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[DroidKaigi 2019] The best practice for Android...

February 08, 2019

[DroidKaigi 2019] The best practice for Android Text


February 08, 2019

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Wait… Is Text Slow? It’s just a text. No, Kidding.

    If text causes jank, everything is janky. Yes, but only for the long text.
  2. Today’s Goal You can write faster apps if you 1.

    know the what TextView is doing 2. know the tools 3. know the best practice
  3. Sample App recyclerView.adapter = object: RecyclerView.Adapter<Holder>() { override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent:

    ViewGroup, viewType: Int): Holder { return Holder( TextView(this@Activity) ) } override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: Holder, position: Int) { holder.view.text = sampleText[position] } }
  4. Takeaways from UI performance talk • Finish within 1 frame

    = 16 ms on UI thread • Analyze performance with systrace
  5. View.onMeasure “Measure the view and its content to determine the

    measured width and the measured height. “ https://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/View.html#onMeasure(int,%20int)
  6. TextView.onMeasure val paint = textView.paint (drawing configuration) val text =

    "Hello, World!" onMeasure(width={AT_MOST, 640}, height={AT_MOST, 480})
  7. TextView.onMeasure val paint = textView.paint (drawing configuration) val text =

    "Hello, World!" Blackbox onMeasure(width={AT_MOST, 640}, height={AT_MOST, 480})
  8. TextView.onMeasure Hello, World Blackbox 240px 24px setMeasuredDimension(240, 24) val paint

    = textView.paint val text = "Hello, World!" onMeasure(width={AT_MOST, 640}, height={AT_MOST, 480})
  9. Layout Build the StaticLayout after options have been set. https://developer.android.com/reference/android/text/StaticLayout.Builder.html

    https://developer.android.com/reference/android/text/BoringLayout.html StaticLayout.Builder.build() Returns null if not boring; the width, ascent, and descent if boring. BoringLayout.isBoring()
  10. Layout Perform line breaking to put longer text in a

    box. StaticLayout.Builder.build() Check if the text fits in a single line. BoringLayout.isBoring()
  11. Layout Perform line breaking to put longer text in a

    box. StaticLayout.Builder.build() Check if the text fits in a single line. BoringLayout.isBoring() Hmm…. still not clear. We need to go deeper.
  12. Text rendering stack TextView Minikin Layout ICU (Unicode Library) HarfBuzz

    (Text Shaping Library) FreeType (Text Drawing Library) Skia (Graphics Library) Paint Canvas Java Native from Google I/O 2018 Best practices for text on Android (Google I/O '18) Trace point
  13. Systrace again and again Why so many calls? TextView.onMeasure() BoringLayout.isBoring()

    StaticLayout.Builder.build() doLayout in Minikin The primitive method of computing the layout of the given text.
  14. Understanding Text Layout This is an example text. INPUT :

    Serif Corsiva OUTPUT: This is an example text. 240px
  15. This is an example text. ␣ ␣ ␣ ␣ Returns

    null if not boring; the width, ascent, and descent if boring. BoringLayout.isBoring()
  16. This is an example text. ␣ ␣ ␣ ␣ doLayout("This

    is an ", "serif"); This is an 120px Returns null if not boring; the width, ascent, and descent if boring. BoringLayout.isBoring()
  17. This is an example text. ␣ ␣ ␣ ␣ This

    is an 120px example text. 120px Returns null if not boring; the width, ascent, and descent if boring. BoringLayout.isBoring() doLayout("This is an ", "serif"); doLayout("example text", "Corsiva");
  18. This is an example text. This is an examp No

    problem. Go with BoringLayout! Text is too long. Need word wrapping!!! Returns null if not boring; the width, ascent, and descent if boring. BoringLayout.isBoring()
  19. This doLayout("This ", "serif"); This is an text. ␣ ␣

    ␣ ␣ StaticLayout.Builder.build() example
  20. This is doLayout("is ", "serif"); This is an text. ␣

    ␣ ␣ ␣ StaticLayout.Builder.build() example
  21. This is an doLayout("an ", "serif"); This is an text.

    ␣ ␣ ␣ ␣ StaticLayout.Builder.build() example
  22. This is an example doLayout("example ", "Corsiva"); This is an

    text. ␣ ␣ ␣ ␣ StaticLayout.Builder.build() example
  23. This is an ex- example ex- ample exam- ple doLayout("ex-",

    "Corsiva"); This is an text. ␣ ␣ ␣ ␣ StaticLayout.Builder.build() example
  24. This is an exam- This is an text. ␣ ␣

    ␣ ␣ doLayout("exam-", "Corsiva"); StaticLayout.Builder.build() example ex- ample exam- ple example
  25. This is an ex- ample This is an text. ␣

    ␣ ␣ ␣ doLayout("ample", "Corsiva"); StaticLayout.Builder.build() example ex- ample exam- ple example
  26. This is an ex- text. ample This is an text.

