have made it the most popular way to find out that SourceKitService Terminated — @Horse_iOS // https://twitter.com/Horse_iOS/status/533027167488454656 @orta
code is littered with @objc. NSObject and a whole load more legacy #SwiftLang — @ColinEberhardt - ( Shinobi Controls ) // https://twitter.com/ColinEberhardt/status/ 531506177180700673 @orta
playground at least 20 times in the past hour. Hard to get excited about this… — @chockenberry - ( Twitteriffic.app ) // https://twitter.com/chockenberry/status/ 532270455537692672 @orta
in this Swift project. This stuff is far from ready… — @pieteromvlee - ( Sketch.app ) [^om] // https://twitter.com/pieteromvlee/status/ 531534471708020736 @orta
still much nicer than ObjC. Hopefully the expressiveness of ObjC is brought quickly. — @owensd - ( MS Office ) // https://twitter.com/owensd/status/524972593774743553 @orta
self] (_) in return self == nil ? RACSignal.empty() : self!.checkForMaxBid() } .doNext { _ in self.bidIsResolved = true return // If polling fails, we can still show bid confirmation. Do not error. } .catchTo( RACSignal.empty() ) } src @orta