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What’s new in ES2018?

What’s new in ES2018?

Presented by @bmeurer and @mathias from the @v8js team at the March 6th, 2018 Frontend Meetup @ Google Munich

Mathias Bynens

March 07, 2018

More Decks by Mathias Bynens

Other Decks in Technology


  1. [@bmeurer, @mathias].join(@v8js) function sum(a) { let sum = 0; for

    (const x of a) { sum += x; } return sum; }
  2. [@bmeurer, @mathias].join(@v8js) interface Iterable { [Symbol.iterator]() : Iterator; } interface

    Iterator { next() : IterResultObject; } interface IterResultObject { value : any; done : boolean; }
  3. [@bmeurer, @mathias].join(@v8js) function sum(iterable) { let result = 0; const

    iterator = iterable[Symbol.iterator](); while (true) { const object = iterator.next(); if (object.done) break; result += object.value; } return result; }
  4. [@bmeurer, @mathias].join(@v8js) function sum(iterable) { let result = 0; const

    iterator = iterable[Symbol.iterator](); while (true) { const object = iterator.next(); if (object.done) break; result += object.value; } return result; }
  5. [@bmeurer, @mathias].join(@v8js) async function asyncSum(a) { let sum = 0;

    for await (const x of a) { sum += x; } return sum; }
  6. [@bmeurer, @mathias].join(@v8js) interface AsyncIterable { [Symbol.asyncIterator]() : AsyncIterator; } interface

    AsyncIterator { next() : Promise<IterResultObject>; } interface IterResultObject { value : any; done : boolean; }
  7. [@bmeurer, @mathias].join(@v8js) async function asyncSum(iterable) { let result = 0;

    const iterator = iterable[Symbol.asyncIterator](); while (true) { const object = await iterator.next(); if (object.done) break; result += object.value; } return result; }
  8. [@bmeurer, @mathias].join(@v8js) async function asyncSum(iterable) { let result = 0;

    const iterator = iterable[Symbol.asyncIterator](); while (true) { const object = await iterator.next(); if (object.done) break; result += object.value; } return result; }
  9. [@bmeurer, @mathias].join(@v8js) // All iterables are implicitly async-iterable // via

    so-called Async-from-Sync Iterator Objects™. asyncSum([1, 2, 3]).then(console.log); // → prints 6
  10. [@bmeurer, @mathias].join(@v8js) // All iterables are implicitly async-iterable // via

    so-called Async-from-Sync Iterator Objects™. asyncSum([1, 2, 3]).then(console.log); // → prints 6 const set = new Set([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]); (async () => { const result = await asyncSum(set); console.log(result); })(); // → prints 21
  11. [@bmeurer, @mathias].join(@v8js) // Node streams are async-iterable starting with Node

    10. // (WARNING: the feature is considered experimental!) const fs = require('fs'); (async () => { const readStream = fs.createReadStream('file'); for await (const chunk of readStream) { console.log(chunk); } })();
  12. [@bmeurer, @mathias].join(@v8js) // For backwards compatibility, use a wrapper like

    // github:basicdays/node-stream-to-async-iterator (mths.be/bwu) require('core-js/es7/symbol'); const fs = require('fs'); const S2A = require('stream-to-async-iterator'); (async () => { const readStream = fs.createReadStream('file'); for await (const chunk of new S2A(readStream)) { console.log(chunk); } })();
  13. [@bmeurer, @mathias].join(@v8js) async function* asyncRange(start, end) { for (let i

    = start; i <= end; ++i) { yield i; } } asyncSum(asyncRange(1, 10)) .then(console.log); // → prints 55
  14. [@bmeurer, @mathias].join(@v8js) async function* asyncRandomNumbers() { // This is a

    web service that returns a random number. const url = 'https://www.random.org/decimal-fractions/' + '?num=1&dec=10&col=1&format=plain&rnd=new'; while (true) { const response = await fetch(url); const text = await response.text(); yield Number(text); } }
  15. [@bmeurer, @mathias].join(@v8js) // Generate a bunch of random numbers. (async

