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Emin Bugra Saral - Integrating your Django app ...

Emin Bugra Saral - Integrating your Django app with Amazon S3

Amazon S3 file storage is getting more essential for many Django applications everyday. While it’s very easy to use, what are the tricks behind it to make your development time better? How to set permissions? How to upload your files to Amazon S3 on the backend? And more with real life cases.

Working with public Amazon S3 buckets is quite easy, but what about private buckets? What about the sweetness of bucket permissions? While we will dive into the details of managing S3 buckets for your Django app, we will face real life cases like triggering a Django endpoint when there is an activity on your bucket and using S3 as a storage backend on Django. What will happen if your client desires a static IP for Amazon S3 because of their firewall? What if your clients do not want their link to be public? And, we will do many of these by using boto3, the official AWS Python SDK.


July 17, 2018

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  1. Integrating Django with Amazon S3 Emin Bugra Saral lead software

    engineer ebsaral Born -> HTML/CSS/JS -> PHP -> C# -> Java -> Objective-C -> Swift -> Ruby -> Python -> Death (probably in 2038)
  2. • File based database • Backups and Storage • Highly

    scalable and available media streaming • Data Integrity (https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/ knowledge-center/data-integrity-s3/) • All of the things above can be based on custom permissions (Policies) • And many more… Just use your imagination.
  3. Why should you use it with Django? • I don’t

    know. I don’t wanna enter your personal space.
  4. Why do I use it? • Easy to integrate, manage,

    customize and maintain (AWS console - AWS command line interface) • Can replace FTP needs of the clients (over https) • Supports proxy servers (Squid - http forward) • Helps to analyze stored data (logging) • Triggers the backend to act upon any change (SNS) • Client/user based permission settings (IAM/Policies)
  5. • Bucket permissions / IAM management • boto3 usage (AWS

    Python SDK) 
 (instead of django-storage) • URL signing (why is it important?) • SNS message to the backend • https://github.com/ebsaral/pyconweb2018 Demo
  6. Real Life Examples • Recent elections in Turkey • Data

    analyze with Amazon Athena (serverless query service) - https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/ analyzing-data-in-s3-using-amazon-athena/ • A famous TV network using it for ads in other platforms • Lifecycle feature to delete temporary files on S3 • Don’t forget to mention proxy servers and why it’s needed
  7. Pricing • “New AWS customers receive 5 GB of Amazon

    S3 storage in the Standard Storage class, 20,000 Get Requests, 2,000 Put Requests, and 15 GB of data transfer out each month for one year.” - Amazon • https://aws.amazon.com/s3/pricing/