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4th Virtual GreeceJS - Tech News

4th Virtual GreeceJS - Tech News

Stratos Pavlakis

February 03, 2021

More Decks by Stratos Pavlakis

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  7. Sqlcommenter 2020-11-28 14 : 17 : 04.310 UTC [2423030] :

    [66-1] db=waydemo,user=postgres LOG : duration: 400.145ms statement: UPDATE "demo_order" SET "created" = '2020-12-03T19 : 11 : 10.946783+00 : 00' : : timestamptz, "city" = 'Mountain View', "pick_up_address" = '6999 XXXXXXXXX', WHERE "demo_order"."order_id" = '0888a2e0-f81d-4556-aa55-76046186a045' : : uuid / * controller=‘assign_order’,db_driver=‘django.db.backends.postgresql’,framework='d %3A3.0.7', route='demo/assign_order' * / ORM auto - instrumentation library • Augment slow query logs with ORM informatio n • Trace ORMs with OpenTelemetry integratio n • Cloud SQL integrated
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