    () => { for await (const number of asyncRandomNumbers()) { console.log(number); if (number > 0.95) break; } })();
  16. [@bmeurer, @mathias].join(@v8js) const AsyncIteration = { // Turns `type` events

    produced by a DOM `element` // into an async iterable stream of events. Inspired // by RxJS’s `Observable.fromEvent`. fromEvent: async function* (element, type) { let resolve; const promises = [new Promise(r => resolve = r)]; element.addEventListener(type, event => { resolve(event); promises.push(new Promise(r => resolve = r)); }); while (true) yield await promises.shift(); } };
  17. [@bmeurer, @mathias].join(@v8js) <button>Clickety-click!</button> <script type="module"> import { AsyncIteration } from

    './async-iteration.mjs'; (async () => { const button = document.querySelector('button'); const iterator = AsyncIteration.fromEvent(button, 'click'); for await (const event of iterator) { console.log(event); } })(); </script>
  18. [@bmeurer, @mathias].join(@v8js) const AsyncIteration = { // Generates values that

    pass the provided condition. // Inspired by RxJS’s `filter`. filter: async function* (iterable, select, thisArg) { for await (const value of iterable) { if (select.call(thisArg, value)) yield value; } } };
  19. [@bmeurer, @mathias].join(@v8js) const AsyncIteration = { // Merges N async

    iterables into a single async iterable. // Inspired by RxJS’s `merge`. merge: async function* (...args) { let resolve; const promises = [new Promise(r => resolve = r)]; async function pump(iterator) { while (true) { const result = await iterator.next(); resolve(result); promises.push(new Promise(r => resolve = r)); } } args.map(iterable => iterable[Symbol.asyncIterator]()).forEach(pump); while (true) { const result = await promises.shift(); if (result.done) break; yield result.value; } } };
  20. [@bmeurer, @mathias].join(@v8js) <button id="button-1">Hello</button> <button id="button-2">World</button> <script type="module"> import {

    AsyncIteration } from './async-iteration.mjs'; (async () => { const button1 = document.querySelector('#button-1'); const button2 = document.querySelector('#button-2'); const a = AsyncIteration.fromEvent(button1, 'click'); const b = AsyncIteration.fromEvent(button2, 'click'); for await (const event of AsyncIteration.merge(a, b)) { console.log(event.target); } })(); </script>
  21. [@bmeurer, @mathias].join(@v8js) const input = `
 Lorem ipsum dolor sit

    amet, consectetur adipiscing hello world elit. Nam sit amet elit id risus aliquam porta. `;

  22. [@bmeurer, @mathias].join(@v8js) const input = `
 Lorem ipsum dolor sit

    amet, consectetur adipiscing hello world elit. Nam sit amet elit id risus aliquam porta. `;
  23. [@bmeurer, @mathias].join(@v8js) const input = `
 Lorem ipsum dolor sit

    amet, consectetur adipiscing hello world elit. Nam sit amet elit id risus aliquam porta. `;
 // " ?
  24. [@bmeurer, @mathias].join(@v8js) const input = `
 Lorem ipsum dolor sit

    amet, consectetur adipiscing hello world elit. Nam sit amet elit id risus aliquam porta. `;
 // " false !
  25. [@bmeurer, @mathias].join(@v8js) const input = `
 Lorem ipsum dolor sit

    amet, consectetur adipiscing hello world elit. Nam sit amet elit id risus aliquam porta. `;
 // " false "
  26. [@bmeurer, @mathias].join(@v8js) const input = `
 Lorem ipsum dolor sit

    amet, consectetur adipiscing hello world elit. Nam sit amet elit id risus aliquam porta. `;
 // " true #
  27. [@bmeurer, @mathias].join(@v8js) const input = `
 Lorem ipsum dolor sit

    amet, consectetur adipiscing hello world elit. Nam sit amet elit id risus aliquam porta. `;
 // " true # /hello[^]world/u.test(input);
 // " true $ ♂
  28. [@bmeurer, @mathias].join(@v8js) const input = `
 Lorem ipsum dolor sit

    amet, consectetur adipiscing hello world elit. Nam sit amet elit id risus aliquam porta. `;
 // " true # /hello[^]world/u.test(input);
 // " true $ ♂
  29. [@bmeurer, @mathias].join(@v8js) const input = `
 Lorem ipsum dolor sit

