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Embracing the Customizer

Embracing the Customizer

Luke Williams

February 21, 2013

More Decks by Luke Williams

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Now

  2. // PHP 5.3 add_action("customize_register",function($wpc){ // code here }); // equivalent

    to add_action("customize_register","named_function"); function named_function($wpc){ // code here }
  3. # mytheme/lib/customizer.php $wpc->add_setting("mytheme_options[heading]",array( "default" => "Default Heading", "type" => "option"

    )); # mytheme/index.php $options = get_option("mytheme_options"); $heading = $options["heading"];
  4. # text $wpc->add_control("mythemes_option[heading]",array( "label" => "Custom Heading", "section" => "heading_section",

    "setting" => "mytheme_options[heading]", "type" => "text" )); # checkbox $wpc->add_control("mytheme_options[heading]",array( "label" => "A Checkbox", "section" => "heading_section", "setting" => "mytheme_options[heading]", "type" => "checkbox" ));
  5. # select $wpc->add_control("mytheme_options[heading]",array( "label" => "A Checkbox", "section" => "heading_section",

    "setting" => "mytheme_options[heading]", "type" => "select", "choices" => array( "value 1" => "text for 1", "value 2" => "text for 2" ) )); # radio $wpc->add_control("mytheme_options[heading]",array( "label" => "A Checkbox", "section" => "heading_section", "setting" => "mytheme_options[heading]", "type" => "radio", "choices" => array( "value 1" => "text for 1", "value 2" => "text for 2" ) ));
  6. add_action("customize_register",function ($wpc){ $wpc->add_section("heading_section",array( "title" => "My Heading Section", "priority" =>

    0 )); $wpc->add_setting("mytheme_options[heading]",array( "default" => "Default Heading", "type" => "option", "capability" => "edit_theme_options" )); $wpc->add_setting("mytheme_options[blue]",array( "default" => "false", "type" => "option", "capability" => "edit_theme_options" )); $wpc->add_setting("mytheme_options[subheading]",array( "default" => "Hot Fuzz", "type" => "option", "capability" => "edit_theme_options" )); $wpc->add_control("mytheme_options[heading]",array( "label" => "Custom Heading", "section" => "heading_section", "setting" => "mytheme_options[heading]", "type" => "text" )); $wpc->add_control("mytheme_options[blue]",array( "label" => "Make It Blue?", "section" => "heading_section", "setting" => "mytheme_options[blue]", "type" => "checkbox" )); $wpc->add_control("mytheme_options[subheading]",array( "label" => "subheading?", "section" => "heading_section", "setting" => "mytheme_options[subheading]", "type" => "select", "choices" => array( "Hot Fuzz" => "Hot Fuzz", "Shaun of the Dead" => "Shaun of the Dead", "The World Ends" => "The World Ends" ) )); });
  7. $colour_control = new WP_Customize_Color_Control( $wpc, 'mytheme_options[blue]', array( 'label' => "Heading

    Color", 'section' => 'heading_section', 'settings' => 'mytheme_options[blue]', ) ); $wpc->add_control($colour_control);
  8. $image_control = new WP_Customize_Image_Control( $wpc, 'mytheme_options[image]', array( 'label' => "Heading

    Image", 'section' => 'heading_section', 'settings' => 'mytheme_options[image]', ) ); $wpc->add_control($image_control);
  9. class WP_Customize_Category_Control extends WP_Customize_Control { public $type = 'dropdown-category'; public

    function render_content() { $dropdown = wp_dropdown_categories(array( "selected" => $this->value(), "name" => $this->settings["default"]->id, "echo" => 0 )); $dropdown = str_replace( '<select', '<select '.$this->get_link(), $dropdown); ?> <label> <p class="customize-control-title"><?php echo esc_html($this->label);?></p> <div> <?php echo $dropdown; ?> </div> </label> <?php } } gist.github.com/redroot/4997131
  10. # use postMessage transport $wpc->add_setting("mytheme_options[heading]",array( "default" => "Default Heading", "type"

    => "option", "capability" => "edit_theme_options", "transport" => "postMessage" ));
  11. # mytheme/lib/customizer.php if($wpc->is_preview() && !is_admin()){ add_action("wp_footer", function(){ get_template_part("lib/views/customize_preview_js.php"); }); }

    # mytheme/lib/views/customizer_previews_js.php <script> (function($){ wp.customize('mytheme_options[heading]',function(value){ value.bind(function(to){ $('h1').html(to); }); }); })(jQuery); </script>