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Beyond Relational: Data storage for modern appl...

Beyond Relational: Data storage for modern applications

Mike Lehan

June 18, 2021

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  1. Hey there! I’m Mike Lehan Software engineer, CTO at StuRents,

    skydiver, northerner Follow me @m1ke joind.in/talk/d4c76 2
  2. Why do we use relational databases? ⦿ Widely available and

    understood ⦿ Major frameworks and platforms built around them ⦿ Tend to “do” most things we want them to Or is it... ⦿ Because it’s “the way we do it”? 4
  3. I suppose it is tempting, if the only tool you

    have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail. Abraham Maslow 5
  4. MegaSuper: The on-demand taxi app 7 Connects drivers and passengers

    via a mobile app GPS data from every trip is stored for analysis and safety Some days see magnitude increases in usage Passengers can pay online via 3rd party processors 2x month-on-month traffic increases Expansion into new areas of business, like delivery
  5. 3rd party messaging Payment confirmations, inbound SMS traffic is essential

    to running the business Unbalanced load Growth is steady & rapid, hourly usage spikes dramatically Rapidly evolving datasets New business goals, the need to store and analyse more 8
  6. Don’t get me wrong ⦿ Using a relational database is

    OK ⦿ There’s no need to rebuild your whole application ⦿ Many use-cases are best served by a relational DB As engineers it’s important to understand a range of tools … also I’m quite into AWS, sorry if other clouds get less focus 10
  7. Changing business requirements 13 ⦿ Scope of entities expands -

    new fields needed ⦿ We can represent these as new columns in existing tables ⦿ Or we can add new tables and build out relationships
  8. How about if we stored data in object terms 17

    ⦿ Applications are based around objects interacting ⦿ Joins can achieve expansive systems at the expense of heavy coupling and complex queries ⦿ Structured data, (generally via JSON) is very popular in front-back web and API interactions
  9. 18 // driver { “name”: “Alice” “ratings”: [ { “stars”:

    1 }, { “stars”: 2, “reason”: “speeding” }, { “stars”: { “efficiency”: 3, “safety”: 4 } “reason”: “” } }
  10. MongoDB 20 ⦿ Stores JSON documents in “collections” ⦿ Supports

    indexing and transactions ⦿ Can aggregate data or run internal JS functions ⦿ Uses a programmatic API via language extensions for most operations
  11. Elasticsearch 23 ⦿ Document storage adapted for full text search

    ⦿ Accessed via HTTP API ⦿ Integrates with Logstash and Kibana ⦿ Provides fuzzy search with confidence values ⦿ Works best with denormalized data
  12. What do we mean by unbalanced? ⦿ Unpredictable use of

    endpoints by users ⦿ Some tables are utilised a magnitude more than others (for both reads & writes) ⦿ Heavily written tables may be lightly read, and vice versa ⦿ Complex queries can also cause extra read load 27
  13. 28 Drivers Only written to when new drivers sign up

    to the platform Ratings Written to for most trips that happen, vulnerable to load spikes Trip data Written to constantly, usage increases exponentially with traffic Writes
  14. 29 Drivers Queried regularly as users request trips Ratings Read

    back to generate aggregate ratings for drivers to show to users Trip data Read rarely by users, large reads by staff for data analysis Reads
  15. Conventional ways to solve these 30 ⦿ Read replicas -

    increased cost & infrastructure management, only solves for reads ⦿ Application changes to alter load profile - time consuming, may not be possible
  16. Primary features of a key-value store ⦿ A single key

    corresponds to a single record - generally very fast lookups ⦿ Can store different types of data under each key - no single schema to consider ⦿ Most document stores are implemented on top of key-value concepts 33
  17. Redis 34 ⦿ Commonly used as a cache ⦿ May

    save cache to disk ⦿ May act as a pub/sub message broker ⦿ Cache expiry & access control ⦿ Custom command-based API
  18. 35

  19. Amazon DynamoDB 37 ⦿ Hybrid key-value & document store with

    no infrastructure to manage ⦿ Similar to Redis, can expire rows via TTL fields ⦿ Can use a stream to provide secondary processing
  20. Powerful indexing abilities 38 ⦿ Hash key - acts like