    amet, consectetur adipiscing hello world elit. Nam sit amet elit id risus aliquam porta. `;
 // " true &
  30. [@bmeurer, @mathias].join(@v8js) const input = `
 Lorem ipsum dolor sit

    amet, consectetur adipiscing hello world elit. Nam sit amet elit id risus aliquam porta. `;
 // " true '
  31. [@bmeurer, @mathias].join(@v8js) // Positive lookahead: const pattern = /\d+(?= dollars)/u;

    const result = pattern.exec('42 dollars'); // → result[0] === '42'
  32. [@bmeurer, @mathias].join(@v8js) // Positive lookahead: const pattern = /\d+(?= dollars)/u;

    const result = pattern.exec('42 dollars'); // → result[0] === '42' // Negative lookahead: const pattern = /\d+(?! dollars)/u; const result = pattern.exec('42 pesos'); // → result[0] === '42'
  33. [@bmeurer, @mathias].join(@v8js) // Positive lookbehind: const pattern = /(?<=\$)\d+/u; const

    result = pattern.exec('$42'); // → result[0] === '42' // Negative lookbehind: const pattern = /(?<!\$)\d+/u; const result = pattern.exec('€42'); // → result[0] === '42'
  34. [@bmeurer, @mathias].join(@v8js) // Positive lookbehind: const pattern = /(?<=\$)\d+/u; 'Price:

    $42'.replace(pattern, '9001'); // → 'Price: $9001' // Negative lookbehind: const pattern = /(?<!\$\d*)\d+/gu; 'My 17 children have $42 and €3 each.'.replace(pattern, '9001'); // → 'My 9001 children have $42 and €9001 each.'
  35. [@bmeurer, @mathias].join(@v8js) const pattern = /(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})/u; const result = pattern.exec('2018-03-06');

    // → result[0] === '2018-03-06' // → result[1] === '2018' // → result[2] === '03'
  36. [@bmeurer, @mathias].join(@v8js) const pattern = /(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})/u; const result = pattern.exec('2018-03-06');

    // → result[0] === '2018-03-06' // → result[1] === '2018' // → result[2] === '03' // → result[3] === '06'
  37. [@bmeurer, @mathias].join(@v8js) const pattern = /(?<year>\d{4})-(?<month>\d{2})-(?<day>\d{2})/u; const result = pattern.exec('2018-03-06');

    // → result.groups.year === '2018' // → result.groups.month === '03' // → result.groups.day === '06'
  38. [@bmeurer, @mathias].join(@v8js) const regexGreek = /\p{Script_Extensions=Greek}/u; regexGreek.test('π'); // → true

    const regexAscii = /\p{ASCII}/u; regexAscii.test('_'); // → true const regexMath = /\p{Math}/u; regexMath.test('≠'); // → true
  39. [@bmeurer, @mathias].join(@v8js) <style> :valid { background: lightgreen; } :invalid {

    background: pink; } </style> <input pattern="[\p{Letter}\p{White_Space}]+" value="Γειά σου κόσμε"> <!-- Demo: https://mths.be/bwo -->
  40. [@bmeurer, @mathias].join(@v8js) // Rest elements for array destructuring assignment: const

    primes = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11]; const [first, second, ...rest] = primes; console.log(first); // 2 console.log(second); // 3 console.log(rest); // [5, 7, 11]
  41. [@bmeurer, @mathias].join(@v8js) // Rest elements for array destructuring assignment: const

    primes = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11]; const [first, second, ...rest] = primes; console.log(first); // 2 console.log(second); // 3 console.log(rest); // [5, 7, 11] // Spread elements for array literals: const primesCopy = [first, second, ...rest]; console.log(primesCopy); // [2, 3, 5, 7, 11]
  42. [@bmeurer, @mathias].join(@v8js) // Rest properties for object destructuring assignment: const

    person = { firstName: 'Sebastian', lastName: 'Markbåge', country: 'USA', state: 'CA', }; const { firstName, lastName, ...rest } = person; console.log(firstName); // Sebastian console.log(lastName); // Markbåge console.log(rest); // { country: 'USA', state: 'CA' }
  43. [@bmeurer, @mathias].join(@v8js) // Spread properties for object literals: const personCopy

