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How to use Dagger 2 in Android

How to use Dagger 2 in Android

Dagger is a complex and powerful library. Because of its flexibility Dagger can be integrated in many different ways in an Android application. This talk aims to describe a pattern on how to use Dagger avoiding common pitfalls and leveraging the main advantages of Dependency Injection (DI).

Marcelo Benites

April 11, 2018

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  1. Dagger 2 • Better performance. • No reflection. • First

    to implement the full stack with generated code. • Easier to debug. • Easy to use Proguard. • Harder to replace dependencies for testing. • Way more complex.
  2. Why Dagger? • Eases DI in Android components (ContentProvider, Activity,

    Service, Application and BroadcastReceiver) • Eases object's lifecycle management (Scopes). • "Eases" the replacement of dependencies for Functional (UI) Testing. • Standardizes object creation (large codebases/big teams).
  3. Why NOT Dagger? • Steep learning curve. • Too many

    features you don't necessarily need. • May cause performance problems (if misused). • Easely leaks into all layers of your application. • Hard to get rid of.
  4. How to use Dagger? • dagger.android module? • @Inject annotated

    constructor or @Provides annotated methods? • How many components? • How do I group my classes in modules? • How do I use scopes? • Multibinding? • Producers? • Subcomponents?
  5. Dagger Android Pattern • Dagger solves - and only solves

    - Android components injection and lifecycle problems. • Always @Produces in modules never @Inject in constructors (only for Android components dependencies). • Application component. • Activity component as Application subcomponent. • Fragment component as Activity subcomponent. • BaseActivity, BaseFragment and BaseApplication manage components lifecycle. • Three scopes ApplicationScope, ActivityScope and FragmentScope. • Modules based on your architecture.
  6. abstract class BaseApplication : Application() { lateinit var component: ApplicationComponent

    override fun onCreate() { super.onCreate() component = DaggerApplicationComponent .builder() .interactorModule(InteractorModule()) .gatewayModule(GatewayModule(this)) .build() } }
  7. @Module class GatewayModule(private val application: Application) { @ApplicationScope @Provides fun

    provideContactsGateway(): ContactsGateway { return ContentResolverContactsGateway(application.contentResolver) } }
  8. class ContactsApplication: BaseApplication() { @Inject lateinit var contactsInteractor: ContactsInteractor override

    fun onCreate() { super.onCreate() component.inject(this) contactsInteractor.setup() } }
  9. Contacts Presentation • ContactsActivity container. • ContactListFragment - display list

    of contacts. • ContactDetailFragment - display contact detail. • MVP architecture. • ContactsListPresenter • ContactDetailPresenter
  10. abstract class BaseActivity : AppCompatActivity() { lateinit var component: ActivityComponent

    private set override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { component = (application as BaseApplication).component.plus(NavigatorModule(this)) super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) } }
  11. @Module class NavigatorModule(private val activity: AppCompatActivity) { @ActivityScope @Provides fun

    provideContactsNavigator(): ContactsNavigator { return FragmentManagerContactsNavigator(activity.supportFragmentManager!!, R.id.activity_contacts_container) } }
  12. class ContactsActivity : BaseActivity() { override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

    super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setContentView(R.layout.activity_contacts) if (savedInstanceState == null) { supportFragmentManager .beginTransaction() .replace(R.id.activity_contacts_container, ContactListFragment.create()) .commit() } } }
  13. abstract class BaseFragment : Fragment() { lateinit var component: FragmentComponent

    private set override fun onAttach(context: Context?) { component = (activity as BaseActivity).component.plus(PresenterModule(this)) super.onAttach(context) } }
  14. @Module class PresenterModule { @FragmentScope @Provides fun provideContactListPresenter(contactsInteractor: ContactsInteractor, contactsNavigator:

    ContactsNavigator): ContactListPresenter { return ContactListPresenter(contactsInteractor, contactsNavigator) } @FragmentScope @Provides fun provideContactDetailPresenter(contactsInteractor: ContactsInteractor): ContactDetailPresenter { return ContactDetailPresenter(contactsInteractor) } }
  15. class ContactListFragment: BaseFragment(), ContactListView { @Inject lateinit var presenter: ContactListPresenter

    override fun onAttach(context: Context?) { super.onAttach(context) component!!.inject(this) } override fun onResume() { super.onResume() presenter.attachView(this) } override fun onPause() { presenter.detachView() super.onPause() } …….. }
  16. class ContactDetailFragment: BaseFragment(), ContactDetailView { @Inject lateinit var presenter: ContactDetailPresenter

    override fun onAttach(context: Context?) { super.onAttach(context) component!!.inject(this) } override fun onResume() { super.onResume() presenter.attachView(this) } override fun onPause() { presenter.detachView() super.onPause() } …... }
  17. abstract class BaseApplication : Application() { lateinit var component: ApplicationComponent

    private set override fun onCreate() { super.onCreate() component = createComponent() } open fun createComponent(): ApplicationComponent { return DaggerApplicationComponent.builder() .interactorModule(InteractorModule()) .gatewayModule(GatewayModule(this)) .build() } }
  18. class TestComponentApplication: ContactsApplication() { override fun createComponent(): ApplicationComponent { return

    DaggerTestApplicationComponent .builder() .interactorModule(InteractorModule()) .testGatewayModule(TestGatewayModule()) .build() } }
  19. class TestComponentRunner: AndroidJUnitRunner() { override fun newApplication(cl: ClassLoader?, className: String?,

    context: Context?): Application { return super.newApplication(cl, TestComponentApplication::class.java.name, context) } }
  20. @RunWith(AndroidJUnit4::class) class ContactsActivityTest { @Rule @JvmField val rule: ActivityTestRule<ContactsActivity> =

    ActivityTestRule(ContactsActivity::class.java) @Inject lateinit var contactsGateway: ContactsGateway @Test fun shouldShowContacts() { val testComponentApplication = InstrumentationRegistry.getTargetContext().applicationContext as TestComponentApplication (testComponentApplication.component as TestApplicationComponent).inject(this) (contactsGateway as FakeContactsGateway).fakeContacts = arrayListOf(Contact("Bob Marley", "+19999299299")) // Exercise the UI // Assert result } }
  21. To inject or not to inject? • To Inject ◦

    Interactors ◦ Gateways ◦ Presenters • Not to Inject ◦ View classes (RecyclerView.Adapter, LayoutManager, Views, etc...)