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Adopting a Strict Content Security Policy for X...

Adopting a Strict Content Security Policy for XSS Protection - IEEE SecDev, Boston 2016

In this workshop, we will present common flaws in current Content Security Policy deployments that reduce or remove the security value of adopting a CSP policy. Content Security Policy is a mechanism designed to prevent the exploitation of XSS – the most common high-risk web application flaw. We will work with an example production application to explain the process of refactoring the markup and client-side code to make it compatible with strict CSP. In addition, we will demonstrate several support tools (not yet released) we specifically designed for prototyping and adopting a strict policy.

The tutorial is meant for web developers with a security focus, and security specialists interested in web mitigation techniques. After the tutorial developers will be able to adopt strict CSP based on nonces/hashes instead of whitelists and should be able to avoid common mistakes that usually undermine most security guarantees CSP can offer.

Lukas Weichselbaum

November 04, 2016

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  1. About Us We work in a special focus area of

    the Google security team aimed at improving product security by targeted proactive projects to mitigate whole classes of bugs. Michele Spagnuolo Senior Information Security Engineer Lukas Weichselbaum Senior Information Security Engineer

  3. WHAT IS XSS ? Attacker controlled scripts executing in the

    context of a user String error = Request.getParameter("error"); response.write(“<p><h1>” + error + “</h1></p>”); GET /errorPage?error=<script>alert(1)</script> <p><h1><script>alert(1)</script></h1></p>
  4. WHAT IS CSP ? A tool developers can use to

    lock down their web applications in various ways. CSP is a defense-in-depth mechanism - it reduces the harm that a malicious injection can cause, but it is not a replacement for careful input validation and output encoding.

    the application DETECT EXPLOITATION by monitoring violations Granular control over resources that can be executed e.g. execution of inline scripts, dynamic code execution (eval), trust propagation. Sandbox not just iframes, but any resource, framed or not. The content is forced into a unique origin, preventing it from running scripts or plugins, submitting forms, etc... Find out when your application gets exploited, or behaves differently from how you think it should behave. By collecting violation reports, an administrator can be alerted and easily spot the bug. Have been pretty ambitious... CSP 2 specification: https://www.w3.org/TR/CSP/ CSP 3 draft: https://w3c.github.io/webappsec-csp/
  6. 7 It’s a HTTP header. Actually, two. child-src WHAT’S IN

    A POLICY? Content-Security-Policy: Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only: enforcing mode report-only mode default-src CSP directives Most of them useless for XSS mitigation. connect-src font-src frame-ancestors img-src media-src object-src plugin-types script-src style-src report-uri base-uri We’ll focus on script-src.
  7. 8 HOW DOES IT WORK? A policy in detail Content-Security-Policy

    default-src 'self'; script-src 'self' yep.com; report-uri /csp_violation_logger; money.example.com money.example.com yep.com <img src="cat.png"> <script src="//yep.com/x.js"> CSP allows CSP allows
  8. 9 HOW DOES IT WORK? Script injections (XSS) get blocked

    Content-Security-Policy default-src 'self'; script-src 'self' yep.com; report-uri /csp_violation_logger; money.example.com money.example.com yep.com attacker.com <img src="cat.png"> ">'><script>alert(42) </script> money.example.com/csp_violations_logger CSP blocks inline script not allowed <script src="//yep.com/x.js"> ">'><script src="//attacker.com"> CSP blocks source not whitelisted CSP allows CSP allows DEMO
  9. 10 Exercise I Create a whitelist-based CSP for the Cat-Cafe

    application Exercise Instructions: 1. Go to Exercise 1 2. Start with a CSP blocking everything e.g.: Content-Security-Policy: script-src 'none'; 3. Add whitelist entries (e.g. www.google.com) until your CSP doesn't cause new CSP violations
  10. 11 BUT... IT'S HARD TO DEPLOY Policies get less secure

    the longer they are. These are not strict... they allow 'unsafe-inline' (and 'unsafe-eval'). Even if they removed 'unsafe-inline' (or added a nonce), any JSONP endpoint on whitelisted domains/paths can be the nail in their coffin. In practice, in a lot of real-world complex applications CSP is just used for monitoring purposes, not as a defense-in-depth against XSS. Two examples from Twitter and GMail
  11. 13 COMMON MISTAKES [1/4] Trivial mistakes script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; object-src

