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Android UI Design Pattern in practice (English ...

Android UI Design Pattern in practice (English version)

Mathieu Calba

February 07, 2013

More Decks by Mathieu Calba

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  1. Why should you use them ? The best solution to

    solve your problem Mental Model Homogeneity Libraries Do not reinvent the wheel
  2. Why should not you use them ? Trendy solution To

    solve a nonexistant problem Copy a competitor
  3. How to implement it ? SDK since API level 11

    ActionBarSherlock from Jake Wharton - Backport to API Level 7 http://actionbarsherlock.com/ http://developer.android.com/ guide/topics/ui/actionbar.html
  4. Fly-in App Menu • Responsive • Dynamic • Quick access

    • Not easy to discover / use Usefull when there is a complex navigation aka Menu Drawer or Sliding Menu... https://speakerdeck.com/cyrilmottier/the-fly-in- app-menu-for-designers-and-developers Cyril Mottier’s slides
  5. ActionBar’s Spinner • Easy access • Filter or tab substitute

    to gain screen space • Standard • Can be confusing if used with 2 kind of data (like changing account and categories) http://developer.android.com/guide/ topics/ui/actionbar.html#Dropdown Technically :
  6. How to implement it ? SDK with ActionBar API since

    API Level 11 ViewPagerIndicator from Jake Wharton - Different Styles from API Level 7 http://developer.android.com/guide/ topics/ui/actionbar.html#Tabs http://viewpagerindicator.com/
  7. Article listing News : Image + Title Briefs : Title

    + Date/Hour Reports & Tests : Image + Title
  8. Dialog • Never read • Force user interaction • Interrupt

    the user For irreversible actions Technically ? SDK : http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/dialogs.html
  9. Toast • Customizable • No user interaction • Not intrusive

    • Not contextual (with a screen) Technically ? SDK : http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/notifiers/toasts.html
  10. • Contextual to screen • Basic styles with different levels

    of importance Based on Toast Defined par Cyril Mottier Crouton Technically ? Library by Benjamin Weiss : https://github.com/keyboardsurfer/Crouton
  11. Basic style Many extended styles Big Text Inbox Big Image

    Possibility to add actions System Notifications & Technically : http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/notifiers/notifications.html
  12. • Select an article on the left list • There

    is no favorite items yet First use Empty View
  13. Small Normal Large XLarge 426 x 320 dp 470 x

    320 dp 640 x 480 dp 960 x 720 dp
  14. Thanks/Credits • Cyril Mottier for Photoshop templates for screenshots and

    other blog posts http://android.cyrilmottier.com/ • Juhani Lehtimaëki - Book Smashing Android UI • Kirill Grouchnikov - http://www.pushing-pixels.org/ • Guillaume Berry for up/down icons • YANA - Code available on GitHub : https://github.com/ MathieuCalba/android-ui-design-pattern