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Déjà Vu: Uncovering Stolen Algorithms in Commer...

Déjà Vu: Uncovering Stolen Algorithms in Commercial Products

In an ideal world, members of a community work together towards a common goal or greater good. Unfortunately, we do not (yet) live in such a world.

In this talk, we discuss what appears to be a systemic issue impacting our cyber-security community: the theft and unauthorized use of algorithms by corporate entities. Entities who themselves may be part of the community.

First, we’ll present a variety of search techniques that can automatically point to unauthorized code in commercial products. Then we’ll show how reverse-engineering and binary comparison techniques can confirm such findings.

Next, we will apply these approaches in a real-world case study. Specifically, we’ll focus on a popular tool from a non-profit organization that was reverse-engineered by multiple entities such that its core algorithm could be recovered and used (unauthorized), in multiple commercial products.

The talk will end with actionable takeaways and recommendations, as who knows, this may happen to you too! For one, we'll present strategic approaches (and the challenges) of confronting culpable commercial entities (and their legal teams). Moreover, we’ll provide recommendations for corporations to ensure this doesn’t happen in the first place, thus ensuring that our community can remain cohesively focused on its mutual goals.

Patrick Wardle

August 13, 2022

More Decks by Patrick Wardle

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  1. The Hunt OUTLINE The Victim Proving Equivalence Describe approaches to

    uncovering, confirming, and resolving, 
 the unauthorized use of "stolen" code in commercial products. Goals: Resolutions
  2. OVERSIGHT a mic & webcam monitor (macOS) Released @ Virus

    Bulletin 2016 Mic & webcam monitor Identify process Detect piggy-backing ...prior to any macOS protections :) "killer" feature free, but close-sourced 
 (open-sourced as of 2021)
  3. OVERSIGHT vs. malware AVFMediaRecorderControl::setupSessionForCapture(void) proc 
 call AVFCameraSession::state(void)

 call AVFAudioInputSelectorControl::createCaptureDevice(void) 
 lea rdx, "Could not connect the video recorder" 
 call QMediaRecorderControl::error(int,QString const&) 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 malware: Mokes Mokes 
 ... and many more! 
 Webcam "aware" (macOS) malware: OverSight vs. Mokes Webcam capture via AVFoundation
  4. OVERSIGHT vs. 0days vulnerabilities "A [0day] vulnerability in the Mac

    Zoom Client allows any malicious website to enable your camera without your permission" bug credit: Jonathan Leitschuh "A zero-day [exploited by XCSSET malware] allows an attacker to bypass Apple’s TCC protections which safeguard privacy" analysis: Jamf OverSight vs. 0day OverSight vs. 0day
  5. OVERSIGHT vs. legitimate apps "Forget the NSA, it's Shazam that's

    always listening!" 
 objective-see.org/blog/blog_0x13.html OverSight vs. Shazam Shazam, was always listening :/
  6. PROCESS IDENTIFICATION a must! but the APIs aren't helpful CMIODeviceID

    cameraID = <id of built in camera>; 
 UInt32 isRunning = 0; 
 UInt32 propertySize = 0; 
 CMIOObjectPropertyAddress propertyStruct = {0}; 
 propertySize = sizeof(isRunning); 
 propertyStruct.mScope = kCMIOObjectPropertyScopeGlobal; 
 propertyStruct.mSelector = kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceIsRunningSomewhere; 
 CMIOObjectGetPropertyData(cameraID, &propertyStruct, 0, NULL, 
 sizeof(kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceIsRunningSomewhere), &propertySize, &isRunning); 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 code for: "is camera on" The system APIs do not tell us: 
 which process is accessing the webcam (or microphone) }
  7. OVERSIGHT'S PROCESS IDENTIFICATION step one: enumerate mach messages (ports) Camera/mic

