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MongoDB to Cassandra

MongoDB to Cassandra

MetaBroadcast's presentation at the Cassandra Meetup, by Fred van den Driessche, Tom McAdam, Adam Horwich.
Dec. 10th 2012


December 10, 2012

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  1. MongoDB to Cassandra The Atlas Odyssey Fred van den Driessche

    Engineer @fredvdd Tom McAdam CTO @tfm Adam Horwich Systems Engineer @Mmmkayness
  2. tbc Video and audio metadata from 20+ sources Profiles and

    activity from video and audio products, social networks Our platform - late 2012 tbc MetaBroadcast platform Analytic requests and groupings
  3. ?

  4. What is Atlas? ATLAS DB BBC PA C4 etc... /content

    /schedules /topics sitemaps radioplayer interlinking
  5. Where MongoDB falls short • too simple • lack of

    control • sharding • embedding
  6. Atlas API • content • http://atlas.metabroadcast.com/3.0/content.json?uri=http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/ b0074g7p&annotations=description,brand_summary,locations&apiKey=6ed2a984627daff816198acde82 • http://atlas.metabroadcast.com/3.0/content.json?apiKey=aaaa&uri=http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/ b0074g7p&annotations=description,brand_summary,locations

    • schedules • http://atlas.metabroadcast.com/3.0/schedule.json?from=now&to=now.plus. 3h&channel=bbcone&publisher=bbc.co.uk • http://atlas.metabroadcast.com/3.0/schedule.json? from=1948-12-24&to=1948-12-25&channel=radio4&publisher=bbc.co.uk • api explorer http://atlas.metabroadcast.com/#apiExplorer
  7. Atlas API • content • http://atlas.metabroadcast.com/3.0/content.json?uri=http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/ b0074g7p&annotations=description,brand_summary,locations&apiKey=6ed2a984627daff816198acde82 • http://atlas.metabroadcast.com/3.0/content.json?apiKey=aaaa&uri=http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/ b0074g7p&annotations=description,brand_summary,locations

    • schedules • http://atlas.metabroadcast.com/3.0/schedule.json?from=now&to=now.plus. 3h&channel=bbcone&publisher=bbc.co.uk • http://atlas.metabroadcast.com/3.0/schedule.json? from=1948-12-24&to=1948-12-25&channel=radio4&publisher=bbc.co.uk • api explorer http://atlas.metabroadcast.com/#apiExplorer
  8. Data model • columns to model annotations • secondary indexes

    • index.direct(keyspace, SEGMENT_URI_INDEX_CF, ConsistencyLevel.CL_QUORUM). from(segment.getCanonicalUri()). to(segment.getIdentifier()). index().execute(requestTimeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
  9. ID generation • give external data our own ID on

    ingest • needs to be user-friendly: http://www.radiotimes.com/programme/cf2/eastenders • mongo: findAndModify() • solution: uses Astyanax client with its distributed locking • more details: http://metabroadcast.com/blog/let- cassandra-identify-your-data
  10. Where we’re at • already live with some data •

    alpha release of schedule endpoint coming soon • later: roll out across other endpoints
  11. Ops

  12. Ops in Cassandra • we love Puppet • it’s great

    for automation and deployment • MongoDB: 1 file • Cassandra: 2 files! • oh... tokens
  13. Cassandra Tokens • define where data is written to in

    a cluster • therefore balanced tokens = balanced cluster • tokens should be rack aware • tools available to provide appropriate tokens for you
  14. Cassandra plays nicely with AWS • datacentre / rack aware

    • AWS Region = Datacentre • AWS Availability Zone = Rack • only recently introduced in MongoDB but simple to implement in Cassandra • horizontally (and vertically) scalable
  15. Monitoring • Nagios is a little threadbare for Cassandra •

    basic TCP service check • stats from API not very helpful • nodetool and CLI tools useful • manual effort to integrate them • if only there was some useful service...
  16. OpsCenter • wonderful for an overview • not so much

    for alerting ;) • ohai API • can integrate metrics into Nagios
  17. Disaster Recovery • we operate a 4 node cluster presently

    • replication factor of 3 with quorum read/writes • DR complicated by tokens • cluster should be balanced • snapshot + S3 Backups
  18. Cluster Happiness and Headaches • little maintenance overhead • cluster

    rebalancing • uncommon maintenance procedure • schema changes are cumbersome • little scope for rollback, can put cluster in unrecoverable state
  19. Summary • Mongo is good, Atlas has outgrown it •

    Cassandra isn’t a drop-in replacement • Ops more complex but so far so good