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We Didn’t Care About Diversity — What Happened ...

We Didn’t Care About Diversity — What Happened Next Is Amazing!

WordCamp Europe 2017 talk
What happens when you create an event and don’t care about diversity? What happens when you don’t listen to what everyone tells you but think in entirely different terms? This lightning talk will tell you what happened when I stopped caring about diversity and started thinking about event organisation in a different way. What we learned will blow your mind.

Jenny Wong

June 16, 2017

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  1. WordCamp Europe Page of 40 We Didn’t Care About Diversity

    - What Happened Next Is Amazing! By Jenny Wong at Human Made 1
  2. WordCamp Europe Page of 40 Does __ make the event

    : 1. More accessible 2. Less accessible 3. The same 17 ?