 (eg. VDCAssistant, 
 AppleCameraAssistant, etc.) mach msg # lsmp -p <camera assistant> ... 0x00009f1f 0xbf7f289d send-once -> 
 0x0000000000000000 0x0001f60b (34770) zoom.us lsmp /usr/bin/lsmp entitled: "com.apple.system-task-ports.read" 
 (allows the listing of mach ports) Listing mach ports 
 (via lsmp) Oversight Candidate processes
  8. programmatically enumerating "mach senders" -(NSMutableDictionary*)enumMachSenders:(pid_t)targetProcess { 
 //exec 'lsmp'

    w/ pid of camera assistant to get mach ports 
 results = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:execTask(LSMP, 
 @[@"-p", @(targetProcess).stringValue], YES) encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; 
 //parse results 
 // split on new line (then look for (<pid>) process name) 
 for(NSString* line in [results componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet: 
 [NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:@"\n"]]) { 
 //skip blank lines 
 if(0 == line.length) continue; 
 //parse on '()' 
 subStrings = [line componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet: 
 [NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:@"()"]]; 
 //sanity check 
 if(subStrings.count < 3) continue; 
 //extract process id (insides '()', so will be second substring) 
 processID = @([[subStrings objectAtIndex:0x1] integerValue]); 
 //add/inc to dictionary 
 senders[processID] = @([senders[processID] unsignedIntegerValue] + 1); 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 
 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 OVERSIGHT'S PROCESS IDENTIFICATION Executing lsmp (-p pid) & parsing its output parse output }
  9. step 2: query I/O registry (IOUserClientCreators) # ioreg -l ...

    | | +-o RootDomainUserClient 
 <class RootDomainUserClient, id 0x10000099a ... > | | | { | | | "IOUserClientCreator" = "pid 34770, zoom.us" | | | } Listing "user clients" 
 (via ioreg) Candidate 
  10. -(NSMutableDictionary*)enumDomainUserClients { 
 //get IOPMrootDomain obj 
 matchingService =

    IOServiceGetMatchingService(kIOMasterPortDefault, IOServiceMatching("IOPMrootDomain")); 
 //get iterator 
 IORegistryEntryGetChildIterator(matchingService, kIOServicePlane, &iterator)); 
 //iterator over all children (looking for 'IOUserClientCreator') 
 while((child = IOIteratorNext(iterator))) { 
 //get 'IOUserClientCreator' 
 creator = IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperty(child, CFSTR("IOUserClientCreator"), kCFAllocatorDefault, 0); 
 components = [creator componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet: 
 [NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:@" ,"]]; 
 //extract pid and save 
 processID = [NSNumber numberWithShort:[components[0x1] intValue]]; 
 //add/inc to dictionary 
 clients[processID] = @([clients[processID] unsignedIntegerValue] + 1); 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 
 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 programmatically querying the I/O registry OVERSIGHT'S PROCESS IDENTIFICATION Querying the I/O registry 
 ("IOPMrootDomain/IOService/IOUserClientCreator") parse results }
  11. #define SAMPLE @"/usr/bin/sample" 
 //invoke 'sample' to confirm candidates

    are using CMIO/video/av inputs 
 // note: audio/video invoke 'CMIOGraph::DoWork' (will be in call stack) 
 -(NSMutableArray*)sampleCandidates:(NSArray*)currentSenders { 
 //exec 'sample' to get stack trace of process 
 results = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:execTask(SAMPLE, 
 @[processID.stringValue, @"1"], YES) ...]; 
 //check for 'CMIOGraph::DoWork' 
 // note: both audio/video invoke this 
 if(YES != [results containsString:@"CMIOGraph::DoWork"]) { 
 //save process 
 } 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 
 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 step 3: sample process and examine stack trace CMIOGraph::DoWork mic/webcam API's 
 in stack trace? /usr/bin/sample: entitled with "task_for_pid-allow" 
 (which allows it to read (sample) other processes' memory) OVERSIGHT'S PROCESS IDENTIFICATION Executing sample (w/ pid) to obtain stack trace
  12. HOW WOULD THIS EVEN BE POSSIBLE? ...by reverse-engineering the OverSight

    application -(NSMutableDictionary*)enumMachSenders:(pid_t)targetProcess { 
 NSArray* arguments = @[@"-p", @(targetProcess).stringValue]; 
 NSMutableDictionary* results = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; 
 NSData* results = execTask(@"/usr/bin/lsmp", arguments, YES); 
 01 02 03 04 05 06 Reconstructed code Free! 
 (OverSight) Commercial 
 (...not OverSight) Technically trivial, ...ethically & legally; questionable! OverSight's disassembly
  13. OVERSIGHT'S ALGORITHM IS QUITE UNIQUE ...and is a bit janky

    (+ as we'll see, broke) Approach is a bit "janky" 
 (what, no regex?) Approach is very unique: No Google results 
 (for "CMIOGraph::DoWork") No "great matches" 
 (for I/O registry keys)
  14. HOW IT ALL BEGAN (2018) ...via malware analysis Flagged binary

