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Full Stack Fest: Architectural Patterns of Resi...

Ines Sombra
September 05, 2016

Full Stack Fest: Architectural Patterns of Resilient Distributed Systems

Ines Sombra

September 05, 2016

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  1. Today’s Journey Forest Company 1 2 3 4 Motivation Resilience

    in literature Resilience in industry Conclusions
  2. Resilience is the ability of a system to adapt or

    keep working when challenges occur
  3. Fraction of successfully answered queries Close to uptime but more

    useful because it directly maps to user experience (uptime misses this) Focus on yield rather than uptime Yield
  4. From Coda Hale’s “You can’t sacrifice partition tolerance” Server A

    Server B Server C Baby Animals Cute Fraction of the complete result Harvest
  5. From Coda Hale’s “You can’t sacrifice partition tolerance” Server A

    Server B Server C Baby Animals Cute X 66% harvest Fraction of the complete result Harvest
  6. Graceful harvest degradation under faults Randomness to make the worst-case

    & average-case the same Replication of high-priority data for greater harvest control Degrading results based on client capability #1: Probabilistic Availability
  7. Decomposing into subsystems independently intolerant to harvest degradation but your

    application can continue if they fail Only provide strong consistency for the subsystems that need it Orthogonal mechanisms (state vs functionality) #2 Decomposition & Orthogonality 1 2 3 4 5
  8. If your system favors yield or harvest is an outcome

    of its design “ ” ~ Fox & Brewer
  9. Economic failure boundary Unacceptable workload boundary Accident boundary Pressure towards

    efficiency Reduction of effort Safety Campaign Cook & Rasmussen
  10. Economic failure boundary Unacceptable workload boundary Accident boundary Pressure towards

    efficiency Reduction of effort error margin Marginal boundary Safety Campaign Cook & Rasmussen
  11. error margin Original marginal boundary R.I.Cook - 2004 Acceptable operating

    point Accident boundary Flirting with the margin
  12. error margin Original marginal boundary R.I.Cook - 2004 Acceptable operating

    point Accident boundary Flirting with the margin
  13. error margin Original marginal boundary R.I.Cook - 2004 Acceptable operating

    point Accident boundary Flirting with the margin
  14. error margin Original marginal boundary R.I.Cook - 2004 Acceptable operating

    point Accident boundary Flirting with the margin
  15. error margin Original marginal boundary R.I.Cook - 2004 Acceptable operating

    point Accident boundary Flirting with the margin
  16. error margin Original marginal boundary R.I.Cook - 2004 Acceptable operating

    point Accident boundary Flirting with the margin
  17. Engineering resilience requires a model of safety based on: mentoring,

    responding, adapting, and learning System safety is about what can happen, where the operating point actually is, and what we do under pressure Insights from Cook’s model
  18. Build support for continuous maintenance Reveal control of system to

    operators Know it’s going to get moved, replaced, and used in ways you did not intend Think about configurations as interfaces Engineering system resilience
  19. Traditional
 engineering Reactive
 ops unk-unk Probability of failure Rank Cascading

    or catastrophic failures & you don’t know where they will come from! Same area as other 2 combined A system’s complexity
  20. Code standards Programming patterns Full system testing Metrics & monitoring

    are MVP Convergence to good state Hazard inventories Redundancies Feature flags Dark deploys Runbooks & docs Canaries System verification Formal methods Fault injection Classical engineering Reactive Operations Unknown-Unknown The goal is to build failure domain independence Strategies to build resilience
  21. Thinking about building system resilience using a single discipline is

    insufficient. We need different strategies “ ” ~ Borrill
  22. Key insights from Chubby Library vs service? Service and client

    library control + storage of small data files with restricted operations Engineers don’t plan for: availability, consensus, primary elections, failures, their own bugs, operability, or the future. They also don’t understand Distributed Systems
  23. Key insights from Chubby Centralized services are hard to construct

    but you can dedicate effort into architecting them well and making them failure-tolerant Restricting user behavior increased resilience Consumers of your service are part of your UNK-UNK scenarios
  24. Key patterns Aggressive network timeouts & retries. Use of Semaphores.

    Separate threads on per- dependency thread pools Circuit-breakers to relieve pressure in underlying systems Exceptions cause app to shed load until things are healthy A lot more in the resource repo!
  25. Powderhorn insights Evolution of our purging system from v1 to

    v3 Used Bimodal Multicast (Gossip protocol) to provide extremely fast purging speed Watch their talk! Tyler McMullen Bruce Spang
  26. NetSys patterns Faild allows us to fail & recover hosts

    via MAC- swapping and ECMP on switches Do immediate or gradual host failure & recovery Watch Joao’s talk
  27. NetSys patterns Faild allows us to fail & recover hosts

    via MAC- swapping and ECMP on switches Do immediate or gradual host failure & recovery Watch Joao’s talk
  28. ImageOpto insights A stateless system is nice but figuring out

    the request cycle can be tricky Dependencies are hard: customer setup, caching layer, & libraries - we have to be resilient to all of them CDN Image Opto Origin
  29. ImageOpto insights Design error types & their handling carefully Failure

    detection & system operability are ongoing concerns Mixed-mode & versioning of data structures Validation & system adaptability Origin CDN IO X
  30. Redundancies are key Redundancies of resources, execution paths, checks, replication

    of data, replay of messages, anti-entropy build resilience Gossip /epidemic protocols Capacity planning matters Optimizations can make your system less resilient!
  31. Unawareness of proximity to error boundary means we are always

    guessing Complex operations make systems less resilient & more incident-prone You design operability too! Operations matter
  32. Complexity if increases safety is actually good Adding resilience may

    come at the cost of other desired goals (e.g. performance, simplicity, cost, etc) Not all complexity is bad
  33. Leverage Engineering Best Practices Resiliency and testing are correlated. TEST!

    Versioning from the start - provide an upgrade path from day 1 Upgrades & evolvability of systems is still tricky. Mixed-mode operations need to be common Re-examine the way we prototype systems
  34. IN DESIGN OPERABILITY UNK-UNK Are we favoring harvest or yield?

    Orthogonality & decomposition FTW Do we have enough redundancies in place? Are we resilient to our dependencies? Theory matters! Am I providing enough control to my operators? Would I want to be on call for this? Rank your services: what can be dropped, killed, deferred? Monitoring and alerting in place? The existence of this stresses diligence on the other two areas Have we done everything we can? Abandon hope and resort to human sacrifices tl;dr
  35. IN DESIGN OPERABILITY tl;dr Test dependency failures Code reviews !=

    tests. Have both Distrust client behavior, even if they are internal Version (APIs, protocols, disk formats) from the start Checksum all the things Error handling, circuit breakers, backpressure, leases, timeouts Automation shortcuts taken while rushed will come back to haunt you Release stability is often tied to system stability. Iron out your deploy process Link alerts to playbooks Consolidate system configuration (data bags, config file, etc) Operators determine resilience
  36. We can’t recover from lack of design. Not minding harvest/yield

    means we sign up for a redesign the moment we finish coding “ ” ~ Me last year
  37. Good design is hard. Unknowns are hard to predict. Let

    the tenets we discussed today guide your redesigns. “ ” ~ Me today