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Getting the most out of Backbone with Marionett...

Getting the most out of Backbone with Marionette.js

Stratos Pavlakis

December 20, 2013

More Decks by Stratos Pavlakis

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Backbone.js • models with key-value binding and custom events •

    collections with a rich API of enumerable functions • views with declarative event handling • connects to your existing API over a RESTful JSON interface.
  2. View • el //div.character • ‘click .kill’: ‘kill’ • kill:

    function () {…} Model { name: Ned surname: Stark } • urlRoot: ‘/characters’ Template <span>{{name}} {{surname}}</span> <a class=‘btn kill’>kill</a> ~ part of a Collection
  3. Component B Component C Component D Sub Component A Sub

    Component A Sub Component A Component A
  4. – Me :) “It would be like a town with

    beautiful apartments and terrible street planning”
  5. –Phil Karlton “There are only two hard things in Computer

    Science: cache invalidation and naming things”
  6. Marionette.Controller A general purpose object for controlling modules, routers, views

    and implementing a mediator pattern / public API for components