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Starting Open S

Michelle Sanver
February 17, 2017

Starting Open S

Michelle Sanver

February 17, 2017


  1. @michellesanver Why Open Source? “The promise of open source is

    better quality, higher reliability, more flexibility, lower cost, and an end to predatory vendor lock-in.” - opensource.org
  2. @michellesanver Step 1: Choose the project Ready to change the

    world? https://www.codemontage.com {code} montage empowers coders to improve their impact on the world.
  3. @michellesanver Step 5: What can I do? It’s not your

    project. (But nothing stops you from branching...)
  4. @michellesanver Step 7: Just do it Commit often $ git

    commit -m 'Michelle will be pleased <3'
  5. @michellesanver Step 9: The pull request Time to show the

    world (Except those poor sods without Internet)
  6. @michellesanver If I got enough nutritional value from code… I

    would eat that and nothing else. Who I was
  7. @michellesanver - Davey Shafik “I feared that I really had

    no clue what I was doing and people were going to make fun of me, and I also didn’t know what to do!”

  8. @michellesanver - Eli White “I was trying to convince NASA,

    who I worked for. To allow me to open source some projects I'd created there. And failed.”