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Modern researches in the field of Speech Transl...

November 26, 2020

Modern researches in the field of Speech Translation


November 26, 2020

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  1. Model Speech Translation Audio Translated text Model ASR* End-to-End MT**

    = + Model = Cascaded: End-to-End: *Automatic Speech recognition **Machine Translation ✚ SOTA quality for ASR and MT ✚ Large quantity of data ✚ Independent training — Error propagation
  2. 2. End-To-End outperform cascading (ASR+MT) + Transformer 4. Multilingual outperform

    Bilingual 1. DATA: Create multilingual datasets 3. Improving cascaded (ASR+MT) models 5. Toolkit Main groups of articles
  3. 1. DATA: Create multilingual datasets Gender Bias • 70% of

    speakers on TED Talks – Men • Peak of womes’s representation in the EU Parl has been 40% • Most of the ASR and MT data are generated by male speakers
  4. • Attempts to adapt transformer for audio • A few

    experiments outperform cascading approach • Adapt positional encoding scheme to the Speech Transformer • Speed up inference 1. 2. End-To-End outperform cascading with Transformer
  5. • downsampling input with CNN to make the train on

    GPUs • modeling the bidimensional nature of a spectrogram • add a distance penalty to the attention to bias it towards local context capture local 2D-invariant features model context 2. End-To-End outperform cascading with Transformer SAN - Self- Attention Network MHA - Multi-Head Attention
  6. • Text sequences have a stricter correlation with position, while

    audios don’t have Text: What? Why? Who? Where? When? Audio: …… what …… who … when…. • Speech sequences 10 − 60 times > transcript character sequence 2. End-To-End outperform cascading with Transformer
  7. • Overloaded decoder: • Pretrain encoder • Split encoder into

    3 parts • Multitasking • Knowledge distillation • Simultaneous inference 2. End-To-End outperform cascading with Transformer
  8. • Encoder should learn: • Acous\c knowledge • Seman\c knowledge

    • filter redundant states 2. End-To-End outperform cascading
  9. • Pretrain encoder on better source language • Use translations

    to other languages Concat: Merge: 3. Multilingual outperform Bilingual
  10. • Pretrain encoder on better source language • Use translations

    to other languages Concat: Merge: 4. Multilingual outperform Bilingual
  11. Pretrain ASR • pretrain the model on a high-resource ASR

    • fine-tune its parameters for ST 3. Improving cascaded (ASR+MT) models
  12. Pretrain ASR and NMT simultaneously: • Use adversarial regularizer in

    loss function to make ASR encoder closer to input of MT decoder 3. Improving cascaded (ASR+MT) models
  13. Measure quality for translation with ASR + MT ASR MT

    Reference [EN] Reference [RU] WER Output ASR(A)[EN] Audio Output MT (Output ASR [EN]) [RU] BLUE
  14. ASR MT Reference [EN] Reference [RU] WER ASR MT Output

    MT (Output ASR [EN]) [RU] Reference [EN] Output MT (Reference [EN]) [RU] BLUE WER Ideal model Output ASR(A)[EN] Output ASR(A)[EN] Audio Audio Translate reference with MT and compare with final output Output MT (Output ASR [EN]) [RU] BLUE
  15. Ideal model 100% ASR MT Output MT (Output ASR [EN])

    [RU] Reference [EN] Output MT (Reference [EN]) [RU] BLUE WER Ideal model Output ASR(A)[EN] Audio Absolute scale for measuring quality
  16. ASR MT Output MT (Output ASR [EN]) [RU] Reference [EN]

    Output MT (Reference [EN]) [RU] BLUEASR+MT WER E2E model Output E2E model(A[EN]) [RU] Output MT (Reference [EN]) [RU] BLUEE2E Output ASR(A)[EN] Audio Audio Comparing MT+ASR and E2E
  17. 63 68 20 100 0 BLUE 40 60 80 Datasets

    + Models Article 1 2 3 4 5 Datasets Fisher- CallHome LibriSpeech ST-TED How2 LibriSpeech MuST-C Fisher- CallHome Libri-trans MuST-C LibriSpeech CoVoST MuST-C LibriSpeech E2E Translation ASR + MT Current researches
  18. • No standard dataset for measuring quality • No experiments

    with noisy data • Very little data for measuring quality • No researches how number of utterances influence on quality Problems of current approaches MT ASR ST
  19. BLUE 20 40 60 80 100 0 104 105 5⋅105

    106 5⋅106 Noise ratio .1 .2 .3 .4 20 100 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Noise ratio BLUE 40 60 80 E2E Translation ASR + MT Number of uYerances E2E Translation ASR + MT Add dimensions for measuring quality
  20. BIG DATA • Use synthetic data: STT model <text >

    à TTS à <audio> à MT(SOTA) à <translated text > Tacotron MT ST à
  21. BIG DATA • Bilingual translations: Да и сам Лорд Кентервиль,

    человек весьма щепетильный, счел своим долгом упомянуть об этом мистеру Отису, когда они пришли к соглашению.
  22. Resume • Use many languages for training; • Estimate only

    part of losses that occurs because of 2 models instead of 1; • Collect lots of high-quality diversity data!