    = { firstName, lastName, ...rest }; console.log(personCopy); // { firstName: 'Sebastian', // lastName: 'Markbåge', // country: 'USA', // state: 'CA' }
  44. [@bmeurer, @mathias].join(@v8js) // Shallow-clone an object: const data = {

    x: 42, y: 27, label: 'Treasure' }; // The old way: const clone1 = Object.assign({}, data);
  45. [@bmeurer, @mathias].join(@v8js) // Shallow-clone an object: const data = {

    x: 42, y: 27, label: 'Treasure' }; // The old way: const clone1 = Object.assign({}, data); // The new way: const clone2 = { ...data }; // Either results in: // { x: 42, y: 27, label: 'Treasure' }
  46. [@bmeurer, @mathias].join(@v8js) // Merge two objects: const defaultSettings = {

    logWarnings: false, logErrors: false }; const userSettings = { logErrors: true }; // The old way: const settings1 = Object.assign({}, defaultSettings, userSettings);
  47. [@bmeurer, @mathias].join(@v8js) // Merge two objects: const defaultSettings = {

    logWarnings: false, logErrors: false }; const userSettings = { logErrors: true }; // The old way: const settings1 = Object.assign({}, defaultSettings, userSettings); // The new way: const settings2 = { ...defaultSettings, ...userSettings }; // Either results in: // { logWarnings: false, logErrors: true }
  48. [@bmeurer, @mathias].join(@v8js) const fetchAndDisplay = ({ url, element }) =>

    { showLoadingSpinner(); fetch(url) .then((response) => response.text()) .then((text) => { element.textContent = text; hideLoadingSpinner(); }) .catch((error) => { element.textContent = error.message; hideLoadingSpinner(); }); };
  49. [@bmeurer, @mathias].join(@v8js) const fetchAndDisplay = ({ url, element }) =>

    { showLoadingSpinner(); fetch(url) .then((response) => response.text()) .then((text) => { element.textContent = text; hideLoadingSpinner(); }) .catch((error) => { element.textContent = error.message; hideLoadingSpinner(); }); };
  50. [@bmeurer, @mathias].join(@v8js) const fetchAndDisplay = ({ url, element }) =>

    { showLoadingSpinner(); fetch(url) .then((response) => response.text()) .then((text) => { element.textContent = text; hideLoadingSpinner(); }) .catch((error) => { element.textContent = error.message; hideLoadingSpinner(); }); };
  51. [@bmeurer, @mathias].join(@v8js) const fetchAndDisplay = ({ url, element }) =>

    { showLoadingSpinner(); fetch(url) .then((response) => response.text()) .then((text) => { element.textContent = text; hideLoadingSpinner(); }) .catch((error) => { element.textContent = error.message; hideLoadingSpinner(); }); };
  52. [@bmeurer, @mathias].join(@v8js) const fetchAndDisplay = ({ url, element }) =>

    { showLoadingSpinner(); fetch(url) .then((response) => response.text()) .then((text) => { element.textContent = text; hideLoadingSpinner(); }) .catch((error) => { element.textContent = error.message; hideLoadingSpinner(); }); };
  53. [@bmeurer, @mathias].join(@v8js) const fetchAndDisplay = ({ url, element }) =>

    { showLoadingSpinner(); fetch(url) .then((response) => response.text()) .then((text) => { element.textContent = text; hideLoadingSpinner(); }) .catch((error) => { element.textContent = error.message; hideLoadingSpinner(); }); };
  54. [@bmeurer, @mathias].join(@v8js) const fetchAndDisplay = ({ url, element }) =>

    { showLoadingSpinner(); fetch(url) .then((response) => response.text()) .then((text) => { element.textContent = text; }) .catch((error) => { element.textContent = error.message; }) .finally(() => { hideLoadingSpinner(); }); };
  55. [@bmeurer, @mathias].join(@v8js) const fetchAndDisplay = async ({ url, element })

    => { showLoadingSpinner(); try { const response = await fetch(url); const text = await response.text(); element.textContent = text; } catch (error) { element.textContent = error.message; } finally { hideLoadingSpinner(); } };