    ␣ ␣ ␣ ␣ doLayout("text.", "Corsiva"); StaticLayout.Builder.build() example
  27. example␣ This is an ex- text. ample This is an

    text. ␣ ␣ ␣ ␣ StaticLayout.Builder.build() This is an ex- text. ample example exam- This␣ is␣ an␣ text. example␣ For words: 5 times For Hyphenation: 3 times example
  28. This is an ex- text. ample This is an text.

    ␣ ␣ ␣ ␣ StaticLayout.Builder.build() This is an ex- text. ample example exam- This␣ is␣ an␣ example␣ text. example␣ For words: 5 times For Hyphenation: 3 times What happens if we disable hyphenation? example
  29. Turn OFF Hyphenation <style name="MyTextAppearance" parent="TextAppearance.AppCompat"> <item name="android:hyphenationFrequency">none</item> </style> textView.apply

    { hyphenationFrequency = Layout.HYPHENATION_FREQUENCY_NONE } <TextView android:hyphenationFrequency="none" />
  30. Layout Cache to␣ be, or not to be, ␣ ␣

    ␣ ␣ Same Layout Same Layout
  31. Layout Cache to␣ be, or not to be, ␣ ␣

    ␣ ␣ Let’s reuse the previous result!
  32. Layout Cache to␣ be, or not to be, ␣ ␣

    ␣ ␣ Layout Cache Text Shaper .ttf .otf
  33. Layout Cache to␣ be, or not to be, ␣ ␣

    ␣ ␣ Text Shaper .ttf .otf Layout Cache
  34. Layout Cache to␣ be, or not to be, ␣ ␣

    ␣ ␣ Text Shaper .ttf .otf Layout Cache to
  35. Layout Cache to␣ be, or not to be, ␣ ␣

    ␣ ␣ Text Shaper .ttf .otf Layout Cache to to
  36. Layout Cache to␣ be, or not to be, ␣ ␣

    ␣ ␣ Text Shaper .ttf .otf Layout Cache to to
  37. Layout Cache to␣ be, or not to be, ␣ ␣

    ␣ ␣ Text Shaper .ttf .otf Layout Cache be, to to
  38. Layout Cache to␣ be, or not to be, ␣ ␣

    ␣ ␣ Text Shaper .ttf .otf Layout Cache be, to to be,
  39. Layout Cache to␣ be, or not to be, ␣ ␣

    ␣ ␣ Text Shaper .ttf .otf Layout Cache or be, to to be, or
  40. Layout Cache to␣ be, or not to be, ␣ ␣

    ␣ ␣ Text Shaper .ttf .otf Layout Cache not or be, to to be, not or
  41. Layout Cache to␣ be, or not to be, ␣ ␣

    ␣ ␣ Text Shaper .ttf .otf to be, not or Layout Cache not or be to
  42. Layout Cache to␣ be, or not to be, ␣ ␣

    ␣ ␣ Text Shaper .ttf .otf to be, not or to Layout Cache to not or be,
  43. Layout Cache to␣ be, or not to be, ␣ ␣

    ␣ ␣ Text Shaper .ttf .otf to be, not or Layout Cache to not or be, to
  44. Layout Cache to␣ be, or not to be, ␣ ␣

    ␣ ␣ Text Shaper .ttf .otf to be, not or to be, Layout Cache be, to not or
  45. Layout Cache to␣ be, or not to be, ␣ ␣

    ␣ ␣ Text Shaper .ttf .otf to be, not or to be, Layout Cache be, to not or
  46. Layout Cache (just after BoringLayout.isBoring) Text Shaper .ttf .otf Layout