    'none'; 'unsafe-inline' in script-src (and no nonce) ">'><script>alert(1337)</script> Same for default-src, if there's no script-src directive. Bypass
  12. 14 COMMON MISTAKES [2/4] Trivial mistakes script-src 'self' https: data:

    *; object-src 'none'; URL schemes or wildcard in script-src (and no 'strict-dynamic') ">'><script src=https://attacker.com/evil.js></script> Bypasses ">'><script src=data:text/javascript,alert(1337)></script> Same for URL schemes and wildcards in object-src.
  13. 15 COMMON MISTAKES [3/4] Less trivial mistakes script-src 'self'; Missing

    object-src or default-src directive ">'><object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data='https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/yui/2.8.0r4/build/ch arts/assets/charts.swf?allowedDomain=\"})))}catch(e){alert(1337) }//'> <param name="AllowScriptAccess" value="always"></object> Bypass It looks secure, right?
  14. 16 COMMON MISTAKES [4/4] Less trivial mistakes script-src 'self'; object-src

    'none'; Allow 'self' + hosting user-provided content on the same origin Bypass ">'><script src="/user_upload/evil_cat.jpg.js"></script> Same for object-src.
  15. 17 BYPASSING CSP [1/5] Whitelist bypasses JSONP-like endpoint in whitelist

    ">'><script src="https://whitelisted.com/jsonp?callback=alert"> Bypass script-src 'self' https://whitelisted.com; object-src 'none';
  16. 18 BYPASSING CSP [2/5] JSONP is a problem 1) You

    whitelist an origin/path hosting a JSONP endpoint. 2) Javascript execution is allowed, extent is depending on how liberal the JSONP endpoint is and what a user can control (just the callback function or also parameters). bypassable.com alert(1);u({...}) ">'><script src="https://whitelisted.com/j sonp?callback= alert(1);u"> CSP allows A SOME* attack x.click({...}) CSP allows Don't whitelist JSONP endpoints. Sadly, there are a lot of those out there. ...especially on CDNs! ">'><script src="https://whitelisted.com/j sonp?callback= x.click"> * Same Origin Method Execution DEMO
  17. 19 BYPASSING CSP [3/5] Whitelist bypasses script-src 'self' https://whitelisted.com; object-src

    'none'; AngularJS library in whitelist Bypass "><script src="https://whitelisted.com/angular.min.js"></script> <div ng-app ng-csp>{{1336 + 1}}</div> Also works without user interaction, e.g. by combining with JSONP endpoints or other JS libraries. "><script src="https://whitelisted.com/angularjs/1.1.3/angular.min.js"> </script> <div ng-app ng-csp id=p ng-click=$event.view.alert(1337)>
  18. 20 BYPASSING CSP [4/5] AngularJS is a problem 1) You

    whitelist an origin/path hosting a version of AngularJS with known sandbox bypasses. Or you combine it with outdated Prototype.js. Or JSONP endpoints. 2) The attacker can exploit those to achieve full XSS. For more bypasses in popular CDNs, see Cure53's mini-challenge. Powerful JS frameworks are a problem bypassable.com Sandbox bypass in AngularJS CSP allows ng-app ng-csp ng-click=$event.view. alert(1337)> <script src="//whitelisted.com/angular.js"></script> ng-app ng-csp> <script src="//whitelisted.com/angular.js"></script> <script src="//whitelisted.com/prototype.js"> </script>{{$on.curry.call(). alert(1)}} Outdated Angular + outdated Prototype.js giving access to window CSP allows Don't use CSP in combination with CDNs hosting AngularJS.
  19. 21 BYPASSING CSP [5/5] Path relaxation Path relaxation due to

    open redirect in whitelist ">'><script src="https://site.with.redirect.com/redirect?url=https%3A//whitelisted.com/jsonp%2Fcallback%3Dalert"> Bypass script-src https://whitelisted.com/totally/secure.js https://site.with.redirect.com; object-src 'none'; ">'><script src="https://whitelisted.com/jsonp?callback=alert"> Path is ignored after redirect! money.example.com CSP allows whitelisted.com site.with.redirect.com <script src="https://site.with.redirect.com/ redirect?url=https%3A//whitelisted.com /jsonp%2Fcallback%3Dalert"></script> CSP allows Spec: "To avoid leaking path information cross-origin (as discussed in Homakov’s Using Content-Security-Policy for Evil), the matching algorithm ignores path component of a source expression if the resource loaded is the result of a redirect." Path is ignored after redirect!
  20. 22

