project spun out of Google as a open source next-gen container scheduler designed with the lessons learned from developing and managing Borg and Omega. Kubernetes was designed from the ground-up as a loosely coupled collection of components centered around deploying, maintaining, and scaling applications.
kernel of distributed systems. It abstracts away the underlying hardware of the nodes and provides a uniform interface for applications to be both deployed and consume the shared pool of resources.
for Kubernetes. Masters are responsible at a minimum for running the API Server, scheduler, and cluster controller. They commonly also manage storing cluster state, cloud-provider specific components and other cluster essential services. Nodes - Are the ‘workers’ of a Kubernetes cluster. They run a minimal agent that manages the node itself, and are tasked with executing workloads as designated by the master.
the kubernetes control plane and datastore. All clients, including nodes, users and other applications interact with kubernetes strictly through the API Server. It is the true core of Kubernetes acting as the gatekeeper to the cluster by handling authentication and authorization, request validation, mutation, and admission control in addition to being the front-end to the backing datastore.
core component control loops. It monitors the cluster state via the apiserver and steers the cluster towards the desired state. List of core controllers:
knowledge and integration capability into the core control loop of Kubernetes. The controllers include Node, Route, Service, and add an additional controller to handle PersistentVolumeLabels .
requirements and attempts to place it on a matching resource. These requirements can include such things as general hardware reqs, affinity, anti-affinity, and other custom resource requirements.
lifecycle on its host. Kubelet understands YAML container manifests that it can read from several sources: • File path • HTTP Endpoint • Etcd watch acting on any changes • HTTP Server mode accepting container manifests over a simple API.
are resolvable to <service>.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local. Heapster - Metrics Collector for kubernetes cluster, used by some resources such as the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler. (required for kubedashboard metrics) Kube-dashboard - A general purpose web based UI for kubernetes.
all other Pods without NAT 2) All nodes can communicate with all Pods (and vice-versa) without NAT. 3) The IP that a Pod sees itself as is the same IP that others see it as.
the same network namespace and share an IP; allowing for intrapod communication over localhost. Pods are given a cluster unique IP for the duration of its lifecycle, but the pods themselves are fundamentally ephemeral. Services are given a persistent cluster unique IP that spans the Pods lifecycle. External Connectivity is generally handed by an integrated cloud provider or other external entity (load balancer)
that aggregate their available resources including cpu, ram, disk, and their devices into a usable pool. Master - The master(s) represent a collection of components that make up the control plane of Kubernetes. These components are responsible for all cluster decisions including both scheduling and responding to cluster events. Node - A single host, physical or virtual capable of running pods. A node is managed by the master(s), and at a minimum runs both kubelet and kube-proxy to be considered part of the cluster. Namespace - A logical cluster or environment. Primary method of dividing a cluster or scoping access.
used to identify, describe and group together related sets of objects. Labels have a strict syntax and available character set. * Annotation - Key-value pairs that contain non-identifying information or metadata. Annotations do not have the the syntax limitations as labels and can contain structured or unstructured data. Selector - Selectors use labels to filter or select objects. Both equality-based (=, ==, !=) or simple key-value matching selectors are supported. *
unit of work or management resource within Kubernetes. It is comprised of one or more containers that share their storage, network, and context (namespace, cgroups etc). ReplicationController - Method of managing pod replicas and their lifecycle. Their scheduling, scaling, and deletion. ReplicaSet - Next Generation ReplicationController. Supports set-based selectors. Deployment - A declarative method of managing stateless Pods and ReplicaSets. Provides rollback functionality in addition to more granular update control mechanisms.
managing Pods that must persist or maintain state. Pod identity including hostname, network, and storage will be persisted. DaemonSet - Ensures that all nodes matching certain criteria will run an instance of a supplied Pod. Ideal for cluster wide services such as log forwarding, or health monitoring.
