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This is for Everyone

This is for Everyone

With the help of Doctor Who and the Avengers, discover how to embrace the unpredictable nature of the web.

Paul Robert Lloyd

January 16, 2013

More Decks by Paul Robert Lloyd

Other Decks in Design


  1. 1964 BBC2 launches, higher definition 625-line 1967 BBC2 begins regular

    colour broadcasts 1969 BBC1 & ITV begin broadcasting in colour 1976 7.5m colour television sets sold 2013 13,000 homes still have black and white sets
  2. “ scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=long-live-the-web The web’s primary design principle is universality… it

    should be accessible from any kind of hardware that can connect to the Internet: stationary or mobile, small screen or large. Long Live the Web: A Call for Continued Open Standards and Neutrality — Tim Berners-Lee
  3. 5 July 2012 @marcoarment If you’re a web designer, you

    really, really need to get a Retina MacBook Pro so you can see how bad your site looks on it and fix it. twitter.com/marcoarment/status/220968507117015040
  4. 6 July 2012 @anna_debenham If you’re a web designer, you

    really, really need to get a cheap Dell monitor so you can see how bad your site looks on it and fix it. twitter.com/anna_debenham/status/221277339517067265
  5. “ alistapart.com/articles/dao It is the nature of the web to

    be flexible, and it should be our role as designers and developers to embrace this flexibility. A Dao of Web Design — John Allsopp
  6. “ blog.andyhume.net/responsive-by-default/ The web is responsive on its own—by default.

    It’s us that’s been breaking it all these years by placing content in fixed- width containers. Responsive by default — Andy Hume
  7. “ Responsive design is the most interesting, yet least important

    aspect of web design. WARNING: THE CONTENT OF THIS SLIDE MAY PROVE CONTROVERSIAL! — Me, just then
  8. What Users Want from Mobile e-commercefacts.com/research/2011/07/what-usrs-want-from-mobil/19986_WhatMobileUsersWant_Wp.pdf Not available 13% Didn’t

    function as expected 15% Formatting made it difficult to use 15% Crashed/froze 18% Slow to load 38% What is the most common problem you’ve encountered accessing websites on your mobile phone? “
  9. Total Transfer Size and Total Requests: Top 1000 Sites httparchive.org/trends.php

    600 700 800 900 1,000 1,100 1,200 Dec 2010 Mar 2011 Jun 2011 Sep 2011 Dec 2011 Mar 2012 Jun 2012 Sep 2012 Dec 2012 82 84 84 87 90 90 91 92 101 Total Requests Total Transfer Size (kB)
  10. Average Bytes per Page by Content Type httparchive.org/interesting.php CSS 35

    kB HTML 53 kB Other 91 kB Flash 91 kB Scripts 207 kB Images 793 kB Total 1284 kB
  11. “ blog.cloudfour.com/first-thing-you-should-do-to-optimize-your-desktop-site-for-mobile/ If you could only do one thing to

    prepare your desktop site for mobile, and had to choose between employing media queries to make it look good or optimizing the site for performance, you would be better served by making the site blazingly fast. First thing you should do to optimize your desktop site for mobile — Jason Grigsby
  12. Flexible Adaptable Scalable %, ems The web Scalable Vector Graphics

    Flexible Adaptable Vectorised %, ems Remember to optimise!
  13. <picture width="500" height="500"> <source media="(min-width: 45em)" src="large.jpg"/> <source media="(min-width: 18em)"

    src="med.jpg"/> <source src="small.jpg"/> <img src="small.jpg" alt=""/> <p>Accessible text</p> </picture> The picture element: An HTML extension for adaptive images picture.responsiveimages.org
  14. Our front page makes 7 requests in total, at approximately

    21kb. Everyone gets this initial payload… Cutting the mustard blog.responsivenews.co.uk/post/18948466399/cutting-the-mustard “
  15. Cutting the mustard blog.responsivenews.co.uk/post/18948466399/cutting-the-mustard …a block of JavaScript checks the

    capabilities of the browser before deciding whether to kick start the enhanced experience. “
  16. “ netmagazine.com/features/20-top-web-design-and-development-trends-2013 Although people now know web design isn’t print,

    they’ve forgotten it’s actually software, and performance is therefore a critical UX factor Interview with Graig Grannell for .net magazine — Stephanie Rieger
  17. “ alistapart.com/articles/the-web-aesthetic/ We should now have the confidence to choose

    which aspects of other media and platforms to take inspiration from, and which to ignore. We should be inspired by the conventions of other media, but no longer governed by them. The Web Aesthetic