  21. 23 Exercise I-b Try to find bypasses for the CSP

    you created in Exercise I Exercise Instructions: 1. Go back to Exercise 1 2. Try to bypass your CSP by adding an attacker injected script-tag (simulate XSS) e.g.: <script>alert(1)</script> or <script src=https://example.com/jsonp></script> 3. Useful JSONP endpoint: https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?callback=alert
  22. 24 CSP EVALUATOR "A Tool to Rule Them All" https://csp-evaluator.withgoogle.com

    • Core library is open source • Also as a Chrome Extension
  23. 25 Exercise I-c Use the CSP-Evaluator to find bypasses for

    the CSP you created in Exercise I Exercise Instructions: 1. Go back to Exercise 1 2. Evaluate the CSP you created in exercise I with CSP-Evaluator https://csp-evaluator.withgoogle.com
  24. 26 How secure are real-world CSP policies ? Largest Empirical

    Study on Effectiveness of CSPs in the Web CSP is Dead, Long Live CSP On the Insecurity of Whitelists and the Future of Content Security Policy Lukas Weichselbaum, Michele Spagnuolo, Sebastian Lekies, Artur Janc ACM CCS, 2016, Vienna https://goo.gl/VRuuFN
  25. 27 How secure are real-world CSP policies ? Largest Empirical

    Study on Effectiveness of CSPs in the Web WWW Google Index 100 Billion pages CSP Filter 1.6 Million Hosts with CSP CSP Dedupe 26,011 unique CSPs In addition to the CSPs, we also collected JSONP endpoints and Angular libraries (whitelist bypasses) JSONP Filter 8.8 Million JSONP endpoints Angular Filter 2.6 Million Angular libraries
  26. 28 How secure are real-world CSP policies ? Largest Empirical

    Study on Effectiveness of CSPs in the Web Unique CSPs Report Only Bypassable unsafe_inline Missing object_src Wildcard in script-src whitelist Unsafe domain in script-src whitelist Trivially Bypassable Total Unique CSPs 26011 2591 9.96% 21947 84.38% 3131 12.04% 5753 22.12% 19719 75.81% 24637 94.72% XSS Policies 22425 0 0% 19652 87.63% 2109 9.4% 4816 21.48% 17754 79.17% 21232 94.68% Strict XSS Policies 2437 0 0% 0 0% 348 14.28% 0 0% 1015 41.65% 1244 51.05%
  27. 29 Do CSP whitelists work in practice ? At the

    median of 12 entries, 94.8 % of all policies can be bypassed!
  28. 30 Do CSP whitelists work in practice ? Top 10

    hosts for whitelist bypasses are sufficient to bypass 68% of all unique CSPs!
  29. 31 A BETTER WAY OF DOING CSP Strict nonce-based CSP

    Strict nonce-based policy script-src 'nonce-r4nd0m'; object-src 'none'; • All <script> tags with the correct nonce attribute will get executed • <script> tags injected via XSS will be blocked, because of missing nonce • No host/path whitelists! ◦ No bypasses because of JSONP-like endpoints on external domains (administrators no longer carry the burden of external things they can't control) ◦ No need to go through the painful process of crafting and maintaining a whitelist Dynamically created scripts • bar.js will not be executed • Common pattern in libraries • Hard to refactor libraries to pass nonces to second (and more)-level scripts Problem <script nonce="r4nd0m"> var s = document.createElement("script"); s.src = "//example.com/bar.js"; document.body.appendChild(s); </script>
  30. 32 HOW DO CSP NONCES WORK? A policy in detail

    Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self'; script-src 'self' 'nonce-r4nd0m'; report-uri /csp_violation_logger; money.example.com money.example.com yep.com <img src="cat.png"> <script nonce="r4nd0m" src="//yep.com/x.js"> CSP allows CSP allows
  31. 33 HOW DO CSP NONCES WORK? Script injections (XSS) get

    blocked Content-Security-Policy default-src 'self'; script-src 'self' 'nonce-r4nd0m'; report-uri /csp_violation_logger; money.example.com money.example.com yep.com attacker.com <img src="cat.png"> ">'><script>alert(42) </script> money.example.com/csp_violations_logger CSP blocks script without correct nonce <script nonce="r4nd0m" src="//yep.com/x.js"> ">'><script src="//attacker.com"> CSP blocks source neither nonced nor whitelisted CSP allows CSP allows DEMO
  32. 34 Exercise II Create a nonce-based CSP for the Cat-Cafe