Pods given unique ordinal names using the pattern <statefulset name>-<ordinal index>. • Creates independent persistent volumes based on the ‘volumeClaimTemplates’.
one or more pods are executed and successfully terminates. It will do this until it satisfies the completion and/or parallelism condition. CronJob - An extension of the Job Controller, it provides a method of executing jobs on a cron-like schedule.
exposing and consuming L4 Pod network accessible resources. They use label selectors to map groups of pods and ports to a cluster-unique virtual IP. Ingress - An ingress controller is the primary method of exposing a cluster service (usually http) to the outside world. These are load balancers or routers that usually offer SSL termination, name-based virtual hosting etc.
pods. • Four major Service Types: ◦ CluterIP - Exposes service on a strictly cluster-internal IP (default) ◦ NodePort - Service is exposed on each node’s IP on a statically defined port. ◦ LoadBalancer - Works in combination with a cloud provider to expose a service outside the cluster on a static external IP. ◦ ExternalName - used to references endpoints OUTSIDE the cluster by providing a static internally referenced DNS name.
more hosts • Ingress controllers are an external controller with multiple options. ◦ Nginx ◦ HAproxy ◦ Contour ◦ Traefik • Specific features and controller specific configuration is passed through annotations.
the Pod Lifecycle, consumable by one or more containers within the pod. PersistentVolume - A PersistentVolume (PV) represents a storage resource. PVs are commonly linked to a backing storage resource, NFS, GCEPersistentDisk, RBD etc. and are provisioned ahead of time. Their lifecycle is handled independently from a pod. PersistentVolumeClaim - A PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC) is a request for storage that satisfies a set of requirements instead of mapping to a storage resource directly. Commonly used with dynamically provisioned storage. StorageClass - Storage classes are an abstraction on top of an external storage resource. These will include a provisioner, provisioner configuration parameters as well as a PV reclaimPolicy.
Supports accessModes like PVs • Uses resource request model similar to Pods • Claims will consume storage from matching PVs or StorageClasses based on storageClass and selectors.
that can be referenced as a commandline argument, environment variable, or injected as a file into a volume mount. Ideal for separating containerized application from configuration. Secret - Functionally identical to ConfigMaps, but stored encoded as base64, and encrypted at rest (if configured).
rules that act as a set of permissions that apply verbs like “get”, “list”, “watch” etc over resources that are scoped to apiGroups. Roles are scoped to namespaces, and ClusterRoles are applied cluster-wide. [Cluster]RoleBinding - Grant the permissions as defined in a [Cluster]Role to one or more “subjects” which can be a user, group, or service account. ServiceAccount- ServiceAccounts provide a consumable identity for pods or external services that interact with the cluster directly and are scoped to namespaces.
to core group. • Resources act as items the role should be granted access to. • Verbs are the actions the role can perform on the referenced resources.
jwt, http auth proxy, other plugins, or http-basic auth. 4) Authorization iterates over available AuthZ sources: Node, ABAC, RBAC, or webhook. 5) AdmissionControl checks resource quotas, other security related checks etc. 6) Request is stored in etcd. 7) Initializers are given opportunity to mutate request before the object is published. 8) Request is published on apiserver.
Deployment via callback. 10) Deployment Controller evaluates cluster state and reconciles the desired vs current state and forms a request for the new ReplicaSet. 11) apiserver request loop evaluates Deployment Controller request. 12) ReplicaSet is published.
ReplicaSet via callback. 14) ReplicaSet Controller evaluates cluster state and reconciles the desired vs current state and forms a request for the desired amount of pods. 15) apiserver request loop evaluates ReplicaSet Controller request. 16) Pods published, and enter ‘Pending’ phase.
18) Applies scheduling rules and filters to find a suitable node to host the Pod. 19) Scheduler creates a binding of Pod to Node and POSTs to apiserver. 20) apiserver request loop evaluates POST request. 21) Pod status is updated with node binding and sets status to ‘PodScheduled’.
polls the apiserver filtering for pods matching its own ‘NodeName’; checking its current state with the desired state published through the apiserver. 23) Kubelet will then move through a series of internal processes to prepare the pod environment. This includes pulling secrets, provisioning storage, applying AppArmor profiles and other various scaffolding. During this period, it will asynchronously be POST’ing the ‘PodStatus’ to the apiserver through the standard apiserver request loop.
via the CRI (Container Runtime Interface). The pause container acts as the parent container for the Pod. 25) The network is plumbed to the Pod via the CNI (Container Network Interface), creating a veth pair attached to the pause container and to a container bridge (cbr0). 26) IPAM handled by the CNI plugin assigns an IP to the pause container.
are executed before the PodStatus is updated. 28) If all complete successfully, PodStatus is set to ready and the container has started successfully. The Pod is Deployed!