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Marketing OGZ
September 17, 2024


Marketing OGZ

September 17, 2024


  1. 1 Pronged Strategy To Mitigating the Risk of Generative AI

    Hallucinations + Improving Response Quality
  2. 2 Scientific, Technical & Medical Risk & Business Analytics Exhibitions

    Legal Professional Legal & Professional Chief Technology Officer - Nexis® Solutions Snehit Cherian Find Snehit Cherian on LinkedIn Booth #17
  3. 3 The future of work is transforming. • Background •

    Impact of Generative AI • Execution internally and externally “AI won’t replace humans – but humans with AI will replace humans without AI.” — Prof. Karim Lakhani, Harvard Business School
  4. LexisNexis Future of Work Report – 2024 Credibility and Accuracy

    Matter Most 9/10 Ranked quality and accuracy of Gen AI outputs as #1 consideration 96% Say technology is crucial to organizational success >50% Say job satisfaction has improved thanks to generative AI 69% Already use GenAI to assist with daily tasks 86% Want to use GenAI for creative and professional work 72% Anticipate a positive impact • Investigating AI sentiment and adoption • Collaboration with Harvard • Surveyed 500+ professionals globally Download the Report
  5. 5 AI Hallucinations: a major challenge for Generative AI Where

    a GenAI tool gives a plausible but false response which isn’t based on factual data
  6. 6 A Generative AI-powered tool to support corporate research, intelligence

    gathering and business decision-making based on licensed sources
  7. 7 Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) Using RAG, to ensure that

    trusted content provides the context to the LLM minimizing hallucinations. Four-Pronged Strategy to Combat AI Hallucinations + Improve Response Quality R A G F R A M E W O R K Understand intent of the query Provide sections as part of the context to generate answer Retrieve potential answers from licensed content
  8. 8 Automated Metrics Automated metrics ensure high-quality, trustworthy results by

    evaluating faithfulness, context utilization, and relevance. Faithfulness Score Context Utilization Answer Relevance Quality of Results = Four-Pronged Strategy to Combat AI Hallucinations + Improve Response Quality
  9. 9 Human in the loop Human oversight ensures that AI-

    generated answers are meaningful, accurate, and free from hallucinations, reinforcing the effectiveness of our automated metrics. Four-Pronged Strategy to Combat AI Hallucinations + Improve Response Quality
  10. 10 Nexis+ AI ensures transparency by linking outputs to licensed

    sources, allowing users to validate information with confidence. No Citations T Y P I C A L G E N A I Potential Hallucinations Black Box AI X X Cited Information Cited Sources Valid Information Nexis+ AI w/ Citations N E X I S + A I Four-Pronged Strategy to Combat AI Hallucinations + Improve Response Quality Citations
  11. 11 Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) Automated Metrics Human in the

    loop Citations A Four-Pronged Strategy to Combat AI Hallucinations + Improve Response Quality