    SQL “Group By” ⦿ Range key - acts like SQL “Order By” (optional) User Datetime Location [email protected] 2021-06-17 12:00:00 Manchester [email protected] 2021-06-18 13:00:00 Amsterdam
  21. Powerful indexing abilities 39 ⦿ Global secondary indexes - create

    any time ⦿ Same table, choice of any keys User Datetime Location [email protected] 2021-06-17 12:00:00 Manchester [email protected] 2021-06-18 13:00:00 Amsterdam
  22. Scalable, with no effort 40 ⦿ In “On-demand” mode, will

    scale from 0 to 3,000 requests per second with no throttling ⦿ Can scale up to 40,000 read/writes per second given time or “provisioned throughput” ⦿ In on-demand mode, reads (4KB) are priced at $0.3 per million, writes (1KB) at $1.4 per million
  23. Challenges of webhook processing ⦿ Webhooks can inform us of

    important state changes within services we rely on ⦿ Usually webhook sends are “dumb” - they may be retried if they fail ⦿ Most services will not give more information if webhooks are not received properly 42
  24. Handling this with our database 43 There are still some

    problems with this approach... ⦿ HTTP Endpoint - stores incoming records to a database table and returns a 200 response ⦿ Cron - Runs a CLI process at regular intervals, processing items from the table
  25. 44 Worker A Worker B Message table Risk of the

    same message being read (and therefore processed twice) Parallel workers abc123 abc123
  26. 45 Worker A Message table Now our throughput is limited;

    if the table gets busier we can’t increase speed of processing easily Single worker abc123
  27. 46 Worker A Worker B Message table Adds application complexity;

    need fallbacks to handle unreleased locks Parallel workers - locking abc123 def456 abc123 = locked
  28. Wait, there’s more! ⦿ Application processing now depends on database

    availability - busy database = slower processing ⦿ Message delivery vulnerable to duplicates at network level ⦿ Custom monitoring (via more database queries) needed to track inbound processes 47
  29. Primary features of a queue system ⦿ Queues are communications

    based - rely on senders/receivers or producers/consumers ⦿ Are not used for long term storage ⦿ Simple data storage formats 50
  30. RabbitMQ 51 ⦿ Hosted message broker ⦿ Can push messages

    to consumers ⦿ Routing can be set up to direct different messages to specific consumers ⦿ Communicate via AMQP or just HTTP
  31. Amazon Simple Queue Service 52 ⦿ HTTP queue, can integrate

    with other AWS products, including Lambda ⦿ Has First In First Out mode to guarantee exactly-once, in-order delivery ⦿ Dead-letter queue can handle failed processing
  32. Exactly once delivery Scalability High throughput 54 Observability FIFO queues

    - visibility timeouts Built-in metrics Process 3,000 m/s in standard mode Serverless means we tend not to worry
  33. Size is a relevant metric ⦿ In an application with

    low usage infrastructure choice may be less important ⦿ By usage we can mean frequency of requests, amount of data stored, or both ⦿ Becomes important with growth - if growth is rapid, time to implement may be short 56
  34. My highly opinionated summary... ⦿ Prefer tools with low infrastructure

    management or expertise required ⦿ Vendor lock-in is generally an OK price to pay ⦿ Systems are easy to migrate; data is generally not - pick services that offer flexibility ⦿ Match your application to its data storage 57
  35. Graph databases ⦿ Document stores; relations are first class citizens

    ⦿ Relations are kind of like foreign keys on steroids ⦿ Good for business cases where items may be related in N dimensions ⦿ E.g. Neo4J, ArangoDB 🥑 59
  36. Time-series databases ⦿ Single purpose DB for storing time-based data

    ⦿ Often optimised for high throughput, e.g. storing metrics from other systems, sensor readings etc. ⦿ Fast calculations over millions of data-points ⦿ E.g. InfluxDB 60
  37. Amazon Quantum Ledger ⦿ Document store with table semantics, query

    language & indexing ⦿ Uses journal to track changes ⦿ Cryptographically verifiable & immutable ⦿ Can stream data to other services ⦿ Proprietary and serverless 61
  38. Thanks! Any questions? Ask me on: Twitter @M1ke Slack #phpnw

    & #og-aws joind.in/talk/d4c76 Presentation template by SlidesCarnival 62