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Introduction to ExtReact, ExtAngular and ExtWeb...

June 06, 2019

Introduction to ExtReact, ExtAngular and ExtWebComponents


June 06, 2019

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  4. Olga Petrova, @tyoushe ExtReact 8 import React, { Component }

    from 'react'; import { Grid, Column } from '@sencha/ext-modern'; export default class MyGrid extends Component { store = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {...}); render() { return ( <Grid title="Stock Prices" store={this.store}> <Column text="Company" dataIndex="name" width="150"/> <Column text="Price" width="85" dataIndex="price" formatter='usMoney‘/> </Grid> ) } } MyGrid.js
  5. Olga Petrova, @tyoushe <container padding="10" layout="fit" [fitToParent]="true"> <grid title="Stock Prices"

    [store]="store"> <column text="Company" width="150" dataIndex="name"></column> <column text="Price" width="85" dataIndex="price" formatter="usMoney"></column> <column text="Last Updated" dataIndex="lastChange"></column> </grid> </container> ExtAngular 9 import { Component } from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'basicgrid-component‘, templateUrl: './MyGrid.html' }) export class BasicGridComponent { store = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {...}) constructor() { //... } } MyGrid.html MyGrid.ts
  6. Olga Petrova, @tyoushe Custom HTML Tag 17 class MyAwesomeButton extends

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  7. Olga Petrova, @tyoushe <ext-panel width="100%" height="100%"> <ext-grid multiColumnSort=true onready="basicgrid.onGridReady" title="Stock

    Prices"> <ext-column text="Company" flex="1" dataIndex="name"></ext-column> <ext-column text="Price" dataIndex="price" formatter="usMoney"></ext-column> <ext-column text="Last Updated" dataIndex="lastChange"></ext-column> </ext-grid> </ext-panel> import './MyGrid.html'; export default class MyGrid { constructor() { this.store = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {...}); } onGridReady = (event) => { this.gridCmp = event.detail.cmp; this.gridCmp.setStore(this.store); } } ExtWebComponents 21 MyGrid.html MyGrid.js
  8. Olga Petrova, @tyoushe Getting Started 22 MyGrid.ts Early adopter access

    to ExtWebComponents Trial: https://www.sencha.com/products/extwebcomponents/evaluate/earlyaccess/
  9. Olga Petrova, @tyoushe npm login --registry=https://sencha.myget.org/F/early-adopter/npm/ --scope=@sencha npm install -g

    @sencha/ext-web-components-gen ext-web-components-gen app --name MyApp Setup 23 MyGrid.ts
  10. Olga Petrova, @tyoushe • 115+ UI Components • Layout System

    • Sencha Themer • Sencha Test • Sencha Cmd integration • Ext JS component bridge • Webpack: Build and Bundle ExtReact ExtAngular ExtWebComponents