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Franziska Schropp - Don’t forget to break the w...

Franziska Schropp - Don’t forget to break the while loop...!

...and more fun with Python! In this talk you will see the world of Python through the eyes of a beginner. Are you in my shoes and just jumped into the world of programming? Are you teaching other curious youngsters (or oldsters) programming or just want to look back on your first contact with a programming language? In this talk, I will share my own experience learning Python from scratch up to (more or less) successfully tackling an actual real world problem.


July 17, 2018

More Decks by PyConWeb

Other Decks in Programming


  1. 4

  2. Baby steps! • Cook and Code: HTML, CSS and JS

    6 <!Doctype html> <html> <head> <title>TrustYou</title> </head> <body> <h1>TrustYou</h1> <img src="traveler-icon.jpg"> </body> </html> This was written in...behold… notepad...! ...but I leveled up with sublime text
  3. 7

  4. Summing up the first steps: • Getting an idea what

    programming is actually all about • Realization, that programming is not math, but following logic • HTML is nice to ease in, because you can see what you are doing • Training programs are good to build up theoretical knowledge • Befriend some developers :) 11
  5. Ok, let’s get more advanced... 13 • All your variables

    are somehow related to “derp” • Forget all the terms! tuple, array, list, dictionary...set ? • “Now it’s your turn! Define a function that…” Def not.
  6. Summing up the main struggles • You easily forget what

    you learned • Connecting small learning chunks to the bigger picture • The “real life transfer” is a big issue • Not able yet, to translate a problem into code on my own 15
  7. 20

  8. Summing up the wins... • Creating something I can send

    around to brag with • Creating something I can understand and modify • Slowly understanding the “bigger picture” and actual use cases 21
  9. “ An API is like a soda machine... You have

    to put a coin in, select a soda, and take it from the tray... The programming languages are different, like say: a cat, a human and a alien... But if they want a soda, they all have to: put the coin in, select a soda, and take it from the tray. The machine doesn't care who uses it... it only responds to this specific instructions 23
  10. What helped me the most: • Social interaction • Easy

    explanations with visual examples (e.g. the soda machine) • Funny examples and little games • A learning framework, like Codecademy • Real life problems • Patient help from my friends and the community :) 26
  11. Outlook! • Stay at it! • Think of problems to

    solve, try to solve them, get help if stuck • The internet is your friend, professional developers also google 27