    application Exercise Instructions: 1. Go to Exercise 2 2. Refactor the Cat-Cafe page to work with CSP nonces e.g.: Content-Security-Policy: script-src 'nonce-randomForEveryResponse'; a. Add a nonce attribute to all script tags
  33. • Grant trust transitively via a one-use token (nonce) instead

    of listing whitelisted origins • If present in a script-src directive, together with a nonce and/or hash ◦ Discard whitelists (for backward-compatibility) ◦ Allow JS execution triggered by non-parser-inserted active content (dynamically generated) • Allows nonce-only CSPs to work in practice EFFECTS OF 'strict-dynamic' THE SOLUTION - Dynamic trust propagation with 'strict-dynamic'
  34. 'strict-dynamic' propagates trust to non-parser-inserted JS <script nonce="r4nd0m"> var s

    = document.createElement("script"); s.src = "//example.com/bar.js"; document.body.appendChild(s); </script> <script nonce="r4nd0m"> var s = "<script "; s += "src=//example.com/bar.js></script>"; document.write(s); </script> <script nonce="r4nd0m"> var s = "<script "; s += "src=//example.com/bar.js></script>"; document.body.innerHTML = s; </script>
  35. 37 A NEW WAY OF DOING CSP Introducing strict nonce-based

    CSP with 'strict-dynamic' Strict nonce-based CSP with 'strict-dynamic' and fallbacks for older browsers script-src 'nonce-r4nd0m' 'strict-dynamic' 'unsafe-inline' https:; object-src 'none'; • nonce-r4nd0m - Allows all scripts to execute if the correct nonce is set. • strict-dynamic - [NEW!] Propagates trust and discards whitelists. • unsafe-inline - Discarded in presence of a nonce in newer browsers. Here to make script-src a no-op for old browsers. • https: - Allow HTTPS scripts. Discarded if browser supports 'strict-dynamic'. Behavior in a CSP3 compatible browser DEMO
  36. 38 A NEW WAY OF DOING CSP Strict nonce-based CSP

    with 'strict-dynamic' and older browsers script-src 'nonce-r4nd0m' 'strict-dynamic' 'unsafe-inline' https:; object-src 'none'; Behavior in CSP3 compatible browser CSP2 compatible browser (nonce support) - No-op fallback script-src 'nonce-r4nd0m' 'strict-dynamic' 'unsafe-inline' https:; object-src 'none'; Behavior in CSP3 compatible browser CSP1 compatible browser (no nonce support) - No-op fallback script-src 'nonce-r4nd0m' 'strict-dynamic' 'unsafe-inline' https:; object-src 'none'; Dropped by CSP2 and above in presence of a nonce Dropped by CSP3 in presence of 'strict-dynamic' Behavior in CSP3 compatible browser CSP3 compatible browser (strict-dynamic support) script-src 'nonce-r4nd0m' 'strict-dynamic' 'unsafe-inline' https:; object-src 'none';
  37. 39 Exercise III Create a strict CSP for the Cat-Cafe

    application Exercise Instructions: 1. Go to Exercise 3 2. Add the 'strict-dynamic' keyword to your nonce-based CSP e.g.: Content-Security-Policy: script-src 'strict-dynamic' 'nonce-randomForEveryResponse';
  38. LIMITATIONS OF 'strict-dynamic' Bypassable if: Compared to whitelist based CSPs,

    strict CSPs with 'strict-dynamic' still significantly reduces the attack surface. Furthermore, the new attack surface - dynamic script-loading DOM APIs - is significantly easier to control and review. <script nonce="r4nd0m"> var s = document.createElement("script"); s.src = userInput + "/x.js"; </script>

    are going from being able to bypass >90% of Content Security Policies (because of mistakes and whitelisted origins you can’t control) to secure-by-default, easy to adopt, with a very low chance of still being bypassable (based on our extensive XSS root cause analysis at Google)
  40. 43 SUCCESS STORIES 'strict-dynamic' makes CSP easier to deploy and

    more secure Already deployed on several Google services, totaling 300M+ monthly active users. Works out of the box for: • Google Maps APIs • Google Charts APIs • Facebook widget • Twitter widget • ReCAPTCHA • . . . Test it yourself with Chrome 52+: https://csp-experiments.appspot.com
  41. 44 Q & A We would love to get your

    feedback! QUESTIONS? You can find us at: {lwe,mikispag,slekies,aaj}@google.com @we1x, @mikispag, @slekies, @arturjanc #strictdynamic https://goo.gl/SdP9iZ