(V.O.) 4 --LINC THE WHITE HAIRED suffers. After conquering many worlds of both 8 bit and 16 bit, and tomes of paneled books... (tosses VIDEO GAME CARTRIDGES/COMICS aside) ...he?s now plagued with the curse of BOREDOM!
(V.O.) 4 --LINC THE WHITE HAIRED suffers. After conquering many worlds of both 8 bit and 16 bit, and tomes of paneled books... (tosses VIDEO GAME CARTRIDGES/COMICS aside) ...he?s now plagued with the curse of BOREDOM!
(V.O.) 4 --LINC THE WHITE HAIRED suffers. After conquering many worlds of both 8 bit and 16 bit, and tomes of paneled books... (tosses VIDEO GAME CARTRIDGES/COMICS aside) ...he?s now plagued with the curse of BOREDOM!
(V.O.) 4 --LINC THE WHITE HAIRED suffers. After conquering many worlds of both 8 bit and 16 bit, and tomes of paneled books... (tosses VIDEO GAME CARTRIDGES/COMICS aside) ...he?s now plagued with the curse of BOREDOM!
(CONT?D) 9 a black mirror with visions of adventure, romance, comedy and competitive baking challenges! Surely this will alleviate your curse of boredom!