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Spring BootユーザのためのArmeria入門 #jsug / Introduce t...

Spring BootユーザのためのArmeria入門 #jsug / Introduce to Armeria for Spring users

JSUG勉強会 2020年その6 LT大会!

see also:
JSUG勉強会で「Spring BootユーザのためのArmeria入門」というタイトルでLTしました

Manabu Matsuzaki

July 30, 2020

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  1. ࣗݾ঺հ • ໊લɿ দ࡚ ֶ • ॴଐɿ LINE Fukuoka •

    Roleɿ SRE • Twitterɿ @matsumana • Springྺɿ 6೥൒͘Β͍ ʢॳΊͯͷSpring͸Spring Boot 1.0.0 RC or 0.5.0ͩͬͨͱࢥ͍·͢ʣ
  2. ࢀߟࢿྉ • Official site: https://armeria.dev • GitHub repo: https://github.com/line/armeria •

    LINE DEVELOPER DAY 2019ͰͷTrustin͞Μͷηογϣϯ ʮArmeriaɿͲ͜Ͱ΋໾ཱͭϚΠΫϩαʔϏεϑϨʔϜϫʔΫʯ • https://linedevday.linecorp.com/jp/2019/sessions/D2-2 • https://youtu.be/lii7oNzAOx0 • https://speakerdeck.com/line_devday2019/armeria-a-microservice- framework-well-suited-everywhere
  3. Features • Completely asynchronous and reactive (like Spring WebFlux) •

    HTTP/2 • Supports HTTP/2 on both TLS and cleartext connections • Integration with gRPC and Thrift • Features for building microservices • Circuit breaker, Client-side load-balancing, Service discovery(DNS etc), Distributed tracing(Zipkin integration), Metrics(with Micrometer), etc • Interactive web-based debug console (like Swagger) • Compatibility with existing Java EE web applications • etc
  4. ͦͷଞͷαϯϓϧΞϓϦ • Official examples https://github.com/line/armeria/tree/master/examples • Armeriaͷ৭ʑͳػೳΛ࢖ͬͨαϯϓϧΞϓϦ https://github.com/matsumana/armeria-sandbox • Circuit

    Breaker, Client-side load balancing, Service discovery(Central Dogma based), Zipkin integration, Rate limiter, Automatic retry ͳͲؚ͕·Ε͍ͯ·͢