main() { widgets.NewQApplication(len(os.Args), os.Args) //create a button and connect the clicked signal var button = widgets.NewQPushButton2("Click me!", nil) button.ConnectClicked(func(flag bool) { widgets.QMessageBox_Information(nil, "OK", "You clicked me!”, widgets.QMessageBox__Ok, widgets.QMessageBox__Ok) }) //create a layout and add the button var layout = widgets.NewQVBoxLayout() layout.AddWidget(button, 0, core.Qt__AlignCenter) //create a window, add the layout and show the window var window = widgets.NewQMainWindow(nil, 0) window.SetWindowTitle("Hello World Example") window.SetMinimumSize2(200, 200) window.Layout().DestroyQObject() window.SetLayout(layout) window.Show() widgets.QApplication_Exec() }