works if LINE is installed

    > Deeplink automatically handles various user environments No App Installation Required Integrated with LINE platform > Profile API, Messaging API > OpenID Connect, Bot Link > New APIs (liff.scanCode, liff.shareTargetPicker, etc) Easy Development > Web application (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) > Build applications including serverless > Can be developed in the same way as a general web application In comparison with native application
  4. Login With LIFF liff.init({ liffId: myLiffId }) .then(() => {

    if (liff.isLoggedIn()) { liff.getProfile() } else{ liff.login() } })
  5. Subtitle 30pt / Arial / Normal In the Near Future

    Provide type definition files And more features… Release NPM package
  6. > User Name, User Profile Picture Show User Information Say

    Hello on Chatroom
 > Only Supported on LIFF On GitHub Pages
 > https://manyhotcakes.github.io/LIFF_LIVECODING_2019/ Target
  7. Prepare Beforehand See Also: LINE Developers Channel Login AppType Web

    URL Your Page
 Scope openId, Profile, Chat_Message.Write URL Your Page Create
 Channel Create
 LIFF App Set Login
 Redirect URL Create
  8. Create LIFF App LIFF ID = Last Part of LIFF

    URL = 1653399672-jWXpkKdz Your Website’s URL Scope