    Cache text. example an is This This is an text. ␣ ␣ ␣ ␣ example This is an example text.
  47. Layout Cache (Line breaking) Text Shaper .ttf .otf Layout Cache

    text. example an is This This is an text. ␣ ␣ ␣ ␣ example Layout Cache text. example an is This
  48. Layout Cache (Line breaking) Text Shaper .ttf .otf Layout Cache

    text. example an is This This is an text. ␣ ␣ ␣ ␣ example Layout Cache text. example an is This
  49. Layout Cache (Line breaking) Text Shaper .ttf .otf Layout Cache

    text. example an is This This is an text. ␣ ␣ ␣ ␣ example Layout Cache text. example an is This This
  50. Layout Cache (Line breaking) Text Shaper .ttf .otf Layout Cache

    text. example an is This This is an text. ␣ ␣ ␣ ␣ example Layout Cache text. example an is This This
  51. Layout Cache (Line breaking) Text Shaper .ttf .otf Layout Cache

    text. example an is This This is an text. ␣ ␣ ␣ ␣ example Layout Cache text. example an is This This is
  52. Layout Cache (Line breaking) Text Shaper .ttf .otf Layout Cache

    text. example an is This This is an text. ␣ ␣ ␣ ␣ example Layout Cache text. example an is This This is
  53. Layout Cache (Line breaking) Text Shaper .ttf .otf Layout Cache

    text. example an is This This is an text. ␣ ␣ ␣ ␣ example Layout Cache text. example an is This This is an
  54. Layout Cache (Line breaking) Text Shaper .ttf .otf Layout Cache

    text. example an is This This is an text. ␣ ␣ ␣ ␣ example Layout Cache This is an text. example an is This
  55. Layout Cache (Line breaking) Text Shaper .ttf .otf Layout Cache

    text. example an is This This is an text. ␣ ␣ ␣ ␣ example Layout Cache This is an example text. example an is This
  56. Layout Cache (Line breaking) Text Shaper .ttf .otf Layout Cache

    text. example an is This This is an text. ␣ ␣ ␣ ␣ example Layout Cache This is an text. example an is This ex-
  57. Layout Cache (Line breaking) Text Shaper .ttf .otf Layout Cache

    text. example an is This This is an text. ␣ ␣ ␣ ␣ example Layout Cache This is an text. example an is This ex- ex-
  58. Layout Cache (Line breaking) Text Shaper .ttf .otf Layout Cache

    text. example an is This This is an text. ␣ ␣ ␣ ␣ example Layout Cache This is an text. example an is This ex- exam-
  59. Layout Cache (Line breaking) Text Shaper .ttf .otf Layout Cache

    text. example an is This This is an text. ␣ ␣ ␣ ␣ example Layout Cache This is an exam- text. example an is This ex- exam-
  60. Layout Cache (Line breaking) Text Shaper .ttf .otf Layout Cache

    text. example an is This This is an text. ␣ ␣ ␣ ␣ example Layout Cache This is an ex- text. example an is This ex- exam-
  61. Layout Cache (Line breaking) Text Shaper .ttf .otf Layout Cache

    text. example an is This This is an text. ␣ ␣ ␣ ␣ example Layout Cache This is an ex- text. example an is This ex- exam- ample
  62. Layout Cache (Line breaking) Text Shaper .ttf .otf Layout Cache

    text. example an is This This is an text. ␣ ␣ ␣ ␣ example Layout Cache This is an ex- text. example an is This ex- exam- ample ample
  63. Layout Cache (Line breaking) Text Shaper .ttf .otf Layout Cache

    text. example an is This This is an text. ␣ ␣ ␣ ␣ example Layout Cache This is an ex- text. example an is This ex- exam- ample ample
  64. Layout Cache (Line breaking) Text Shaper .ttf .otf Layout Cache

    text. example an is This This is an text. ␣ ␣ ␣ ␣ example Layout Cache This is an ex- text. example an is This ex- exam- ample ample text.
  65. Layout Cache (Line breaking) Text Shaper .ttf .otf Layout Cache

    text. example an is This This is an text. ␣ ␣ ␣ ␣ example Layout Cache This is an ex- text. example an is This ex- exam- ample ample text.
  66. Layout Cache (Line breaking) Text Shaper .ttf .otf Layout Cache

    text. example an is This This is an text. ␣ ␣ ␣ ␣ example Layout Cache This is an ex- text. example an is This ex- exam- ample ample text.
  67. Idea 1 Can I compute TextView.onMeasure() beforehand? Yes, but it’s

    hard in general. You have to know the measure specs: width, constraints.
  68. Idea 2 Can I warm up the layout cache beforehand?

