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20210522 LINE QA team introduction

20210522 LINE QA team introduction

LINE Recruitment Day 2021 @ online by Richard Chang

Event: https://linegroup.kktix.cc/events/20210522-devel
Streaming page: https://www.facebook.com/LINEDevelopersTW


May 22, 2021

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  1. Design Stage • Clarify requirement/spec with planner/business owner(BO) • Discuss

    architecture/flow/API with Dev • Go through usability with Designer • Define data metric with planner • Come out acceptance criteria(AC) with Dev/planner • Create test plan/test mindmap QA Activities in LINE TW (1/4)
  2. Implementation Stage • Create test cases & peer review •

    Prepare test data / fake date with MockServer • Discuss automation hooking points with Dev • Implement BDD automation script (Given-When-Then) • Implement load test script • Security review process • Every PR has to pass unit tests before merging QA Activities in LINE TW (2/4)
  3. Testing Stage • Feature manual test • Feature automation test

    • System load test • Code freeze control • RC regression • Exploratory test & Bug bash • E2E test & CUJ(critical user journey) QA Activities in LINE TW (3/4)
  4. Release Management • Continuous Integration(CI): GibHub, Jenkins, Drone, SonarQube •

    Continuous Deployment(CD): K8S, Harbor, Rancher, ArgoCD • Release checklist: Nginx rules, CDN config, Varnish cache, Redis cache, DB script, ...etc • Server healthy check • Real environment monitoring / SLA • Post-release defect review QA Activities in LINE TW (4/4)
  5. Feature Automation Automation Does Matter CI / CD Jenkins /

    Kubernetes Tools MockServer / test data Load Test Stress Test Healthy Check Real monitor
  6. • Planning (backlog force-ranking) • Daily (AC+DOD) • Security review

    • PBR (refinement) • Demo (review) • Regression • Release • Post-release issue review • Retrospective Scrum Process – 2 Weeks Sprint