 (on VirusTotal) "Riskware" / "PUP" 
 (potential unwanted program) method "enumMachSendersForProcess:" which execs /usr/bin/lsmp !? ...just like OverSight !? Familiar code?
  15. HUNTING VIA GOOGLE bug(s) in OverSight ...in others too!? Same

 ...but these aren't OverSight! Various changes in macOS triggered issues in other (non-Objective-See) programs too !? Bugs in OverSight
  16. HUNTING VIA YARA RULES ...and running across corpuses of binaries

    private rule Macho { 
 uint32(0) == 0xfeedface or uint32(0) == 0xcefaedfe ... 
 rule lsmp { 
 $a = "lsmp" 
 Macho and $a 
 } A match, with method named 
 (that invokes lsmp)
  17. PRODUCT #1 use of lsmp & parsing } method: "enumMachSenders:"

    method: "enumMachSendersForProcess:" not OverSight } Invoke lsmp (-p <pid>) Same: Ignore if less than 3 substrings Check for "-" character Split line "()" OverSight
  18. PRODUCT #1 I/O registry query & parsing method: "enumDomainUserClients:" method:

    "enumDomainUserClients:" not OverSight } } Query: 
 "IOPMrootDomain/IOService/IOUserClientCreator" Same: Split on " ," OverSight
  19. PRODUCT #1 sample process & string matching not OverSight Sample

    (candidate) process Same: Look for "CMIOGraph::DoWork" Delete sample's output file OverSight
  20. PRODUCT #2 use of lsmp & parsing Split (lsmp) output

    on newlines ("\n") Leave if no lines (count = 0) Split line "()" Ignore if less than 3 substrings not OverSight Same: OverSight
  21. PRODUCT #2 I/O registry query & parsing Matching Service: "IOPMrootDomain"

    Get Child Iterator: "IOService" Parse result, by splitting on " ," "IOUserClientCreator" not OverSight Same: OverSight Get Property Value: "IOUserClientCreator"
  22. PRODUCT #3 use of lsmp & parsing Invoke lsmp (-p

    <pid>) Split on new lines ("\n") Same: not OverSight OverSight
  23. PRODUCT #3 I/O registry query & parsing Matching Service: "IOPMrootDomain"

    Get Child Iterator: "IOService" Get Property Value: "IOUserClientCreator" not OverSight Same: OverSight
  24. PRODUCT #3 Invoke sample Look for "CMIOGraph::DoWork" (in output from

    sample) sample process & string matching Same: not OverSight OverSight
  25. APPROACH to resolve the matter Define your goals } Create

    Proof Reach out directly Professionally + your proof + goals for resolution Consult a lawyer eff.org optional, but recommended ! Money? Talks? Fixes?
  26. REASONABLE RESOLUTIONS ...what corporations (generally) want A license agreement An

    amicable resolution The majority of cases, the infringement is the work of a 
 single (naive?) developer vs. malice of the entire corporation. Non-disparagement ...and will pay! covering them legally "optics"
  27. ANOTHER WIN-WIN RESOLUTION ack'd + code removal & financial compensation

    Acknowledgement Code Removal Financial compensation
  28. FOR DEVELOPERS Assume your code will be stolen 

    if it's closed or open source). Hunt, confirm, approach 
 ...and resolve (+recover reparations)
  29. FOR CORPORATIONS Educate your employees (developers) tl;dr don't steal other

    ppl algorithms for commercial gain Implement internal procedures (scans, etc.) 
 ("Is this original code? Or where did you get it from?") If approached, work to amicably resolve any issues legal issues "optics"
  30. MORE ON PROGRAM ANALYSIS ...topics of reversing, debugging, & malware

    Free: taomm.org 
 For sale: amazon, etc...
  31. RESOURCES: Déjà Vu "Zoom Zero Day: 4+ Million Webcams &

    maybe an RCE?" 
 https://infosecwriteups.com/zoom-zero-day-4-million-webcams-maybe-an-rce-just-get-them-to-visit-your-website- ac75c83f4ef5 
 "OverSight: Exposing Spies on macOS" 
 "Zero-Day TCC bypass discovered in XCSSET malware" 
 Electronic Frontier Foundation 
 https://eff.org Uncovering Stolen Algorithms in Commercial Products