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Watch your Bluetooth! - Singapore iOS Dev Scout...

Watch your Bluetooth! - Singapore iOS Dev Scout May 2018 Meetup

This talk is definitely not about hacking Bluetooth. Core Bluetooth has arrived to Apple Watch. Just watch what your Watch can do!


Maciej Piotrowski

May 30, 2018

More Decks by Maciej Piotrowski

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  1. Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) • low energy consump0on • client

    - server architecture • services and characteris0cs
  2. Core Bluetooth class CBCentral {} class CBPeripheral {} class CBCentralManager

    {} class CBPeripheralManager {} class CBService {} class CBCharacteristic {} class CBUUID {}
  3. Bird Central & Bird Service • CBService - Bird •

    CBCharacteristic - name • CBCharacteristic - color • CBCharacteristic - alpha
  4. Bird Values • CBService - Bird • UTF-8 String •

    #hex as UTF-8 String • Int as UTF-8 String
  5. Bird Service UUIDs enum BirdService { static let uuid =

    CBUUID(string: "B7AC06DC-09FF-40ED-B03A-55D09B08EB4A") static let colorUUID = CBUUID(string: ! " #) static let nameUUID = CBUUID(string: ! " #) static let alphaUUID = CBUUID(string: ! " #) static let characteristics: [CBUUID] = [ colorUUID, nameUUID, alphaUUID ] }
  6. Bird Peripheral • ADVERTISE Bird Service • respond to READ

    requests • NOTIFY subscribers - value updates
  7. Bird Central • SCAN for BirdService • DISCOVER its characteris7cs

    • READ their values • SUBSCRIBE for updates of values
  8. Recap • watchOS 4 + CoreBluetooth (CBCentralManager) = • ✅

    unit tests - helped with design • BirdCentral - portable code • iOS # • watchOS ⌚ • macOS % • tvOS &
  9. Links • Watch your Bluetooth - demo source code on

    Github • Core Bluetooth - documenta8on changes • WWDC 2017 - 712 - What's New in Core Bluetooth • WWDC 2017 - 205 - What's New in watchOS • Apple - Bluetooth for Developers • swiIing.io - #Core Bluetooth • Bluetooth - official website
  10. Core Bluetooth on watchOS • central mode only • peripherals

    disconnected on app suspension • connect 2 peripherals simultaneously