    Yes, you can! This is actually threaded text layout!
  69. Framework vs AndroidX impl PrecomputedText - the framework impl •

    API 28+ • Keeps copy of layout result. PrecomputedTextCompat - the backported version in AndroidX • Effective on API 21+ • Just warms up the layout cache before API 28. • The cache may be purged when needed. (by default, LRU 5000 words limit)
  70. Use PrecomputedTextCompat On API 28+, use framework implementation. Don’t use

    framework impl and always use AndroidX impl. (Crash happens on some environment.) Between API 21 to 28, warm up layout cache. val computedText = PrecomputedTextCompat.create(text, tv.textMetricsParamsCompat)
  71. Utilities for threaded text layout val textFuture = PrecomputedTextCompat.getTextFuture(text, tv.textMetricsParamsCompat,

    null /* You can pass custom Executor */) // AppcompatTextView will call Future.get() to resolve the measurement when needed. tv.setTextFuture(textFuture)
  72. Integrate with RecyclerView recyclerView.adapter = object: RecyclerView.Adapter<Holder>() { override fun

    onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): Holder { return Holder( TextView(this@Activity) ) } override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: Holder, position: Int) { holder.view.text = sampleText[position] } }
  73. recyclerView.adapter = object: RecyclerView.Adapter<Holder>() { override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType:

    Int): Holder { return Holder( TextView(this@Activity) ) } override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: Holder, position: Int) { holder.view.text = sampleText[position] } } Integrate with RecyclerView
  74. recyclerView.adapter = object: RecyclerView.Adapter<Holder>() { override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType:

    Int): Holder { return Holder( AppCompatTextView(this@Activity) ) } override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: Holder, position: Int) { Holder.view.apply { setTextFuture(PrecomputedTextCompat.getTextFuture( sampleText[position], textMetricsParamsCompat, null)) } } } Integrate with RecyclerView
  75. Integrate with RecyclerView Prefetch Text Layout in RecyclerView by Chris

    https://medium.com/androiddevelopers/prefetch-text-layout-in-recyclerview-4ac f9103f438
  76. Conclusion 0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 25.00 20.00 22.33 7.20 Hyphenation

    Off Hyphenation On UI Thread Load milliseconds
  77. Conclusion 0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 25.00 20.00 22.33 7.20 1.17

    0.62 Hyphenation Off Hyphenation On Hyphenation Off Hyphenation On Precomputed UI Thread Load milliseconds
  78. Note • Always use PrecomputedTextCompat in AndroidX • There was

    a giant mutex lock during doing text layout. ◦ Removed from API 28 • Hyphenation depends on the language. ◦ No hyphenation for Japanese, i.e. no performance gain by turning off
  79. Typeface.Builder • Replacement for createFromAsset, createFromFile. • Variable Font Support

    (later) • Font Collection Support textView1.typeface = Typeface.Builder(assets, "NotoSansCJK-Regular.ttc") .setTtcIndex(0).build() textView2.typeface = Typeface.Builder(assets, "NotoSansCJK-Regular.ttc") .setTtcIndex(1).build() textView3.typeface = Typeface.Builder(assets, "NotoSansCJK-Regular.ttc") .setTtcIndex(2).build() textView4.typeface = Typeface.Builder(assets, "NotoSansCJK-Regular.ttc") .setTtcIndex(3).build()
  80. Variable Font • OpenType Variable Font • Either string representation

    or FontVariationAxis class can be used. textView1.typeface = Typeface.Builder(assets, "AdobeVFPrototype.ttf") .setFontVariationSettings("'wght' 200").build() textView2.typeface = Typeface.Builder(assets, "AdobeVFPrototype.ttf") .setFontVariationSettings("'wght' 400").build() textView3.typeface = Typeface.Builder(assets, "AdobeVFPrototype.ttf") .setFontVariationSettings("'wght' 700").build() textView4.typeface = Typeface.Builder(assets, "AdobeVFPrototype.ttf") .setFontVariationSettings("'wght' 900").build()
  81. Locale List Fallback • Font selector is now aware of

    locale list • By default, system locale settings is used. textView1.textLocales = LocaleList.forLanguageTags("en-US,ja-JP") textView2.textLocales = LocaleList.forLanguageTags("en-US,zh-CN") textView3.textLocales = LocaleList.forLanguageTags("en-US,zh-TW") textView4.textLocales = LocaleList.forLanguageTags("ja-JP,zh-TW")
  82. Serif Fallback • System font is now aware of serif

    font. • Use serif font if fontFamily=”serif” is specified.
  83. Performance Improvement • Removed giant mutex lock during doing text

    layout. 0 25 50 75 100 milliseconds 125 150 175 API 27 API 27 API 27 API 28 1 thread 2 threads 4 thread 8 threads 34.9 49.0 82.1 318.7 22.1 22.5 26.5 82.6
  84. Line Spacing Improvement • Avoid glyph overlap for the taller

    glyph languages. • Enabled by default API 28+ • You can move back to old impl by specifying fallbackLineSpacing=”false”
  85. Q&A