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Getting started Central Dogma with Golang #fuku...

Getting started Central Dogma with Golang #fukuokago #umedago / getting-started-central-dogma-with-golang

Presentation material for Fukuoka.go#14+Umeda.go

Manabu Matsuzaki

October 25, 2019

More Decks by Manabu Matsuzaki

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  1. Self Introduction • Nameɿ Manabu Matsuzaki • Work atɿ LINE

    Fukuoka Corporation • Roleɿ SRE • Twitterɿ @matsumana • My experiences with Golang • Several Prometheus exporters (flink_exporter, td-agent_exporter, etc)
  2. References • Official site
 https://line.github.io/centraldogma/ • LINE DEVELOPER DAY 2017

    - Central Dogma LINE's Git-backed highly-available service configuration repository • https://www.slideshare.net/linecorp/central-dogma-lines-gitbacked- highlyavailable-service-configuration-repository • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmgizIFwMq4
  3. What is Central Dogma? • Service configuration repository • Based

    on Git, ZooKeeper and HTTP/2 • Version controlled • Highly Available • Mirroring from an external Git repo • Change notification • Client libraries • Java, Golang(https://github.com/line/centraldogma-go)
  4. Advantage of using Central Dogma • Can apply setting changes

    dynamically without application build/restart • e.g. • Service discovery • Rate limit • A/B testing • Rollout new features • etc
  5. About the sample app • source code:
 https://github.com/matsumana/centraldogma-go-example • A

    very simple web app with only the Echo API • A greeting keyword is managed by Central Dogma